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Sep 01, 2006 06:04 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
Wednesday, August 30, 2006 Thanks Gordon: Let me see some notes on those SECRET DOCTRINE passages SECRET DOCTRINE 2 HH-191-301.DOC Hidden Hints in the SD Vol. II pp. 191 - 301 TO EDIT BY SHORTENING LINES (after 276) ================================================================ PAGE MAIN WORD DETAILS REFERENCES ================================================================ HH SD II 191 -301 191 THE FINAL EVOLUTION OF MAN 191 33. Seeing which (the sin committed with the animals), the Lhas (the spirits, the "Sons of Wisdom") who had not built men (who had refused to create), wept, saying: -- SD II 22 68 184 286 191 34. "The Amanasa (the 'mindless') have defiled our future abodes (a). This is Karma. Let dwell in the others. Let us teach them better, lest worse should happen." They did . . . . Glos 17 191 35. Then all became endowed with Manas (minds). They saw the sin of the mindless. EVIL 191 Evil had been committed unintentionally, unconsciously and produced an unnatural effect -- a 7th degenerate race In time it will find itself on the last day on one of the 7 paths. SD I 571-3 II 189 191fn Occultism one of the most pregnant statements in Occult meaning. SEVEN 191fn SEVEN DHYANIS - 7 Wise ones - fashion 7 paths (MARGA) or lines and also Races 191fn SEVEN - 7 Rays that fall from Macrocosmic Centers - 7 Principles in metaphysics - 7 Races in the physical sense. SD I 571-3 291 II 593-7 FALL 192 FALL occurred after early 3rd Race left stage open to those who had "separated." SD II 62 176-8 182 195 Early 4th Race and Cross Breeding 192 Hybrids Man/animals produced in Early 4th Race by animals tampering with soft eggs of future men produced intermediate races of monsters SD II 189-91 FAILURES 192 Failure - these failures belonged to the tentative efforts of Nature and were not allowed to live. FALL 192 FALL - however the "Egg-born" had taken several of Hybrids their females as mates and from them produced a further group of human monsters (SD II 185) Man began to "beget" children -- in this way he "begot" ANIMAL as well as human children. Anthropoids 193 Anthropoids: Orangs, Gorillas, Chimpanzee and Baboon are purely physical descendants of those mixed races and have a SPARK of purely HUMAN ESSENCE from the union of humans and semi-human mothers SD II 162 168 185 189 195 201 193 Man does not have a drop of pithecoid blood in him. Theosophy Mag Vol.86, p. 121 193fn Science speculations origin of man from pithecoids irresolvable differences noted SD II 168fn 261 522-3 646 661 686-7 193fn BRAIN size Man (savage) about 99 cubic inches Ape 30 to 51 cubic inches SD II 661 195 Nature never proceeds by jumps and starts SD II 475 Isis I 257 200 Anthropoids Arrested evolution of certain sub-races and Origins their forced diversion into the animal kind by artificial cross-breeding was the origin of the anthropoids SD II 192 195 688-9 201 Orang-Utangs red-haired hybrids Man/animal trapped Egos SD II 142 688-9 201 Apes - origin Further cross breeding developed into apes SD II 192 201fn Anthropoids - with every generation tend more to return to the animal like form of the gigantic Lemuro-Atlanteans. MANKIND 195 Humanity is able to INTER-BREED UNIVERSALLY. 195 Sterility the result of man's attempts to breed with animals SD I 180 184 II 59 192 287 381 Glos 96 195 Savage races - Lemurian and Lemuro-Atlantean [Tasmanians (extinct) SD II 332 725 [Australians (a portion) SD II 318 328 SD II 195-6 199fn 661 682fn 721 725 779 [Dying race SD II 162 195-6 332 779 [Andaman Islanders SD II 721-2 195fn [Yeti ? ] [Mountain tribe in China, the men & women covered with hair [Yeti?] SD II 162 168 193 262 280fn 287 756 775 [Veddhas of Ceylon (extinct) SD II 165-6fn SD II 286-7 421fn 723 199fn Australians the only pure and directed descendants of 7th Division of the 3rd Lemurian R. Race SD I 307 II 74 193-7 318 195-6 Sterility struck Tasmanians on advent of Europeans SD II 192 287 332 725 196 Jurassic era - Fauna (marsupials) and flora from Jurassic age SD II 7-8 197 314-33 763 197 Retardation Australia - environment develops with resident race SD II 64 172fn 260 779fn Animals 196fn Animals Soulless - no surviving conscious Ego-soul WQJ Art I 102 196fn Animal Monad reincarnates in a higher species no Devachan It has the seeds of all the human principles - latent in it. SD I 234-5 & fn 602 619 629 II 150 760 198 Origin of Language -- 4th Race Speech [ Mystery Language SD I xxiii 22-3 94-5 307-8 SD II 177 262 311 364 574 616 659 667-8 790 [ Senzar: SD I xliii 9 23 510 II 439 [ Symbols Language: SD I 388 [ Geometry & Vowels: Trans 44-5 WQJ Art I 181 LUCIFER Vol. 3, p. 317 [ Writing: SD I xxiii 335 438-9 443-4 529-30 SD II 364 440 top 547fn 584 662 721-2 [ Color Language: HPB I 524 fn [ Alphabets SD II 547fn 574 SD I xxiii 114fn 267fn 307 267fn SD II 364 581 [ Devanagri - Cadmus - Hieroglyphics - Sanskrit 198 1st Race ethereal / astral Sons of Yoga Speechless as devoid of mind on our plane Trans 45 SD II 117 181 185 300-1 346fn 661-2 198 2nd Race "Sound-language" - chant-like vowels alone 190 3rd Race 1. "Sweat-Born" Used sounds similar to those heard in Nature 198 2. "Egg-Born" - androgynous began to evolve into males & females 198 One "Lip" one language for whole Race SD I 229 341 II 334-5 452 760fn 198 Cities 3. Last 2 Sub-Races built cities and established wide civilizations under the 198 Divine guidance of Divine Instructors Instructors [Sons of Wisdom ?] SD II 29 272-3 762 - and their own awakened Minds 199 Thought was present earlier in "Sons of Will and Yoga" in whom the SONS OF WISDOM had first incarnated SD I 161-2 271fn SD II 191 SD II 161 167 171 185 204 228 286 318 423 428 199 Sons of Wisdom - Physical bodies used but Monads remained on a higher plane. HPB to APS p. 251 198 Monosyllabic speech at the close of the 3rd Root Race 199 "vowel-parent" - the "vowel parent" produced the monosyllabic languages mixed with hard consonants and China uses used by the "golden" yellow complexioned Chinese SD I xxix 94 SD II 335 563-4 774fn 199fn Language and writing coexistent 198 Sexual reproduction - began to reproduce sexually - this act 198 Gods forced - forced the creative Gods, compelled HH Creative by Karma, to incarnate in mindless men SD II 133 182 185 191 516 199 Mind awakened - Mind fully awakened in all men (prior to that -- thought-transference) SD I 537 II 117 168 181 185 280 [ WAKING UP OF MANAS ? ] 199fn Language coeval with reason and developed after men acquired active Minds by their being awakened "Thought and Language are identical." M. Mueller. SD I 464 II 760fn THOUGHT 199fn Thoughts, too deep for words do exist 100fn Thought impressed on the astral tablets becomes eternal 199 AGGLUTINATIVE SPEECH Used by some Atlanteans primitive speech: Rakshsi Basha almost died out. [ Agglutinative: draws together simpler elements of speech without loosing their meaning. -- Sanskrit: Dwandwa. Gita p. 75 ] 199fn Language not always able to express spiritual thoughts. "Logos" same as "Vach" Immortal intellectual Vach "ray" of Spirit. "Devasena" and aspect of Saraswati -- Goddess of hidden Wisdom. Kumara Spouse of eternal celibate Kumara - who refused to create, but later on were compelled to complete divine Man by incarnating in him. SD I 249 II 79-80 93-4 102-3 173 199 INFLECTIONAL SPEECH Agglutinative remain scattered as scattered "fossil" largely among aborigines of America SD II 444 790 199 4th Race "Elite" gravitated more and more towards the apex of physical and intellectual evolution leaving to the 5th (Aryan) Race the inflectional, highly developed language. SD II 200 439 200 Inflectional speech - root of Sanskrit SD I xliii 23 94-5 204 304 307-9 439 464 560 [SENZAR] - "Mystery tongue" of the Initiates. [ Mystery Language SD I xxiii 22-3 94-5 307-8 SD II 177 262 311 364 574 616 659 667-8 790 [ Senzar: SD I xliii 9 23 510 II 439 [ Symbols Language: SD I 388 200 Speech [ Geometry & Vowels: Trans 44-5 WQJ Art I 181 LUCIFER Vol. 3, p. 317 [ Writing: SD I xxiii 335 438-9 443-4 529-30 SD II 364 440 top 547fn 584 662 721-2 [ Color Language: HPB I 524 fn 200 Semitic languages descendants of first corruptions of the eldest children of early Sanskrit SD II 755 [ Hebrew: SD I 308-9 313-7 655 II 240 461-2 [ Arabic: SD I 288 360-1 II 431 452-3 554 [ Chaldean: SD I xxxiv xxxvi-vii xliii 10 [ Persia: SD II 395 390 608-10 756 200 Jews, Arabs, Chaldees, Persians, all Semites SD I xxix 319 382-3 444-5 SD II 147 203 266 426 457fn 755 200 Jews descended from Indian Tchandalas emigrated from India, 8,000 BC SD I xli 313fn 319 II 274 470-1fn 473 Isis II 216-7 361 438-9 PATH 6-347 Isis I 35 444 551-2 567 Glos 323 165 [ Jew, Iaho, Yaho, Yadu, Yadwas,... 