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Sep 11, 2006 10:54 AM
by carlosaveline


You write: 

"A moment of silence for the 3000 or so who died in the crashing World 
Trade Center buildings in N.Y. 5 years ago today.  (.....) The N.Y. Empire State Building (formerly tallest bldg in the world) had a bomber crash into it once...."  


And I would add:  a moment of silent solidarity for all victims of terrorism and other forms of violence, wordwide, in all time.  

May peace prevail,

Om, Shanti,   Carlos.


Data:Mon, 11 Sep 2006 05:00:29 -0700 (PDT)

Assunto:Theos-World Fast Incarnation

> Fast incarnation
> Thanks to Carlos for posting the 
> 1900 Letter and the comments. I 
> think it is genuine. Who else could 
> write about "service to that Supreme 
> Spirit alone"? What Dan doesn't say 
> about the people who thought it was a 
> phoney letter (except Harrison?) is 
> that none of them saw the whole letter, 
> as the Adyar version was excerpted, 
> until the Eclectic published the whole 
> letter in 1900. E. Small said that 
> someone just sent it to him out of the 
> blue, and didn't say who. Endersby 
> didn't think it was genuine either.
> The Tibetan "tulku" is an example 
> of a fast re-incarnation that John 
> refers to, and the reincarnating Lamas. 
> I doubt this is such a rare thing, but 
> consist of people who have a strong 
> desire to continue their spiritual or 
> work for humanity. I think they have 
> help getting another body, like Judge 
> and the sick Irish boy. Purucker 
> states his own experience in an article 
> in the High Country Theosophist. It 
> is probably a natural process too, of 
> leaving devachan early because of the 
> desire. (See Barborka's "HPB, Tibet 
> and Tulku") People NEED a devachan too 
> (except the adept), just like one needs 
> to sleep. Purucker refers somewhere to 
> a chela who had taken too many incarnations 
> in a row without Devachan, and could no 
> longer maintain his concentration on the 
> world, and would keep drifting off. He 
> regarded it as somewhat pathetic, if I 
> remember right, which seemed rather strange, 
> since it was the result of a spiritual 
> motivation. Mother Nature takes no prisoners! 
> K.H. writes in the MLs about the 
> near-dispairing state of the adept who 
> goes on through an act of will without 
> the rest and lapse in self-consciousness 
> of Devachan. Since Death is analogous to 
> Sleep, I think almost no one is aware 
> that they have died, just as you are not 
> aware when you pass into sleep and don't 
> say to yourself "I am asleep now." 
> Perhaps it is a "realer" experience than 
> just dreaming, as a part of the 
> consciousness is no longer tied to 
> the body after a while, as it is in dreaming.
> Marie says that Judge suffered 
> from an "inferiority complex." Well, 
> at least that is all tied up now, and 
> we understand Judge. Thanks for such 
> an all-encompasing masterly analysis 
> of Judge. Now we don't have to consider 
> what they guy was all about anymore!
> A moment of silence for the 3000 
> or so who died in the crashing World 
> Trade Center buildings in N.Y. 5 years 
> ago today. (Similar frequent Tradgedies 
> in other countries doen't seem to get 
> the press.) The N.Y. Empire State Building 
> (formerly tallest bldg in the world) had 
> a bomber crash into it once, with no 
> structural damage - which makes one wonder 
> about modern construction.
> - jake j. 
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