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Sep 04, 2006 11:40 AM
by carlosaveline


I have to say that Dallas Tenbroeck deserves our friendship and his example is worth-following. 

Among his many writings, his study on the life of Robert Crosbie remains as an unique contribution, as I guess there is no other text available on the life of the main ULT founder. 

Dallas' contribution to Theos-talk and to the movement as a whole was outstanding. 

Om, shanti,    Carlos.,"Theos Talk"


Data:Sat, 2 Sep 2006 21:14:49 -0700

Assunto:Theos-World Re: [bn-study] unfortunate news

> I still can't believe that my dear friend Dallas has left us. To me, 
> Dallas was not only my friend, but my Teacher. I'll miss him for the 
> rest of my life. Rodolfo Don
> Here is a part of some studies on the Bhagavad-Gita that he and some 
> other students put together. He gave me those papers and I put some 
> of them on the internet. These lines are from Chapter X of the Gita:
> Krishna, continuing the teaching of Chapter 9 gives Arjuna a survey 
> of the vibhutis, or examples of perfection in manifestation. They 
> represent examples of his excellence present to the world.
> Since He is "the origin of all the Gods, and the Adepts" none of 
> those can trace his origin. But those who know, perceive "the mighty 
> Ruler of the universe...without birth or beginning, to be among men, 
> undeluded, shall be liberated from all...sins. (Gita, p. 70)
> Krishna lists the spiritual qualities that represent His nature:
> "Subtle perception, spiritual knowledge, right judgment, patience, 
> truth, self-mastery; pleasure and pain, prosperity and adversity; 
> birth and death, danger and security, fear and equanimity, 
> satisfaction, restraint of body and mind, alms-giving, 
> inoffensiveness, zeal and glory and ignominy, all these the various 
> dispositions of creatures come from me...I am the origin of all; all 
> things proceed from me; their very hearts and minds are in me; 
> enlightening one another and constantly speaking of me, they are full 
> of enjoyment and satisfaction. To them...I give that mental devotion 
> by which they come to me. For them do I out of my compassion, 
> standing within their hearts, destroy the darkness which springs from 
> ignorance by the brilliant lamp of spiritual discernment." (Gita, pp. 
> 70-1)
> Arjuna recognizes in this Personage who is his friend, a universal 
> potential, and declares some understanding; yet, since he has not 
> developed the needed universality to "see" Krishna everywhere, he 
> asks Krishna to choose a "form" under which he might be meditated on. 
> Thus, he says, Arjuna the devotee, using such a focus, would be 
> better able to visualize and worship him. (Gita, p. 72)
> Krishna, seeing that Arjuna was still burdened by the illusion of 
> forms, and a mind perception limited to his daily condition lists 
> further examples of his manifestation as those perfections in Nature, 
> already known to Arjuna.
> He begins with the statement:
> "I am the Ego which is seated in the hearts of all beings...I am the 
> beginning, the middle and the end...I am endless time itself, and the 
> preserver whose face is turned on all sides." (Gita, pp. 73-5)
> And He concludes the list, saying:
> "I established this whole universe with a single portion of myself, 
> and remain separate." (Gita, p. 76)
> On Sep 2, 2006, at 5:40 PM, Reed Carson wrote:
> > There is some unfortunate news to report.
> >
> > Dallas Tenbroeck is no longer with us. He passed on about 24 
> > hours ago. I do not know the time more exactly than that. I do 
> > not know any more details than that.
> >
> > He was the mainstay of this list for sharing Theosophical 
> > information. He has helped many people around the world. He 
> > fought for Theosophy with vigor up until his last hours. He was an 
> > inspiration for us all.
> >
> > He will be missed around the world.
> >
> > Dallas was a true and faithful servant - a warrior of light.
> >
> > Now his task in this life is over.
> >
> > Thank you Dallas.
> >
> > Reed
> >
> >
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