200 A-bram a non-brahmin Glos 324 Thy Mag 16-342 16-194 SD II 77 130 139fn Is I 578 II 413fn 200 Arabs degenerate in spirituality and perfected in materiality SD II 42fn 406 603 746 - would not go to India but remained on borders 200fn Afghans Noble tribes "sons of Is-rael" SD I 313 II 439-40 471fn 473 Is I 439 Mod. Pan 45 RACES AND YUGAS 198 4 Ages Yugas Each of the 7 Races is divided into Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron ages (overlap each other) SD II 69 452 662 201 Age of amphibious reptiles 201 Commentary Fall into sin breeding men-animals SD II5 139 184 204 Separation of sexes at end of Satya Yuga Seasons succession began [Change in Poles] 201 Men appealed to the Nirmanakayas of the Nagas, the Wise Serpents, Dragons of Light and the pre- cursors of the Buddhas. 201 Divine Kings taught sciences and arts Man had to leave the Adi-Varsha (Eden, First Land) which turned into a white frozen corpse SD II 79 94 203 208 233fn 316 Glos 222 (3rd Race, Globe D, 4th Round) SD I 266-7 SD II 216-7 29 233fn 201 Nirmanakayas of the "Nagas" -- Wise Serpents Dragons of Light came along with the precursors of the Enlightened Buddhas. SD II 79 94 208 202 Java-Alheim - Supreme Hierophant SD I 207-10, ISIS II 98-103 202 UNLAWFUL esoteric knowledge acquired by men. SD II 215 229 203 India (Larger area)the cradle of humanity 202 EDENS, SERPENTS AND DRAGONS Glos 109 287 104 237 SD I 114 II 67 319 410 494-6 502fn Isis I 575 579 5 Yrs Thy 99fn 115 HPB Art III 284fn (Pamir) ML 155 202 Eden To Christians holy Paradise desecrated by sin of Adam and Eve 202 Occultists deny this as it is the reverse. Isis I 579 SD II 204 202 Gan Eden Archaic name for country watered by Euphrates: Hebrew Gan-Eden -- Gan-duniyas (Babylonia) An actual locality ( Chaldean Book of Numbers St. Germain St. Germain cypher Rosicrucian MSS SD II 234 MSS 202 Elohim say: "Behold the man is become a one of us." 1. "Gods" or Powers, and 2. "Alheim" or priests Chief "Java-Alheim" SD II 215 220 Isis II 31 100 103 202 Curiosity INITIATION ERROR Premature curiosity 202 Man's Error Instead of becoming a neophyte and gradually obtaining his esoteric knowledge through Esoteric a regular initiation, an Adam, or Man, Knowledge uses his intuitional faculties and Premature prompted by the serpent (Woman and matter) tastes of the Tree of Knowledge -- the esoteric or Secret Doctrine-- unlawfully. [ Original Sin (never was): SD II 261 413 ( Dogma origin: SD II 202 215-6 [ Redemption: SD II 246 513fn 515 420-1&fn [ Sin : SD II 202 699 I 383 [ Temptation: SD I 383 414 422 II 387 [ Yogis sacrifice: SD II 79-80 93-4 109-10 SD II 246 272-3 421-3 747fn SD I 210 267 457fn Trans 66 202-3 Hebrew scripture bears imprint of the Babylonian captivity - Shemites or Assyrians were the Turanians and the Mongolians are the Syths Imported from India SD II 130 200 773 203 Akkadians emigrants from India on their way to Asia Minor SD II 200 Isis I 578 II 576 203 India cradle of humanity Brahmanical Adepts tarried to initiate a barbarian people Bible (Babylonia) - source of Hebrew Bible - historical facts from other people's history 203-4 Pamir One of the cradles of Humanity and SD II 201-4 773 Glos 239 Ml 155 M. Pan 378 SD II 220-2 419fn 203-4 College of the Astrologers and Magi residence of Adept fraternity "Dragons of Wisdom" the Initiates SD II 201-4 220-1 319 400 773 204 Genetic Eden & Kabalistic Eden are different -- Wisdom, a state like Nirvana, a Bliss [Ananda] - abode of the "Sons of Wisdom" the 1st mind- born sons of the 3rd Race. SD II 203 494 Glos 21 232 204 Airyana-vaego Meru Abode of primitive 5th Race Meru SD I 127 II 291 324 366fn 401-4 416fn 785 SD II 767 Glos 12 - copy of the cradle of the first thinking divine man Paradesa Highland to the first 204 Sanskrit Sanskrit speaking people Hedone - delight 204 Jewish Eden copied from this SD II 201-2 206 204 Intellectual Man contains Eden in which grows the "Tree HH of Knowledge of good and evil man being the Knower thereof. [HIGHER SELF] SD I 210 339 II 53 74 87 SD II 81 98 109-10 184-5 254-7 274 458 626 733 204-5 Mesozoic Era "Fall of man into Generation" occurred SD II 340 346 206 & fn Man contemporary with Saurians of Mesozoic - described 208 GIANTS Giant SD II 204 208 710-14 I 364fn Glos 188 291 [ Genesis on: SD II154 236 284 [ Atlanteans : SD II 70 219 236 275-6 286 493 206-8 [ Cyclopean Structures: SD II 70 276fn 341 345-6 [ Fossils : SD II 277 293 337 347 689 752-3 409 [ Perished with Atlantis: SD II 219 350 753 [ See also SD I 114 II 336 749 754-6 774-5 205 Flying Camels and Dragons SD II 228 432 205 Pterodactyl SD II 151 183 205-7 218-9 254 387 676 754 206 Leviathan - Saurians monsters - sea-serpents - dragons Ceased to exist with end of 3rd Race SD II 218-9 258 268 477 577 684 712 207 Saurians - Some may have existed in Atlantean times but none are contemporary except very rare sea-serpent SD II 268 477 577 207 & fn Kirchner Error or lie in seeing/describing "Dragon" 208 Antiquity of man proved by description of dragons SD II 200 219 346 363 208 Dragons (of Wisdom) are different from Sorcery - "Serpents" (Sorcerers) SD II 209-10 Sun conquers - Sun conqueror of Python SD II 379 381 516 SD II 383fn 486 516 771fn - 7-fold meanings SD II 201 208 Brazen Serpent - Divine Healer - Aesculapius SD I 364fn 414 472 II 208 387fn Isis II 165 Glos 71 208 Cadeuceus of Mercury (wand) beneficent - healing SD I 253fn 549-51 II 208 304 364 379 580 209 Devil - a construct of the RC Church which itself is obsessed by It (devil) SD II 238 246 377 Is II 15-6 67 76 472-480 500-1 507-9 PERSONAL DEVIL DEVIL 209 "Personal" ? [ Personal Devil : SD I 412 II 377 475 SD II 508-10 209 RC invented [ RC Invented: Is II 15-6 67 76 472-480 Isis II 500-1 507-9 SD I 415 SD II 235 776-7 209 [ Mankind as "devil": SD II 228 478 507fn [ Pagan Gods made into: SD II 480-2 507 209 Serpent ? [ Serpent made into: SD I 344 410 422fn SD II 98 376 385 528 209 Satan [ Karmic agent: SD I 193-5 II 234 478 506 [ Deus inversus : SD I 411-24 II 510 [ Wisdom miscalled: SD II 60 94fn 234 237 SD II 377 530 209 SATAN [ Fallen Angel : SD I 194-5 II 60 229fn SD II 235 475-505 489 515 [ FATHER OF SPIRITUAL MANKIND: SD I 193-8 SD I 413 SD II 243 513 [ Serpent: SD II 111 388 SATAN [ SON OF GOD : SD I 412-4 422fn II 376 SD II 378 477 489 510 209 Nagas - study in India and Mexico SD I 213 Glos 213 366 Isis II 572-3 210 Disciples of the Dhyanis -- Adepts called THE WISE WISE "Dragons of Wisdom" by Chinese --"wise Men" of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Races SD I 273 657 II 26 94fn 379 381 384fn 507 210&fn Chnouphis - "Soul of the World" [ Agathodaemon - - Christos - Thoth-Hermes - Eichton - Knouph - Knoum - Kneph SD I 472-3 II 377 518 Glos 58 226 SD II 213 455 210 Incongruous image left on future history by Christianity devouring its sacred symbols. 211 Magic - Not invented by a divine Being. SD II 395 608 211 Hermes a generic name. So also Enoch (Enoichon-the "inner spiritual eye.) Nebo the prophet SD I 46fn 230 SD II 294-302 350 361 455 SD II 529-30 769 211 - enlightened by the Solar, Planetary Gods in Intellect the EARLIEST INTELLECTUAL RACE THE 3RD. SD I 181-91 II 47fn 74 167 193 300 319 [ Rudras, Kumaras developed: SD II 585 [ Saktis: SD I 292-3 211 Hermes - all were patrons of the Secret Wisdom SD I 272-3 287 611-12 II 153 584 794-8 211 Asclepios - son of Sun-god Apollo -- is Mercury Nebo - son of Bel-Merodach [ Baal, Siva, Saturn ] SD I 421 459 357 540 II 60 379 477 503 Sun - all Sun-Gods Glos 222 Is I xxx II 132 211 Sun's attendants (astronomically) during 12 solar months : 7 Types: 211 Nagas - Nagas Glos 222 296 SD II 132 181-2201 208 SD II 501 628 Is II 223 M. Pan. 223 ML 76 SD I 404 211 SUN RISHIS Glos 278 SD I 346 II 501-2 611 624 765 Attendants D of R p. 54 HPB III 166 WQJ II 10 [ 3 Types: Rajarishi Glos 275 Brahmarishi SD II 502 Glos 63 Devarishi (Narada) SD II 49 73 211 SUN Gandharvas Glos 192 SD I 523fn II 484-5 584 Isis II 107 SD I 521 523 211 Apsarasas - Glos 27 353 SD II 174-5 171fn 411 211 Gramanis (Yakshas, minor gods) - Glos 375 Gita 73 SD II 70 90 165fn 182fn 369fn Isis II 107 211 Yatudhanas 211 Devas Glos 98 ML 87 100 107 110 321 373 SD I 93 Is I 12 WQJ I p. 9 Echoes 43 Tr 97 211 - they are gods and men when incarnated in the nether [Patala, Earth - Hell ? ] world. 