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Sep 07, 2006 09:24 AM
by carlosaveline

Dear John DeSantis (Compiler), 


I will comment this question of yours: 

"When will the wonderful soul (the immortal eternal thinker, like all of
us are) that we all knew as Dallas in this particular physical plane
incarnation, of 84 years, who served humanity in such a great way,
return after his two after-death states of dreaming?"

There are some clear evidences and some hints, too, in the Mahatma Letters, that the average time distance between two incarnations --  for a soul who had a developed Manas and who lived a reasonably long amount of time --  ranges in fact  from 1,000 to 3,000 years.  This is, of course, a major difference with regard to Spiritualism or Leadbeaterianism. 

In the so-called "Devachan Letter", we can see the most important and detailed description of the process between two biological,  successive  lives as far as I know. But many other Letters from the Mahatmas address the matter in an enriching way.  Besides, there are long discussions on Devachan, written directly or indirectly by Mahatmas, published in the first years of "The Theosophist". 

Specifically as to the chronological distance between two lives, I have located some "hard evidences" in the Mahatma Letters. The data are  at home and I can bring them here. 

Every rule has exceptions, in the Occult Science, and the exceptions to the general rule of 1,000 -- 3,000 years distance include:

1) People who died too young to have a Devachan life;

2) People who had an under-developed Manasic or under-developed Buddhi-Manasic activity in life;

3) Others, more unhappy exceptions, not worthiwhile mentioning;

4) People who widely experienced in normal  life a state of mind which is the  waking equivalent to Devachan,  and therefore "Do Not Need Devachan" in order to purify and take a rest,  in terms of Monad/Atma-buddhi life.  These people are usually committed to the welfare of mankind and have already attracted some guidance from "above" because of the purity of such a commitment.   It is difficult, anyway, to speculate about 'who's who' in these matters, as the purity needed is at higher, occult  levels of consciousness;

5) Masters wrote that the last 60 or so seconds of the physical incarnation are the average result, or "resultant" of that  life; this short time of remembrance and revision "rewinds" it all, and determines the quality and direction of all after-life and pre-life process. Microcosmically, then, it is good to make a daily revision of life before going to sleep (as Pythagoreans recomend) since each day of our lives is like a small life on its own (Marcus Aurelius, the Emperor, knew that). 

6) Masters cannot do "favours" to anyone with regard to the period between two lives, and everyone must get the long Devachan "rest" unless it is really unnecessary.  But if one has the "merit" necessary to reincarnate quickly, then one will pay the price and get "hot" skandhas from the previous life. And this will be an extra act of sacrifice.  

7) One of the advantages of a long inter-lives period is that the divine consciousness is active all the time,  even if in a blissful dream, and even during the "arupa-Devachan" (its highest, 'formless' state) while the lower skandhas, on the other hand,  are getting weaker. That contrast prepares a fresher start in the next birth,  so people should not be too anxious to come back soon and lose the bliss of a long Devachan.  A long Devachan is only  conquered by a noble life.  

The whole theme is of extreme importance, as the very fact of clearly understanding the process of reincarnation deeply  does change the way we lead our lives. 

I suspect that, if it does not change the actual process of living,  it is no real understanding.  

Regards  and thanks for your commentaries,  Carlos.


Data:Thu, 07 Sep 2006 01:45:43 -0600

Assunto:[Spam] Theos-World DALLAS: About his possible AFTER-DEATH dream states

> DALLAS: About his possible AFTER-DEATH dream states
> Greetings to all,
> First let me say that I have mostly only known Dallas here and in the
> many different theosophical forums that he participated in on the
> internet (and in a few private e-mails), so can only speak about him
> from that point of view. But based on the wonderful and massive work
> that he constantly did to try and help people understand theosophy from
> the foundation of the original teachings, along with also presenting
> many of his personal views and understanding of the teachings, and his,
> to me, apparent love for all of humanity in the way he communicated that
> I saw in his many postings, I speak from this personal point of view.
> So, since he passed on and out of his physical body a few days ago, I
> have been thinking and wondering about the following things, and how I
> might post them here so as to share them:
> When will the wonderful soul (the immortal eternal thinker, like all of
> us are) that we all knew as Dallas in this particular physical plane
> incarnation, of 84 years, who served humanity in such a great way,
> return after his two after-death states of dreaming?
> Please know that I welcome everyone who can correct me if I am wrong on
> what I am about to say concerning what I think I read in the teachings,
> even though I don't remember where -- and that is that each of the two
> dream states that we all enter into after each incarnation, known as
> kama loka and devachan in theosophy (or hell -- bad dreams, and heaven
> -- pleasant dreams), are only experienced for as long or as short of a
> time strictly based on the energy of the life led -- meaning all of the
> thoughts, words, and deeds of the life just lived on the physical plane
> -- which expressions were at all times from either our lower nature or
> our higher nature.
> Others who actually knew him can say more, but I personally think, which
> is only my best guess, that Dallas was the type of a person who
> constantly thought about serving and helping all of humanity and didn't
> have too many lower nature mean and selfish thoughts and actions. And I
> also think that Dallas was the kind of a soul who would not naturally
> spend too much time in kama loka because he didn't put that much energy
> into the kind of mean and selfish thoughts and actions that would make
> for natural bad dreams of a similar nature, and who, on the other hand
> would not want to experience too long of a pleasant dream rest in
> devachan, even though he could probably naturally spend a real long time
> in that blissful dream state if he thought of that being his reward a
> lot and wanted it to happen. I personally think he would want to
> re-enter the physical plan again as a new personality, in a male or a
> female body, in order to continue on with his mission of helping
> humanity in some important way.
> I say the above possibility concerning Dallas in this way because, as
> said, I think I remember reading somewhere in the teaching that if one
> sincerely wants to and thinks about it a lot, and constantly focusses on
> it, especially during the later years of life when one knows he or she
> is near the end of this particular incarnation, and truly wants to come
> back fairly quickly to continue the work of serving humanity, this can
> definitely happen. Please know that I truly think in this way all the
> time myself; that is, that once I die and move on I want to come back
> fairly quickly in order to keep trying to help humanity in my particular
> ways -- with my hopefully helpful theosophical work, and with my
> economic vision for humanity.
> Please know that if I'm completely wrong, or somewhat wrong, about the
> very dear humanity-loving soul that we all knew as Dallas returning
> fairly quickly to another incarnation because he probably purposely set
> the stage for it to happen by constantly thinking of it, or if I am more
> or less correct about this being part of the teaching, others more
> knowledgeable than me can comment on this dynamic either way.
> I very much look forward to just reading everything that may be said
> about this, even though I personally won't be commenting about it any
> more or getting involved in any discussions myself.
> Forever yours in "Universal Brotherhood" -- I mean that most sincerely.
> John DeSantis
> (Compiler)
> -------
> -------
> > In a message dated 9/2/06 8:42:59 PM,
> > writes:
> > There is some unfortunate news to report.
> >
> > Dallas Tenbroeck is no longer with us.  He
> > passed on about 24 hours ago.  I do not
> > know the time more exactly than that.  I do
> > not know any more details than that.
> >
> > He was the mainstay of this list for sharing
> > Theosophical information.  He has helped
> > many people around the world.  He fought
> > for Theosophy with vigor up until his last
> > hours.  He was an inspiration for us all.
> >
> > He will be missed around the world.
> >
> > Dallas was a true and faithful servant --
> > a warrior of light.
> >
> > Now his task in this life is over.
> >
> > Thank you Dallas.
> >
> > Reed
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