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Re: Theos-World Carlos on "Algeo Archives On Line"

Sep 14, 2006 07:24 PM
by Cass Silva

Yes, I agree, the Ancient Wisdom nor the path(outer or inner) is for the feint hearted.  Theosophy requires warriors not missionaries.  Nothing or no-one is beyond questioning which should rule out iconaclastic worship.

danielhcaldwell <> wrote:                                  Carlos, you write:
 > Daniel,
 > Sometimes it seems you should rename your  sudy center to "Algeo 
 Study Center",  or "Old SPR Study Center".
 > Why using Blavatsky's namein your "Archives"  and then sow doubts 
 about everything she worked for?
 > Just asking, Carlos.  
 I have been a student of Theosophy and Blavatsky for more than 30 
 years.  I have encountered inquirers, students, skeptics, etc. 
 interested in Theosophy, the ideas, the claims, etc.  Students from 
 many different Theosophical groups/schools or none.  etc. etc.  Many 
 of the persons have questions, doubts, confusions, uncertainties, 
 Over the years I have found it best to deal with doubts, questions, 
 etc. in an upfront and straight way.
 Examining "doubts" if done in a constructive manner can be helpful 
 because there are always certain assumptions, certain ideas  
 behind the "doubt".  If one can get to those underlying ideas and 
 examine them and grapple with them, one can learn a great deal.
 HPB in first book ISIS UNVEILED stated quite plainly:
 "...none but the logician, the investigator, the dauntless
 explorer should meddle with books like this. Such delvers
 after truth have the courage of their opinions."
 H.P. Blavatsky
 or the courage to come to their OWN opinions or conclusions.
 Certainly HPB in that very same book "sowed" seeds of doubt
 about Spiritualism, Christianity, and Science.  And many of
 her critics have taken her to task for it.  But if one can
 work thru the doubts raised in her books, one can learn some
 very valuable things!  OBTW I love ISIS.
 So maybe I will put on my website those above words of
 HPB so as to warn those who are faint of heart or who
 so easily succumb to "doubts" to beware and maybe go to
 some other site which "spoonfeeds" some simpler easier
 version of Theosophy.
 Please Carlos, don't meddle with my site if it so bothers you!
 As to your "cute" little reference to me renaming my website
 the "Algeo Archives On Line" much do I even have
 on my site about Dr. Algeo?  Is this just a chance for you to
 throw another negative remark out about Dr. Algeo?  How 
 No I will keep the name of my site the same:
 Most students of Theosophy love my site but apparently you don't.
 Too my former boss at work used to quip.
 You might also take to heart some other words of HPB:
 "...Contrast alone can enable us to appreciate things at
 their right value; and unless a judge compares notes and
 hears both sides he can hardly come to a correct decision."
 H.P. Blavatsky

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