211 Genesis to Revelations in Bible is a series of historical records of the struggle between Magic WHITE and BLACK Magic -- Right and Left Path SD I 199fn 267 287 II 494 497 211 Sodales of the Right Path and those of the Left Path SD I 192fn 463 II 395 626 633 Glos 203 302 Isis I 301 409 555 II 377 211 Temples and Halls of Initiation built first in the 4th Race under the supervision of the "Sons of God." SD II 353 503 220-1 Is I 589-90 211 Pyramids [ Pyramids : SD I 125-6 208-9 314-5 321 SD II 226 351-3 362 420 429 462 558 616-7 Isis I 154 239 296-7 517-20 523 529 567 211 Sphinx [ Sphinx, Harmachus Glos 135 Isis I 573 211 Temples [ Temples: SD I 115fn 208-9 314-5 321 391 SD II 220fn 221 465 541-3 795 Isis I 25 550 523-4 564-5572-3 590 Isis II 380 389 448 525 632 211 Catacombs [ Catacombs, Labyrinth : SD I 321 II 379 586-7 Isis I 5 522-3 211-12 Jacob dying, describes the future of his sons as leaders in those 2 factions. Called Sod SD II 633 Glos 302-3 212 SOD Mysteries of SUN GODS Baal, Adonis, Bachus who used serpents for symbols. Levites used designation of "serpents." SD I 192fn 463 II 395 626 633 Glos 203 302 Isis I 301 409 555 II 377 212 Levites - Levites turned to Left path (Fiery serpents) departed from Moses' traditions and followed Black Magic Black Magic SD I 319 335-6 II 130 453 SD I 192fn 463 II 395 626 633 Glos 203 302 Isis I 301 409 555 II 377 212&fn Moses Chief Sodales (members of the Priest Colleges) Glos 87 SD II 215 220 460 531-3 212 Fiery Dragons of Wisdom and Sons of the Fire Mist are those who taught the Right Hand Path of Wisdom and Truth. [ 3 Lords Holy and Good: Dhyan Chohans or Pitris 4 less heavenly and full of passion SD I 86 140 207 271fn II 280fn 319 212 Differences in Human Nature derived from there -- - gradations of Good and Evil 212 "7 Tabernacles" ready to be inhabited by the Monads under 7 different Karmic conditions SD I 314-5 347fn II 302 420 212-3 Spread of Evil - made easy as soon as the Forms had become real men SD I 73 192fn 248 412-3 SD II 1 25 96 162 202 274 373 389 213 7 and 4 races of men (some theogonies neglect the 7 and speak only of the 4 - Popol Vuh -- Egyptian - but Pymander mentions 7 --) 213 Seventh Son - Seth to Set-Typhon Glos 296 213 Apap (Aphosis) - evil serpent slain by Aker, Set's serpent therefore Set was not evil. Glos 25 27 260 357 SD I 95 674 SD II 558 567 213 Serpent on Two Legs - a High Initiate - Hierophant Serpent symbol for him wears Discus (aureole) and Horns in hieroglyphics 213 Ammon The concealed Mystery God Glos 19 259 Is II 465 HPB II 438 SD II 135 464 213 Naga (Indian) and Nargal (Guatemalan) similarities traced Glos 223 228 94 237 C & J 62 SD II 182 209 214 Arjuna to Patala ( America) married Ulupi Naga princess SD I 49 132 182 628 C & J 62-4 Glos 170 352 214 Serpent emblem of CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN - Wisdom and Eternity - Circle of Tiphereth Glos 335 4 SD I 481 II 23 114 240-1 574 Isis II 293 214 Light and Shadow Wisdom and reflection in matter Wisdom and eternity Is II 293 quoted. SD I 200 HPB/APS p. 253 214 Agathodaemon & Ophis -- the Shadow of the Light yet the GREATEST DIVINE LIGHT ON OUR PLANE HH Glos 9 GN 133 SD I 431 73fn II 572 214 - both Logoi of Ophites and manifesting itself as a dual principle of Good and Evil. Glos 9 GN 133 SD I 431 73fn II 572 214 Shadow - enables Light to manifest -- objective reality - not evil but a necessary corollary which completes Light or "Good" 214 Shadow - It is the center of Light and creator on earth. [ CREATOR IN US IS OUR THOUGHTS ] SD I 413 II 225fn 214-5 Tau Serpent around T - Unity, ennoia, Ophis Tree of Life (spiritual) Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil SD I 248 II 95-8 230 Isis II 256 I 287-8 SD I 204 II 202 293 436 Glos 152-3 162-3 215 Ophis Divine wisdom urges them to eat of the forbidden fruit (to make thmselves wise) SD I 204 II 202 293 436 Glos 152-3 215 Banyan tree Sacred Gurus taught under it SD II 96-8 216 Glos 28 HPB III 134 215fn 2 TREES - Symbol explained in detail Glos 214 297 SD II 215 215 Java-Alheim of the Sacerdotal college are said by the Chaldeans to have taught the sons of men to become as one of them SD II 202 220 I 202 HPB III 134 Isis II 99-100 215 Buddha's Lord (Foh-Tchou lives in his Foh-maeyu or temple of Budha on top of the Kouin-long-sang HH 215fn So-West of China between it and Tibet. Glos 121 SD I xxiv II 204, Lucifer 3, 372 (vision 1942/3) 215 Serpents of Wisdom - wise men did not encourage any sin SD II 162 230 202 699 215 Ophis Logos Lord God Bearer of divine Wisdom taught mankind to become creators in their turn SD II 163 230 202 699 216 Cross - Tau an evolution from the TREE & SERPENT - the VERY FIRST FUNDAMENTAL SYMBOL OF CREATIVE CAUSE APPLIED TO GEOMETRY, NUMBERS, ASTRONOMY, MEASURE AND ANIMAL REPRODUCTION. 216 Circle and vertical diameter TWO IN ONE Androgyne - evolution through harmonizing the pairs of opposites S D I 5-6, 29, 36-7, 553, 537, 216 Return - return to the unified condition (Plus all the Experience in matter received) 216 REUNIFICATION was their future destiny - tantalizing difficulties a continued curse SD I 248 II 187 228 244 545 Is I 297-8 216fn Men, not nature created the misguided sensuous and EVIL & VICE EVIL & VICE vicious nature -- animals do not do that. [Pure "Natural Impulse" KAMADEVA in the animals without any vice or evil. DTB] 216 Adam driven away from the Tree of Wisdom - symbolically -- esoterically means that the new race abused and dragged the mystery of Life down into bestiality. MAN CREATED VICE SD II 187 Glos 297 214 216 Upper triad in man symbolized as heavenly vale hidden in between 3 mountains (Upper triad - A-B-M ) 216 Tree of Wisdom in the keeping of Adepts -- revealed by "day" hidden during "night." Revealed to enlightened mind of the aspiring ADEPT. 217 Tree of Knowledge Symbology and kabalistic views given Otz Numbers 7, 9 SD II 114 Glos 244 217 Tau Ansated Cross Skinner quoted male-female 217 CREATIVE FACULTY - A GIFT OF DIVINE WISDOM. 217 UNIVERSAL LEGENDS AND TRADITIONS TRUTH there. Theosophy believes in those SD II 219 272 217-8 Charles Gould on MYTHICAL MONSTERS reviewed and 219 explained 218-9 Man (Gigantic) co-existed with Jurassic monster forms. SD II 692 206 204 206 ==================== THE "SONS OF GOD" AND THE "SACRED ISLAND." 220 ISIS UNVEILED carried legend Isis I 589-93 Isis quoted SD I 209 II 203-4 211 220 Middle Asia a vast inland sea protected a fair island the last residence of the Sons of Will and Yoga" [ "Sons of will & Yoga" -- Manasic beings [ "sons of Yoga" Lunar Pitris - Persoal elements of the 3rd Race which had survived the great cataclysm that ended Lemuria. SD II 204 176 172-3 199 220 ISLAND STILL EXISTS - Oasis protected by the Gobi desert Glos 287 Is II 98-102 SD II 202 416 215 I 207-8 PATH I 98 132 169-172 [Hindu Chela's Diary] 220 Java-Alheim The Maha Chohan and Hierophants of the scattered Sacerdotal colleges alone know the "Word" -- passed only to successors at death SD I 109 404 574 PATH I 98 132 169-172 [Hindu chela's Diary] 220 WORD Java-Alheim alone knows the "Word" SD II 202 220 I 202 404 HPB III 134 Isis II 98-103 220 Communications through subterranean passages known only to the chiefs - went everywhere [ also Elephanta, Jogeshwari, Kanheri, Karli, Bagh, Badjia -- DTB] [ "subterranean" -- can also mean the elementals and the use of the Astral Light and the Akasa in addition to actual physical catacombs DTB ] Is I 522-3 SD II 379 429 PATH I 98 132 169-172 [Hindu chela's Diary] 220fn J. Fergusson , Archaeologist -- his errors of dating Indian antiquities. Glos 35 SD II 550fn 220-1 Cities in India and sacred shrines connected by secret underground passages - Delhi, Allahabad, and in Europe - Florence - Ellora - Ajanta - known to 221 Caves Initiates and Yogis SD I xxx 126 II 345fn 379 SD II 181fn 237fn 381 501 541 558 Is I 349 PATH I 98 132 169-172 [Hindu chela's Diary] 221 Atlantis & Lemuria had great civilization SD I xxxiii-iv SD II 20-1 198 317-19 366 371 397 432 440 760 Isis I 591 221 Hierophants 2 categories S. of God 1. Initiated by the "Sons of God" of the Island [ mind-born - B'ne Alhim Rulers of the World, Ophanim ] SD I 109 412 440 574 SD II 23 194 211 229 318 328 374-6 712 SD II 605fn 756 42 339 349 364 PATH I 98 132 169-172 [Hindu chela's Diary] [ Victorious over Sorcerers: SD II 224fn 350 222 Devas who had assumed bodies - ruled - Instructed in Arts / Sciences the Arts and Sciences SD II 194 529 Art [ Arts : SD I 313 464 469 II 201 317 392 Science [ Sciences: SD I 506-7 516 II 49 285 SD II 322fn 366 572 663-4 221 Atlant. 