Re: Theos-World Koot Hoomi on the Location of God
Sep 08, 2006 07:33 PM
by Alaya
Someone, who is kind of a 'head' in the TS in Brazil, said that K.H's
letter about GOD is completely FAKE
that sinnet himself wrote that letter
I think this is completely absurd. First because it's one of the best
philosophical material I've ever read, very similar in ideas to
Shakaracharya's, and Neoplatonists', for exemple...
second, if we read "the ocult world", or other things from Sinnet, we
will notice that his style is completely different.
and third that letter contains portions in sanscrit, a terminology
which Sinnet could not possibly know,
and also quotations of budhist sutras..
That letter is Simply AMAZING.. wonderful
and I'm sure this person said it's fake just because he is a high
priest of the LCC and his 'ego' is so grasped to the idea of GOD that
he cannot tolerate that a Master would think differently from him.
Is like Daniel Caldwell said, quoting HPB's words... one only
understant what he wants to understand..
a priest of a "catholic church" cannot adimt that a Mahatma doesn't
believe in the same God he does
--- In, "Gary Barnhart" <gbarnhart@...> wrote:
> Gentlemen and Friends,
> May a little insert be added to this discussion by the most
wonderful messenger HPB:
> From "The Key To Theosophy":
> HPB said "nor is it by studying one single
> branch of the esoteric philosophy, that a man becomes an occultist,
but by studying them
> .. all [p 24]. She further states that "This is Aryan philosophy,
fully represented
> by the VENDANTINS [ a school of Hindu philosophy which has its
inner and outer
> teachings], and the BUDDHIST system." The Buddhist system that
held this Hindu
> philosophy is the Mahayana school [with its inner and outer
teachings, p77&78], to
> which Mr. Sids Arharts retired [p13,14,43] .
> [ pardon me, as I took this from another letter which has nothing to
do with theos-world, and in that letter Mr. Sid is meant respectfully
as Gautama Buddha]
> Best Regards,
> Gary B
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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