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Sep 11, 2006 10:32 AM
by carlosaveline

Jake, Daniel, Friends,


I think this exchange of ideas is most important. 

Initially,  I have a practical suggestion. Perhaps we should not involve Dallas Tenboreck's name or opinions in any controversy right now, as he does deserve our best thoughts from the highest or innermost  point of our consciousness, now that his upper triad is free and aiming at Devachan. 

Therefore I invite you people (and myself) to discuss the 1900 Letter leaving Dallas' opinions as much as possible apart from the debate.   

The analysis of the 1900 Letter goes far beyond what one or other of us thought and wrote  in those first "emotional" moments,  after the full text of the letter was finally discovered and published.  

The 1900 Letter has to do a lot with the History of the Adyar TS.  So, those who are not familiar with the Adyar's History may not easily evaluate its meaninfulness at first sight, while many of those who are within the Adyar TS (with a few exceptions) wil do their best to ignore the full text of the letter! That may explain why his key document has been largely ignored so far. 

As its full text had to wait some 87 years ( 1900-1987 ) to be "discovered", so the discovery of its true significance and occult strength has already taken two decades more, starting from 1987.  

(I would call attention for the analysis made by Leslie Price when he published the letter in "Theosophical History".   I should bring something from  L. Price's text here for us to evaluate it.) 

Best regards,  Carlos. 


Data:Mon, 11 Sep 2006 15:47:45 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World A Question for Jake

> Jake,
> You write:
> "Thanks to Carlos for posting the
> 1900 Letter and the comments. I
> think it is genuine. Who else could
> write about "service to that Supreme
> Spirit alone"? What Dan doesn't say
> about the people who thought it was a
> phoney letter (except Harrison?) is
> that none of them saw the whole letter,
> as the Adyar version was excerpted,
> until the Eclectic published the whole
> letter in 1900. E. Small said that
> someone just sent it to him out of the
> blue, and didn't say who. Endersby
> didn't think it was genuine either."
> Now I am somewhat puzzled by what your point is
> when you write:
> "What Dan doesn't say
> about the people who thought it was a
> phoney letter (except Harrison?) is
> that none of them saw the whole letter,
> as the Adyar version was excerpted,
> until the Eclectic published the whole
> letter in 1900."
> Should I have told readers what you add?
> I don't get your point. Even after they 
> (Harrison, Carrithers and TenBroeck)
> saw the complete transcription, they still
> thought the letter was not genuine.
> If you turn to the Jan./Feb 1988 issue, p. 12 of the Eclectic 
> Theosophist, you will see a letter from Dallas TenBroeck in which he 
> writes (in part):
> "I read with dismay the reproduction of an alleged letter said
> to be from the Master K.H....Its authenticity is suspect, to me...."
> So here we see Dallas had read the complete transcription and still 
> had the opinion as stated.
> Daniel
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