2. other who inhabited Atlantis (or another race born sexually but of divine parents) 221 UNLIMITED VISION whose sight was unlimited and who knew all things at once. - 4th Race [ 221fn Dugpaship ] 221fn Dugpas In Atlantis 4th Race SD II 134 221 Sorcery [ Sorcery: SD II 93fn 224 272fn 286 371 762 SD II 147 281 350 493 495 503 636 772 221fn America called ATLANTA by natives IS I 591-2 222 Lemuria-Atlanteans Dynasty of Spirit Kings SD I 83-94 194 233fn 487 222 Thevatata Bad Atlantis King - began Dugpa influences Magician made Atlanteans into wicked magicians SD I 593 II 224 427-8 495 762 HPB III 140 143fn Isis II 130-4 222 Sorcery [ Sorcery: SD II 93fn 224 272fn 286 371 762 SD II 147 281 350 493 495 503 636 772 222-3 WAR between White and Black Adepts Is I 593 SD I 194-8 419 II 103-4 390 394-90 493-505 222 Flood that engulfed Atlantis SD II 309 350 406fn 429 610 785 222-224 Jacolliot Legends on Atlantis quoted. 222-3 [ Area & Location: SD II 8 204 220-1 [ Rutas [Rakshabasha] - from their speech Sanskrit was derived SD I 23 78 94 269 SD II 200 214fn 326 576-7 222-4 War Between Yellow and black men - between the "Sons of Gods" & the sorcerers -- "sons of Giants" 222-3 Polynesia All visited by Jacolliot common languages and customs though vastly separated 224 Easter Island relics (4th Race Giants' features) sensual SD I 223 331 439 II 40 317 336 224 Bamian statues Portrait statues of Buddhas of previous Manvantaras Sizes SD II 335-40 I 207 224fn Mysore Giant Jain statue [Shravan Belgola] 200 feet high ( 58 feet high I have seen it DTB ?) 224fn Ramayana and Mahabharata Legends are historical facts Ramayana -- War with Atlantean sorcerers [ Rakshasas: SD II 70 164-5 232 276 336 752 [ Ramayana: SD II 163 232fn 394 495-6 [ Mahabharata: SD I 436 II 47 68 139 146 183 SD II 232fn 275 390 397 629 395 225 Aryan Tribes fought the Sorcerers SD II 266fn 384 426 433 SD II 470-1 495 371fn 607fn 395 609 743 776 225 Wars of Good vs. Evil SD II 227fn 276 384 390 498 501-3 225 Orientalism and misconceptions about Sanskrit and Indian antiquities and MSS Pandits are truthful 225 Hindu Initiates WROTE SO ONE HAS TO READ BETWEEN THE LINES 225 Hindu MSS Preserve knowledge from the curious and the unready SD I xxi xxxviii 225-6 Writing in ancient India Max Muller error in holding that the ancient Hindus did not know writing SD II 197 HPB II 82 226 Babylonian Assyrian writing on cylinders SD II 4 104 248fn 690-3 139fn 200 Glos 108 236 226 Oannes of Berosus the man-fish who instructed them in writing is Ea God of Wisdom SD I 264 345 394 654 II 54 190 199 495fn 503 226 Prof. Sayce of Oxford states that the Brahmins taught them writing -- Teak wood and Muslin found used there evidence of trade with India. SD II 54 248fn 439-0 691-3 226 Biblical Deluge occurred much earlier. SD I 415 444-5 II 3-4 32 69fn 138 270 SD II 423 313 530-33 ======= 227 STANZA X THE HISTORY OF THE 4 TH RACE [ATLANTEAN] ----- 38. The Birth of the 4th Atlantean Race. SD II 222 39. The sub-races of the 4th Humanity begin to divide and interblend; they form the first mixed races of various colors. 40. The superiority of the Atlantean over other races. 41. They fall into sin and beget children and monsters. 42. The first germs of Anthropomorphism and sexual religion. the loose their "3rd Eye." ---------- 227 38. Thus two by two, on the 7 zones, the 3rd. (race) gave birth to the 4th (Race men). The gods became no-gods (Sura became a-Sura). Echoes 20 [Refer to SD II 191-98] 39. The 1st (Race) on every zone was moon-coloured (yellow- white); the Second, yellow, like gold; the 3rd, red; the 4th, brown, which became black with sin.(*) The first seven (human) were all of one complexion in the beginning. The next (seven, the sub-races) began mixing their colours (b). SD II 257fn 408fn 425 227fn (*) BLACK WITH SIN 227fn MAN of the 4th Race is the first wholly human (giants) Sinned by bringing the names of the Asuras, Rakshasas, Daityas into disrepute and passed the concept they were fiends on to posterity. Glos 40 94 SD I 420-3 II 32 91 225fn 230 302 322 408 425 227fn Suras (gods) or Devas incarnated in the Wise Men of Atlantis - transformed into Asuras and Rakshasas 227fn Wars between Suras and last remnants of the 3rd Race and the "Sons of Will and Yoga" SD II 199 411 227fn Asura general name applied to all Atlanteans who fought the spiritual heroes of the Aryan (gods) [ Ramayana, Mahabharata ] 227 Evolution to this point has been more metaphysical than physical SD II 1 157fn 257 660fn 227 FALL marks the point from which is a more rapid development of the physical shape of man SD I 184 193 416-7 FALL mystic and transcendental in real meaning 228 to be fully explained. 228 DHYANIS destined to incarnate as the Egos of the immortal but on this plane, senseless MONADS SD I 191 II 230-39 483-4 228 Dhyanis 1. Some OBEYED (Law of Evolution) immediately that the men of the 3rd Race became physiologically and physically ready after the separation of the sexes. 228 Early conscious Beings. who adding conscious 228 Will WILL and KNOWLEDGE to their inherent Kriyasakti Divine Purity created by Kriyasakti the the semi-Divine man who became th seed on earth for future adepts. 228 Dhyanis 2 . Some DELAYED [Reason: Jealous of their Intellectual freedom (then, unfettered by limits of matter) said WE CAN CHOOSE ... we have Wisdom" 228 Delayed and incarnated far later. SD I 192 incarnation 228 Karma punished got bodies physiologically inferior to their astral models because those chhayas had belonged to progenitors of a lower degree in the 7 classes. 228 Dhyanis 3. Some Sons of Wisdom delayed incarnation till Delay to 4th the 4th Race -- received bodies Fall of Angels already tainted physiologically with sin and impurity -- the bodies they had to inform had became defiled through their own procrastination SD I 248 II 216 410-1 614 228 Karma Karmic result weighs on them up to present Fall of the angels who rebelled against Karmic law SD II 190-1 231 276-9 228 Fall of Man He was not intellectually responsible. [Manas not yet "lit up"] 228 Theology distorted the whole matter SD II 223-37 205 I 193 416 228 Bible when interpreted esoterically clarifies. SD II 209 230-1fn 238 479 228-9 Kabala explains SD I 417 II 232fn 274 HPB III 168 Isis II 13-14 181fn 473 481 506-7 229 Enoch said: "Sons of God" become enamoured of the daughters of men, marry, and reveal to Unlawful their wives the mysteries unlawfully learnt Knowledge by them in heaven Glos 58 SD II 202 215 375-6 488 229fn SATAN "Fallen angels" as described by the RC church Dogmas about SATAN how and why originated. GOD DID NOT CREATE SATAN although the Church claims He did SD I 415 II 234 377 476 508 229fn Michael respected Satan as a superior SD II 60 SD I 238fn 412-3 411-24 SD II 235 243 229fn Pioneers of the coming Apollyon: Theosophists, Occultists, and various authors SD II 61 755 775 Glos 228 229-30 Book of Enoch explained 230 Asuras Brahmins made Asuras (demons, fiends) out of SURAS the Suras by theological manipulation SD II 45 60 92 487-9 500-1 516 525fn 585 230 Asuras [ Incarnate in Man SD II 90 162-4 232 SURAS SD II 103 276 417 487 [ Rebels SD II 45 94 162 164 230 232 246-8 SD II 500 585 [ Divine Egos: SD I 92 412 418 II 57fn 59 SD II 86 92-3 227fn 237 500 516 [ Saviours SD I 248 182 471 207-10 638 SD II 103 173 163-4 411 482 513 531 230 Wisdom incarnating Spirits of Mahat that quicken the intellects of those who fight the devils of ignorance and superstition SD I 248 539fn II 79 93 102 167 212 215 SD II 228 232-3 230 Serpents and Dragons of Wisdom are the "angles" that fell into generation. HIGHER SELF BUDDHI-MANAS 230 SAVIORS because they imparted those secret teachings that could save from "eternal death" - thus conquering the Kingdom of Darkness 230 - they are the Initiates - they are the Logos, Christos that inner 230 HIGHER SELF principle of man which develops him into the SPIRITUAL EGO, the HIGHER SELF 230 BUDDHI-MANAS- FORMED OF THE INDISSOLUBLE UNION OF BUDDHI and the spiritual effloressence of MANAS EFFLORESCENCE Key 173 SD I 329fn 445 II 79-81 94-5 109-10 167 231 Logos "Logos is passive Wisdom in Heaven and Conscious Self Active Wisdom on Earth." - marriage of Heavenly Man and Virgin of the World SD II53 234 267fn 488 231 Ray of Enlightenment falling like lightning from on high into the hearts and minds of coverts to the ""old religion" 231 RC Religion the most pernicious in perversion of SATAN SD II 233 278 231fn Buddhi 1. as 6th Principle is passive and latent spiritual vehicle of Atman and inseparable from Universal Soul 231fn Buddhi 2. in union and conjunction with Self-consc- iousness Buddhi becomes the HIGHER SELF and the divine discriminating Self. Glos 292 Key 152-60 SD I 244-5 216 329fn SD II 95 109-10 167 228 329fn 477 231fn Satan as the spirit of controversy and argument (adversary) SD II 204 234-5 387 231fn Father and Son on Earth meant Spirit and Soul on Earth 231fn Christos is the 7th principle Atman 231-2 Errors of Western Theology and other theologies SD I 456 II 163 232 Satan and Fall Misinterpretation of one of the most profound and ideal conceptions of ancient thought SD I 456 Trans 23-4 SD II 163 211 236 SD II 230 275-6 232 Names of rebellious and fallen gods: [ Rudras SD II 192fn 576 613 [ Rishis Glos 278 SD I 346 II 501-2 611 624 765 Attendants D of R p. 54 HPB III 166 WQJ II 10 [ 3 Types: Rajarishi Glos 275 Brahmarishi SD II 502 Glos 63 Devarishi (Narada) SD II 49 73 [ Asuras SD II 45 60 92 487-9 500-1 516 525fn 585 [ Kumaras SD I 458-9 II 78 90 176fn 199fn SD II 243-6 319 577-8 [ Munis SD I 207 345 II 175 259fn 573-4 232 LAW All these have to be born in every age, and to reincarnate in every Manvantara. Trans 23-4 DHYANIS AND BUDDHAS 232 HIGH SPIRITS REINCARNATE UNDER NATURE'S LAW - KARMA The FLAMES born of the Universal Mind (MAHAT) Will under the impulse of Karmic WILL and the 232 KARMA Evolutionary Law (Trans. 