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"...we need an outside Master...." ?????

Sep 06, 2006 09:14 AM
by danielhcaldwell

H.P. Blavatsky writes:

"...Yet I am enough of an occultist to know that before we find the 
Master within our own hearts and seventh principle--we need an outside 
Master...He is a Saviour, he who leads you to finding the Master 
within yourself. It is ten years already that I preach the inner 
Master and God and never represented our Masters as Saviours in the 
Christian sense." HPB to Hartmann, Path, X, p. 367 

"...I venerate the Master, and worship MY MASTER--the sole creator of 
my inner Self which but for His calling it out, awakening it from its 
slumber, would never have come to conscious being--not in this life, 
at all events..." HPB to APS p. 104 

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