Fast Incarnation
Sep 11, 2006 05:03 AM
by Mark Jaqua
Fast incarnation
Thanks to Carlos for posting the
1900 Letter and the comments. I
think it is genuine. Who else could
write about "service to that Supreme
Spirit alone"? What Dan doesn't say
about the people who thought it was a
phoney letter (except Harrison?) is
that none of them saw the whole letter,
as the Adyar version was excerpted,
until the Eclectic published the whole
letter in 1900. E. Small said that
someone just sent it to him out of the
blue, and didn't say who. Endersby
didn't think it was genuine either.
The Tibetan "tulku" is an example
of a fast re-incarnation that John
refers to, and the reincarnating Lamas.
I doubt this is such a rare thing, but
consist of people who have a strong
desire to continue their spiritual or
work for humanity. I think they have
help getting another body, like Judge
and the sick Irish boy. Purucker
states his own experience in an article
in the High Country Theosophist. It
is probably a natural process too, of
leaving devachan early because of the
desire. (See Barborka's "HPB, Tibet
and Tulku") People NEED a devachan too
(except the adept), just like one needs
to sleep. Purucker refers somewhere to
a chela who had taken too many incarnations
in a row without Devachan, and could no
longer maintain his concentration on the
world, and would keep drifting off. He
regarded it as somewhat pathetic, if I
remember right, which seemed rather strange,
since it was the result of a spiritual
motivation. Mother Nature takes no prisoners!
K.H. writes in the MLs about the
near-dispairing state of the adept who
goes on through an act of will without
the rest and lapse in self-consciousness
of Devachan. Since Death is analogous to
Sleep, I think almost no one is aware
that they have died, just as you are not
aware when you pass into sleep and don't
say to yourself "I am asleep now."
Perhaps it is a "realer" experience than
just dreaming, as a part of the
consciousness is no longer tied to
the body after a while, as it is in dreaming.
Marie says that Judge suffered
from an "inferiority complex." Well,
at least that is all tied up now, and
we understand Judge. Thanks for such
an all-encompasing masterly analysis
of Judge. Now we don't have to consider
what they guy was all about anymore!
A moment of silence for the 3000
or so who died in the crashing World
Trade Center buildings in N.Y. 5 years
ago today. (Similar frequent Tradgedies
in other countries doen't seem to get
the press.) The N.Y. Empire State Building
(formerly tallest bldg in the world) had
a bomber crash into it once, with no
structural damage - which makes one wonder
about modern construction.
- jake j.
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