23 53 138) "landed on this Earth, having broken through the 7 Circles of fire." (the 7 intermediate worlds). Trans 23-4 53 138 SD I 265 SD II 211 272 Isis II 542 232 FLAMES [ FLAMES SD I 34 81-2 86-8 121 213 265 458 SD I 530 II 57 63 85 232-4 247-8 318fn [ UNDYING RACE SD I 34 II 67 75fn 173 275fn SD II 281-2 Thy mag. I p. 100 232 Rebirth An eternal cycle. At every new Manvantara the series is headed by the HIGHEST AND EARLIEST Nirvanees NIRVANEES. SD II 79-80 93-4 228 230 239 SD II 483-4 I 191 240 232 "Gods" Karmic necessity required return and whose mission it was to complete divine man SD I 265-7 412 GN 149-50 - later to be found "at war" with the "gods" or ? irresponsible agents of Eternal Law. 232fn Puranic account of origin of Rakshasas Glos 264 SD II 225fn 281 Glos 9. 232fn Rakshasas Atlantean giants SD II 165 Glos 261 232-3fn Masters' letter on "Failures in the ethereal races of the many classes of Dhyan Chohans." ( the Failures progressed entities of a previous Manvantara as well as among men. ML 83 87 SD I 188 II 79-80 93-4 108 178 267fn RETURNING NIRVANEES 233fn Failures Too progressed and spiritualized to be thrown back out of Dhyan Chohanship [But lacking compassion as an essential aspect of Brotherhood ? DTB] 233fn New Manvantara At New Manvantara they precede the Elemental (Entities to be developed into humanity) and they remain a latent or inactive Latent spiritual spiritual force in the aura of a nascent force world - until the human stage is reached Then they become an active force and 233fn Elementals commingle with the elementals to develop little by little the full type of [physical and psychic ?] humanity GN 149 Glos 44 SD II 79-80 93-4 233fn MANAS they endow man with self-consciousness and manas SD I 109-10 II 230 248 231fn 233fn Work of the Dhyan Chohans pure celestial beings to act 1. evolve their own images Chhayas 2. make them physical men, 3. INFORM THEM -- thus endowing them with Divine intelligence, and [SD II 234] 4. the comprehension of the Mysteries of Creation Key 110 179 SD I 638-9 SD II 167-8 242 233fn Dynasties of Kings reign by the grace of "Matter" the Great Maya and deceiver. SD II II 369 453-6 233-235 Dr. A. Kingsford PERFECT WAY discussed as to implied meaning when compared with occultism 233-5 Bible and Satan explained SD II 108 235 233 Time from ETERNITY SD I 37 418 II 480 542 233 SATAN Door keeper of Temple Sanctuary SD I 388-9 413 SD II 284 233-4 - Idea to be found in Egypt, Persia, Jewish lore SD II 113 229-231 491 235 I 571 234 Jehovah as a Lunar deity SD II 76-7 692 Glos 144 234 Kamadeva - Eros Divine Desire in gods and nature to create and give life to Beings. Glos 115 170-1 SD II 176 578-9 234 Rays of the FLAME descend into matter SD I 388-9 572 II 145fn 167 233fn 234 Adversary Matter opposing Spirit SD II 231fn 507 Isis II 145fn SD I 413 II 231fn HPB III 374 234 Numbers weights and measures Sephiroth and Pythagoras 10 SD II 4 40-1 236 234 Hell - our earth Satan minister of the 7 kinds Saptaloka HPB II 70 HPB/APS 245 271 251 Glos 291 SD II 236 321 402 234-5 Satan God of our Planet the only god One with the LOGOS 1st "son" of the "Eldest God" SD I 418 II 233 276-7 476-7 235 Jehovah Jewish angel/god of matter Saturn SD II 466-8 HPB / APS 245 250 235 INNER MAN IS IMMORTAL SD I 299 235 Satan the Shadow of God Glos 97 SD II 506 235 If Church curses Satan, it curses the cosmic reflection of God -- made manifest and objective in Matter. Maledicts God. SD I 388-9 II 233 243 235 HISTORY Revealed in SD SD I 267 Isis I 675-6 II 147 236 Allegories, Myths, Legends as truths in SD explanations given SD II 234 224 410 236 Troy Fist denied and doubted until discovered by Schleiman who followed Iliad SD II 440 437fn Isis I 520 236 Herculaneum and Pompeii rediscovered though doubted 236 Other "fabulous" locations to be discovered. 236 Wisdom of the Eastern traditions to be also proved accur- ate Ex: Pymander SD II 231 236 Moyst Principle - the Great DEEP -- FATHER-MOTHER SD II 234 228 236 UNIVERSAL MIND as "God, the Father" 236 HEAVENLY MAN as the great Total of the Host of Angels [ monads - elementals ?] SD II 234 234fn - the Logos or the "Son" esoterically. SD I 130 II 234 234fn Mind - a deity in both sexes is Life and is brought forth by the Word or "Workman" (carpenter) or the God of the Fire (forge Vulcan ?) [the fire of human existence ?] - 7 other "governors" who fashioned the Phenomenal World and are called Fate, Destiny. 237 Rectores Mundi - a Host Creative Logos - "Son who is one with the Father" [ 7 Kumaras, Archangels, Sons of Brahma, ... SD I 71-2 108-10 207-8 213-4 571 II 228 274 INTELLIGENT HOSTS OF RE-FASHIONERS 237 Suras to Asuras [Done by sacerdotal priests SD II 92 487 500-1 ] -Satan a name give literally SD II 506-8 237 SATAN GOOD, SACRIFICE, GOD OF WISDOM SD II 92 227fn 237 Kabala Speaks of 1/3rd of the divine denizens of heaven (mystically 1/3 of the stars) causing them Divine selves to be expelled because of Pride, Denizens Presumption, Selfishness and Egotism. [True meaning SD II 158 228-9 300 237 Suras These divine denizens intimately connected with humanity. SD II 165 176fn 199fn 227fn [Self-Sacrifice: SD II 281-2 I 207-10 237 S-Consc. [Self-consciousness: SD I 450 457-9 SD II 103-4 228 232 243-6 255fn 390 513-7 237 Rebels [Rebelled against Karma: SD II 228 Create [Refused to Create: SD I 191-4 236 457-8 SD II 243 584 [Rebels: SD II 103 232 243 246-8 374-5 585 237 Will [FREE WILL given to Mankind: SD II 103 173 SD II 163 243 421 776 I 193-4 237 HIGHER SELF [Higher Self: SD II 88 95 102-3 109 123fn SD II 230-231fn 242 [Kumara: SD II 247-8 [Manasaputras: SD I 180-1 543 571 SD II 167 374-5 608 625 237 TRUTH [Truth withheld: SD II 516-7 (mystery) [Higher Self -- an Intuition ] [Self-consciousness essential for true progress - Free-Will ] 237 War in Heaven Rosicrucian allegory - Rebellion of the Angels against Creative law MYSTERY [ see SD II 516-7 ] SD I 417-20 II 103 230 239 243 267-8 379-86 WQJ Art I 395 Glos 97 237fn Prometheus and Mahasura Rebels SD I 417-20 II 98 243-4 411 419 [237 S-Consc.[Self-consciousness: SD I 450 457-9 SD II 103-4 228 232 243-6 255fn 390 513-7 237 Rebels [Rebelled against Karma: SD II 228 SD II 103 232 243 246-8 374-5 585 Create [Refused to Create: SD I 191-4 236 457-8 SD II 243 584 237 FREE WILL given to Mankind: SD II 103 173 SD II 163 243 421 776 I 193-4 237 Higher Self: SD II 88 95 102-3 109 123fn Witness SD II 230-231fn 242 238 RC Church mutilates the idea -- illogicality explained 238-9 - Church personified Evil and invented the DEVIL SD II 209 228 HPB Art I 248 238fn H. Jennings quoted 238fn Lucifer the Morning Star HPB Art III 368 Glos 192 T. Mvt. Vol. 24 p. 238 SD II 80... 162 283 588 239 "Fiat Lux" Of the Creative Angels of Primordial Light 1/3 ? 1/3 rebelled and refused to create. 2/3 like Fetahil created and failed SD I 194 248 II 228 232 237 243 246 239 Infinite and Absolute DEITY cannot create (Vedantins) SD I 137 234 II 242 266 490 CAUSALITY & RE-FASHIONING 239 Central Sun during the TWILIGHTS emits creative light passively so to say 239 Causality - CAUSALITY is latent. SD II 37-40 214 240-1 239 - during ACTIVE PERIODS it gives rise to Energy of A STREAM OF CEASELESS ENERGY whose vibrating Life Force currents acquire more activity and potency with every rung of the 7-fold ladder they descend. 239 - Fashioning the organic Universe with its 7 kingdoms required INTELLIGENT BEINGS Creative - who became collectively a Being or Creative God God differentiated from the one absolute Unity SD I 130 207-10 248 571-2 239fn - Creation out of pre-existing eternal substance or matter or SPACE. Re-fashioning SD I 14-5 99 113 277 336fn 342-4 615 239 Kabala at Vatican (St. Germain had a copy) SD I xliv II 202 506 ML 280 239fn Luciferans Sect of 4th Cent - animal Soul not immortal SD II 241 239 7 Suns of Life [Secret members of the Solar system ? [ Planets ? SD I 101 152-70 179 290 294 SD I 449 575fn 588-9 SD II 22 293 595 639fn [Saptasurya -- the 7 Suns] 239 - 4 mentioned in Kabala -- group of 4 D. Chohans SD I 122-8 II 22 427 240 Kabala - Exoteric views on the Sun quoted. ( 3 in 1 ) SD II 468 239 214 240 - Mutual attraction to Earth - electrification - SD I 116-7 II 450 CENTRAL SPIRITUAL and our SUN 240fn CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN -- in "Milky Way" Occultism speaks of "unseen, mysterious, ever-hidden center for our System and sun" 240fn SUN - the SUPRA-DIVINE ESSENCE of the UNKNOWN ABSOLUTE Equally in every domain and place - The Center of UNIVERSAL life-ELECTRICITY - Reservoir within which that DIVINE RADIANCE differentiated at the beginning of EVERY CREATION is focussed. 240fn Laya Neutral condition it is the ONE ATTRACTING and EVER-EMITTING LIFE CENTER SD I 116-7 201 214 502 570-1 II 450 241 7 Suns and 7 Planes of Being are the 7 Angelic planes which are represented in the allegory Head group divided into 2 groups and 4 classes: the 4 classes are 3 synthesized into the 4th called the "Central Sun" - Aryan Cosmogony spiritualizes matter 1. Incorporeal 2. Semi-corporeal - all are connected with our mankind 241 SPIRITUAL SUN Reaches man through all the phases of his being, pure as an indiscrete element and an impersonal UNITY GN 98-100 SD I242 181 241 it emanates from the Central Spiritual Sun Key 132-3 SD I 638-9 241 POLAR SUN is the 2nd Group ATMA - these 2 together radiate on man his ATMA SD II 79 167 237 248 241 EQUATORIAL SUN is the 3rd Group BUDDHI - It cements the Buddhi to the Atma and the higher attributes of Manas 241 SPIRIT of our VISIBLE SUN is the 4th SD I 527fn is MANA5 - it endows man with his Manas and its vehicle the KAMA Kama-rupa (passions and desires) SD II 79 175 247 241 AHANKARA - these are the 2 elements of AHANKARA which evolves individual consciousness -- AHANKARA the present Ego SD II 267 MAYA or our Physical Sun AND ITS 3 INVISIBLES 241 Spirit of the Earth - builds the physical body , attracting to it the Spirits of Life and forming its Physical Linga Sarira. [ 4th synthesizes lower 3 ? ] SUNS IN TOTAL are 7 SD I 213-20 234-5 527fn II 110 ========== 241 Cycles rule evolution of man & all else 241 primeval man projected by "Boneless" the incorporeal Creator ============= 7 PRINCIPLES OF MAN 241 7 Principles of Man SD II 638 640-1 241 ATMA 7. "Breath" -- indiscrete, undifferentiated element 241 BUDDHI 6. Buddhi -- Vahan - the cause of the causeless 241 MANAS 5. Manas -- pivot - middle principle cements - holds together 241 1, KAMA - MANAS [ Kama-Manas -- vehicle of the personal PERSONAL sense of SELF consciousness of JIVA (Life) CONSCIOUSNESS SELF-COGNITION and ] Kama-Manas SD II 167 241 2. to cement the whole to the physical form of man. 241 3. KAMA-Rupa 4. Kama-rupa -- egotistical desires and PERSONAL Will 241 JIVA 3. Jiva -- TM X p. 53 241 ASTRAL 2. Shadow-Son -- the (astral) body - manifested life 241 PHYSICAL 1. Physical form of man 241 2 Higher Principles can have no individuality on Earth as Man unless there is SD I 12 II 110 419 241 MIND 1. the Mind (Manas-Ego) to cognize them. 241 2. terrestrial false personality -- body of egotistical desires and personal Will SD II 167 233fn 241 DUAL PERSONALITY 4th & 5th Principles Manas and Kama contain the dual personality SD II 79 109-10 161 265 241 EGO 1. Real Immortal EGO (if it assimilates itself IMMORTAL to the 2 higher) and Q & A 6 SD I 153 167 453 II 214 239 247-8 465-6 241 PERSONA 2. false and transitory personality, the mayavi Astral & or Astral Body -- the animal-human Soul Animal-human Soul SD II 164 234 236fn 303 242 Two have to be closely blended - to have a FULL terrestrial existence SD II 79 161-2 154 234 242 IDIOCY - or it results in an IDIOT if it lacks his middle and 5th principles -- beautiful soul-less, empty and unconscious appearance. SD II 244-5 242 Cogito -- ergo sum. [ "I think, therefore I am." Descartes ] FALLEN ANGELS 242 Fallen Angels SD I 193 II 161 268 274 237 283 487 [ Key to manifold contradictions in human CHARACTER character -- host of Manasas Humanity are the "fallen angels" SD II 274 242 Self-Existent are called CREATIONS [Fn.: Angelic spiritual Essences, immortal in their being because unconditioned in Eternity; periodical and conditioned in their Manvantaric manifestations. Trans 23-4 SD I 2 18 80-1 88 242 They appear in the Spirit Ray, manifested through SPIRIT RAY the potency inherent in its divine UNBORN Nature, which is beyond time and (conditioned,limited) Space 242 - terrene products animate and inanimate including mankind are the development (evolution) of the discrete elements." (Commentary) 242 DHYAN CHOHAN [ ROUND 4 -- 1st RACE ] HEAVENLY RUPA creates man in his own form; it is a spiritual ideation consequent on the first differentiation and awakening of the universal (manifested) Substance: that form Buddhic is the ideal shadow of ITSELF: and this is Beings THE "MAN" of the FIRST RACE. [ROUND 4 ] [ Buddhi-Mulaprakriti] SD I 216 II 197 233fn 246 303 242 ON THIS EARTH They imbue MATTER with the evolutionary impulse and guide its formative powers. GN 227 Glos 28 SD II 303 242 COMPELLED TO DESCEND ON EARTH After the Earth had been made ready by the lower and more material powers, and the 3 kingdoms started on their way, the HIGHER POWERS (Archangels, Dhyanis) were compelled by the evolutionary laws to descend on Earth, in MAN order to construct MAN --Crown of evolution. 243 FIRE ANGELS Group 3 -- rebelled and refused to join [Agnishwattas] SD II 169 239 246 "KUMARA" -- "NIRVANA" 243 Hindu PERVERSION - Hindu EXOTERICISM named them the KUMARAS who desired to retain eternal youth -- and selfishly desired to anticipate NIRVANA progress towards Nirvana Trans 51 Glos 182 SD II 246 ESOTERICALLY - A SELF-SACRIFICE TO BENEFIT MANKIND 243 Esoterically - A SELF-SACRIFICE TO BENEFIT MANKIND Voice 78-9 REBELS - "Rebels" would NOT CREATE WILL-LESS irresponsible men (as the "obedient angels" Will-less had also, a "temporary reflection" of their "will-less" SELVES --as those belong to a far higher plane of consciousness and would leave man still irresponsible --interfering with any possibility of a higher progress. SD I 208 II 244 489 243 Earth - the most gross and material plane - for psychic and spiritual progress cannot Progress be achieved by a being that is inherently perfect and cannot accumulate either merit Merit/Demerit of demerit. [KARMA ] would have doomed to pass through life as in a heavy dreamless sleep -- hence a failure on this plane. 243 INERT IMMUTABLE MOTIONLESS PERFECTION -- the one negative and passive attribute of the Real I AM THAT I AM of SATAN 243 SATAN - real creator and benefactor Father of Spiritual mankind SD II 234-5 237fn 244-5 283 243 Satan - opened the eyes of the automaton created by Jehovah -- gave light of Mind -- a Savior SD II 387 I 210 243-4 Ilda-Baoth - Demiurge of Nazarenes - explained SD II 244 Is I 583 Glos 152 305 244 Monster - created monster -- appealed to Mother [MAHA-BUDDHI ] [ lacking "Personal" skandhas, responsibility ? DTB ] 244 MIND POWER - man endowed with "a ray of her Divine Light [Fire ] Divine Fire Light -- began building image of the Supreme BEING [IN HIMSELF by SELF-WILL and SELF-EFFORT ? DTB] 244 VICES Ilda-Baoth was enraged and encumbered man with VICES SD II 243 287 Glos 240 244 Prometheus steals heavenly fire [ of MANAS] to help man [Manas] SD I 132 II 237fn 243 247 244 Doubt Torment of doubt - vulture - good and evil vs, DISCERNMENT AND CHOICE 244 Fire Thought - Phosphorus leads to truth through the fire of thought and subduing of terrestrial passions SD II 228 216 242 103 244 Conscious RESPONSIBLE entity CREATED. [Ability to choose to act with the LAW - "GOOD" ] 244 Universal static Inertia -- TAMAS GUNA -- unconscious perfection given up for the tortures of a RESPONSIBLE CONSCIOUS LIFE SD II 103 242 ================================== Quoted from an article: 245 CENTRIFUGAL ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE IS SATAN Fire, Light, Life, Straggle, Effort, Thought Consciousness, Progress, civilization, Liberty, Independence. (Sun source of heat Energy, warmth, growth, sparks from flint, SD II 243 419 468 245 Pain At the same time he is pain -- the reaction of he pleasures of action, and death (the revolution of Life) SD II 475 245 Hell, fury a "Hell" produced by the fury of his own motion momentum SD II 98 234 237fn 243 245 DESTRUCTION expansive disintegration of the nebulae which is to concentrate into new worlds. [PRALAYA ? DTB ] [ Like Siva in action: "Monads" created from "MONADIC ESSENCE."] 245 Centripetal effect - COLD HELL (Niffelheim) 246 Primal SOURCE -- man to achieve reunion with can only be effected by Will, Effort SD II 79-80 93-4 109-10 246 Man to become his own creator and an IMMORTAL GOD so desired the DHYAN CHOHANS SD II 93-4 421-3 I 247 246 Fire Devas Rudras Kumaras ["Virgin-Angels"] (including Michael and Gabriel) REBELS DIVINE REBELS 246 INCARNATION - these DIVINE REBELS [atma-buddhi-manas beings ] preferred the curse of incarnation and long cycles of terrestrial "Conscious existence & rebirths instead of seeing existence" the unconscious misery of beings evolved as SHADOWS out of their Lunar Pitris Brethren (Lunar Pitris ?) through the semi-passive energy of their too too Spiritual Spiritual Creators. SD I 247 II 103 Creators SD II 243 421 246 & FN Humanize Self - Not sexual or generative desire but the SELF 246 Celestial Yogis - offered themselves as voluntary Higher Self victims to redeem Humanity by endowing him with human affections and Nirmanakaya aspirations. SD II 267 254-5 I 210 SD II 95 241-3 273 585 Voice 78 - [ Collectively Visvakarma SD II 605 ] 246 Mahayuga - period of the sacrifice - give up their natural (earned) Status to take up abode on Earth - exchanging the IMPERSONAL INDIVIDUALITY FOR INDIVIDUAL PERSONALITIES. Trans 66 SD I 207-8 457fn II 232 513; Voice 52 35 75 246 WISDOM - FIERY ANGELS (Knowledge and Love-compassion) Compassion SD I 207-8 II 272-3 243 246 HELL - our Earth. - an intermediate state SD II 98 103-4 234 516 246 Hell - to rise out of the wretched state by self- purification and self-redemption 247 Jewish Rabbinical wisdom reduces all to grossness and physiological mysteries -- gives gross pseudo-esoteric explanations. 247fn Daksha "Intelligent, competent" - Son of Brahma & Aditi a self-born Power - Chief Prajapati (Creators of Beings) Reborn in every Kalpa and destroyed again - reincarnation cyclically of the same divine essence 247 3 FIRES 1. Electric fire Pavaka Spirit SD I 521 II 57fn 102 2. Solar fire Pavamana Soul SD I 521 II 57fn 247 247 3. Fire by friction Suchi Body SD I 521fn II 57fn 105 247 Metaphys: Buddhi (6th) united to Manas (5th) 5th [KAMA-MANAS] when purified, becoming part of the MONAD or [ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS] 247 Physical: Creative spark or germ generates the human being SD I 621 174-5fn II 123 230 241-4 247 3 & 4 3 root groups and 4 divisions SD I 151 157 181 573 II 241 363 247-8 FLAMES Prajapati Pitris Manus Asuras Rishis Kumaras Tr 23-4 SD I 571-2 II 275fn 248fn Asuras esoterically Asura-Devata Pitar-devata SD II 94-5 148 171 227fn 405-6 620 Vasus Adityas Rudras - an everlasting text SD I 71fn 100 II 164 255fn 585 605 Glos 361 248fn Babylonian Cylinder literature (correspondence) - Ishtar -- below are 3 Igaga (Angels of Heaven) and 3 Anunnaki Angels of Earth " various spirits and genii" 248 Old primitive Cosmogony alone furnishes the key to the genealogies of the Prajapati All are "gods" and "demi-gods" which are reborn on earth in various Kalpas and 248 each having his Karma traced and every effect assigned to a cause. [basis of astrology ? DTB ] 248 Astral Life details hinted at (first 3 Races) - 3rd Race men endowed with Reason - Man evolved pari passu with every globe - incrustation of Earth over a million years before the first human sub-race began to solidify (the inner man - CONSCIOUS ENTITY - was not) MAN a SELF-CONSCIOUS ENTITY 248 CONSCIOUS ENTITY the very entire "esse" of the High Intelligences, condemned by High Intelligences the undeviating law of Karmic incarnated evolution to reincarnate in this Karmically manvantara. SD I 128 II 79-80 94 241 147 238fn 255fn Q. [ "Returning Nirvanees ? DTB ] 249 Racial Divisions (see Stanza on p. 227) Character differences of nature although all of the same origin born simultaneously on 7 centers of the continent of the period Mind mental capacity physical form and future characteristics different 249fn Karma of the various Monads wase not of equal purity--accounts for the differences as between savages and races. SD I 181 249 Kumara Rudra gods incarnations of Siva destroyer of outward forms -- Vamadeva SD I 324 II 199fn 249-250 282 249 "Eternal Celibate" - "chaste Virgin youth" in each Manvantara becomes 4 again 249 29th Kalpa Great Turning Point about the middle of the Atlantean race Siva as Swetalohita (the root Kumara) 249 Complexion white - yellow -- red -- brown SD I 150fn 324 II 106 192fn 250 282 Glos 316 249 7 variations with 4 divisions SD II 336-40 249fn Topinard on 3 fundamental race colors -- supports Occ. 249 Changes in Man's form pari passu with geological alterations Climate a determinant SD II 329 425 449 699-700 777fn 249-50 Aryan Race Racial colorations discussed 250 VAIVASWATA Our present Manu "progenitor" - over 18 million years, and also - 850,000 years ago (Atlantis sinking) SD I 150fn II 254 352 372 747 250 Root and Seed Manus (Table of Names) SD II 308-9 SD II 69fn 141 146-7 321 427-9 597 SD I 8fn 235fn 439 HPB to APS p. 242-3 Mod Pan 385 5 Yrs of Thy p. 120-1 S. Rao COLORS [Rcial ] 250 Light yellow color of the first solid human race after the middle of the 3rd Root Race (on this Globe) After its fall into generation. Final changes. Point of last transformation that brought man on as he is now (physically) SD II 178 198-9fn 223 227 282 780 250 Red-Yellow was color of the next 4th Root Race (Red Indians and Mongolians are the descendants of these) [ Siva gradually transformed that portion of Humanity which became "Black with sin" into the red-white races.] SD II 227 249 282 319 408fn 250 Brown-white color of races (which together with the yellow form the bulk of humanity today). SD II 282 250 Siva Gradually transforms portin of Humanity which became "Black with sin" into red-yellow finally into brown-white SD II 249 250 Transformation - "Last" - 18 million years ago Prior to that First, Second and First half of the Third Race -- millions of years to solidify from semi-ethereal, gelatinous astral states SD I 258 250 Lemuro-Atlanteans - Middle - Densest matter SD I 258 - We are now on ascending arc of the cycle 250-1 Geological ages and Theosophical evolutionary periods compared and reconciled SD II 189 710 I 497 251 Consolidation of the Astral remains, fossils, relics, strata and creatures fossilized in those. pari passu with general solidification 251 Planet, whether astral or physical affects other Planets in our system 251 Astral: starry, shining, pellucid ) 251 Vaivaswata Manu Humanity is 18 + million years old so far as physical man is concerned - dates from the close of the third Race - beyond that man may have existed for 300 million of years. The Masters do not reveal the secret calculations 251 - Several Vaivaswata Manus SD II 290-2 306-10 321 335 140-1 145-7 715fn 251 PHYSICAL EVOLUTION SD II 488 Glos 127 251-2 Anthropology concealed in myth, legend and scripture. RE: 5th Race SD II 58 172 289fn 252 Boar Avatar Rescued Earth from under waters related to many risings and sinkings and stratifications of the Earth. [ Varaha ] SD I 368-9 II 53 75 321 252-3 Jewish race conceived idea of Monotheism and in its esotericism focused on physiological sexual mysteries SD II 279 285 459 467-9 253 Puranic astronomy deliberately misleads the uninitiated - but shows that the ancient astronomers were aware of all celestial phenomena. SD II 68-70 221 Theosophist II-80 V 45-9 XIV-514 Lucifer 13-183-4 IV-27-31 176 X-98-100 253 Aryans Highly philosophical and metaphysical - authors of perfect philosophical system of transcendental psychology Glos 248 SD II 183 439 572 SD I 272-3 637 253 Ethical Code [Laws of Manu BUDDHISM ] SD II 411fn 456 SD I 210 320fn 253 Grammar [ Panini ] SD II 439-40 225 253 Philosophy [ SANKHYA & VEDANTA ] SD I 284 II 42 571-2 253 EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY [KASYAPA and his offspring] [ Is the SECRET DOCTRINE part of this work ? DTB ] Glos 176 SD II 132 181 259 612fn 253 Truths concealed under allegories and personifications 253-4 Kasyapa allegory of diversified forms discussed SD II 47-8 132 381-2fn 572 612fn 253-4 Garuda cycle and period of evolution SD II 181 564-5 570 SD I 366 421 II 323 254 Geology and Bible at variance -- discussed -- Gladstone SD II 9-10 66-7 71-2 155-7 160 693 698 710 254 Spiritual and Divine nature of Man discussed in BOOK OF DZYAN independent of his physical body SD I 135fn 254 446 450 II 120 241 254 False Personality and its cerebral base known to orthodox psychology alone SD I 275 II 110 241 245 254 SD II 297-301 306 610 254 7 Creations -- 7 evolutionary changes Sub-races of the First Root-race of Mankind SD I 188-9 445-60 SD II 167 233 316 612 624 659 254 Man was on Earth in this ROUND from the beginning FIRST 3 ROUNDS 254 First 3 ROUNDS Man had passed through all the kingdoms of Nature his physical frame was ready to receive the Divine Pilgrim at the first dawn of human life 18 million years ago. SD I 150fn 180-1 SD II 69 150 153 178 250-1 254fn ATMA-BUDDHI is dual and MANAS is triple it gravitates in its higher aspect to ATMA-BUDDHI SD II 153 Key 174-5 SD II 79 ============================================================= EDIT FROM HERE ON ================================================================= 254fn MANAS is triple - it gravitates in its higher aspect to ATMA-BUDDHI - in its lower aspect to Kama the seat of the terrestrial and animal desires and passions SD I 216 242 244-5 247 II 79 254fn Compare with the evolution in the ROUNDS 1, 2, 3. 254fn Compare with evolution of Third Root-Race it shows 3 distinct aspects physiologically and psychically: 1st, earliest sinless 2nd middle awakening to intelligence 3rd, last animal Manas succumbs to the temptations of Kama SD II 514 255 MANAS was given to man at the mid-point of the 3rd Root Race SD I 138-9 619 II 79 167 267 275 255 MONAD is possessed by all the lower animals from amoeba to man, in which the higher qualities are potential, all have to remain dormant till each reaches the human form before which stage mind MANAS has no development in them. SD II 120 123fn 256 267 515fn 255fn Men are made complete only during their 3rd and towards their 4th Race. 255fn MANAS They are made "gods" for good or evil and responsible only when the 2 arcs meet (after 3 1/2 ROUNDS towards the 5th Race (GLOBE D) 255fn Nirmanakayas -- the spiritual or astral remains of the Rudra-Kumaras doomed in their natural turn to reincarnation to be reborn on Earth again in the higher arc of the ascending cycle. SD II 79 94-6 246-8 513 615 SD I 182 457fn Key 149-50 255 Animals every principle is paralyzed - in a fetus-like condition except the 2nd vitality and the 3rd astral and the rudiments of the 4th Kama -- which is desire and instinct -- whose development and intensity varies with the species SD I 175 196-7 537 II 103 255 Embryonic development -- shows a line of progressive development and specialization - Laing SD I 219 223-5 II 187fn 223-4 255 Body - Relates only to the shell the BODY of Man 255 Atom transformation of the mineral atom through crystallization compared to transformation of the cells (the "shells" of their organic nuclei) as they pass through plant, insect and animal into Man 255 U. Deity This leads to the recognition of the Universal in Nature Deity in Nature -- ever-present and as ever invisible, and unknowable, and of Intra- Cosmic gods, who were all men. 256 Science vs. Occultism several lines of evolution 256 - morphological cell enlivened by the vital cell SD I 223fn II 255fn 256 - progress of evolution not the same in different species - rate differs 256 - tendency towards a higher type SD II 258 648-9 667 256 Man is the exception -- no change form is unaltered "persistent types" -- Huxley 256 Darwinian linkage unclear as to reptiles, birds, amphibians fish, mollusks, SD II 223fn 688 696 727-9 256 MONADS HAVE PASSED THROUGH ALL FORMS OF BEING UP TO MAN in the 3 earlier ROUNDS 256 - passed through the 7 GLOBES, repeated on each in a more solid material basis SD I 188-9 233 II 255 257 SUCCESSIVE ROUNDS SEES SUCCESSIVE GROSSENING OF MATERIAL FORMS 257 Gestation repeats on a microscopic scale in 7 months the Gradual formation of man's form through every Kingdom of Nature in Earlier ROUNDS, and The early GLOBES of this 4th ROUND SD I 388-90 II 187-9 258-9 595 257 2 MONTHS MORE ARE NEEDED TO ACQUIRE 258 STRENGTH AND CONSOLIDATE 257 Precise physical and astral links where they merge a mystery [ see SD II 188-9 ] SD II 302 348 660fn 257-8 IDENTICAL ANIMAL AND HUMAN FOSSILS IN PAST AND IN PRESENT from Paleozoic to present Is I 389 258 GRADUALISM - destroys theory of gradualism and one species Lyell shading into another SD II 256-8 666-7 APE/MAN - man NOT "descended" from ape SD II 261 258 Science: THEORY : absolute rule, uniformity of law: for one species shading off into another in all cases IS INCORRECT see SD II 260 top 258 MAN FOSSILS SHOW STABILITY -- NO VARIATION OF EARLIEST fossils from skeletons of modern man SD I 185fn 189 II 257 266fn 683 688 258 Infusoria and one celled creatures also show such stability and persistence of form [e.g. one-celled and worms SD II 260 top] 258 Monkey evolved into the quadrumanous type from man not the reverse -- no "common ancestry" found. [ Man's form is more primitive. Ape, monkey are derived specializations ] Is I 389 SD II 193 258-9 EMBRYOLOGICAL REVIEW OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT AN OCCULT AXIOM SD II 187-9 257 259 Man, having perfected his evolution during 7 Rounds remains 2 periods more in the womb of Mother- Nature before he is born -- or rather reborn as a Dhyani still more perfect than he was before he launched forth as a Monad on the newly built chain of worlds. SD I 184 II 188-9 117 258-9 SD I 232fn 233 221 II 202 660 HPB Articles III 203-5 259 Man (PHYSICALLY) A "PERSISTENT TYPE" [PRIMITIVE] SD II 188-9 260 646 259 Manu and Kapila give process of evolution more clearly than present science SD I 151 186 Is I 381 260 INHERENT LAW OF PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT - taught by Occult SD I 17 260fn RETARDATION LAW which imposes a restriction on the advance of all species when a HIGHER TYPE makes its appearance. SD 64 80 172fn 197 289fn Let 281 WQJ I 603 (ebb & flow) WQJ II 507-84 (balance of opposites) HPB I 126-8 351 (contrasts) ML 83 (acceleration and retardation) 260fn RETARDATION "The desire to be and to do...clears the way for the true and permanent growth with its seasons of expansion and retardation-- which means growth and solidification--necessary processes as we see them in nature." FP p. 6 ) 260fn OBSCURATION [Pralaya: SD I 371 II 69fn 307fn 703 [Betw. ROUNDS: SD I 159 161 182 SD II 47 704-5 713fn [of Spirit in Evolution: SD I 172fn SD II 309 660fn 732 [Temporary: SD II 705fn 260 Theories of Science about the development of species discussed -- errors exposed 268-1 Geology and stratification used as a basis for theorizing on world history SD II 437-46 I 180-5 260-1 OCCULTISM STATES that the missing link will never be found by paleontologists to all the preceding forms of Missing human life. However Occultism does teach that the Link to human has passed through all forms in the preceding ROUNDS [ 1 to 3 ] -- he has not descended from the modern ape form. SD II 190 720 261 Science leaves untouched the future of the apes of today? What will become of them ? Is man's evolution a special case ? SD II 258 261 OCCULTISM TEACHES the APES are the result of a special event Ape. The pithecoid is an accidental creation, a forced Accident growth, result of an unnatural process. SD I 190 II135 193fn 261 Occult Law A cyclic never varying law in Nature acting on a uniform plan Glos 91 SD I 16-7 - KARMIC LAW GUIDES ALL 261 Cycle Starting from the same neutral center after evolution they have to remerge into it at the end of the cycle. An invariable LAW 261 OCCULTISM DOES TEACH that the spirit in man, the real Link human has passed through all forms in the preceding ROUNDS -- he has not descended from the modern ape form. SD II 190 720 3 RD ROUND PHYSICAL FORMS 261 3 RD ROUND - the form of man resembled a gigantic ape-like Ape-like creature -- the rough mold of what was being developed for the use of man in this [4th] Round TRANSITION only -- the TRANSITION POINT SD II 689 SD I 180-1 190 II 57fn 183-7 262 688fn 729-30 261 TRANSITION POINT [ Arc of involution into Matter changes to Arc of ascending back to Spirit ] 261 TRANSITION POINT (This ROUND) of which we have barely reached the middle SD II 149 180 249 311-2 SD II 74 146fn 249 301 HPB Art I 422 HPB Art II 57-8 III 284fn WQJ Letters 71-2 FP 193 305 WQJ Art I 37 II 108 261 15 million years ago the MID POINT was reached SD I 150fn 159 180-1 244 188-9 609 MID-POINT SD II 69 150 153 178 249-251 254 312 261 "FALL INTO GENERATION" - NO "ORIGINAL SIN" - a "god on earth" who had "fallen into matter or generation" SD II 139 261 Inner Man - actual inner nature of Man SD II 109-10 267 261 Descending arc - centrifugal for Spirit and centripetal for Matter 261 ASCENDING ARC - matter will become centrifugal and Spirit centripetal --- a reversal SD II 180 261-2 Apes - will die out and Egos will all be men in the 5th ROUND -- become extinct SD II 263 262 Apes - Accidental cross-breed [ "Sin of the mindless" -- Repeated by Atlanteans with mind active. ] 262 TRAPPED HUMAN EGOS in physical forms Is II 278 SD II 135 184 189 193 198 261 267-8 262 Child-birth Women now forced to use a process not intended for human reproduction 262 - Pains and dangers of giving birth - 262 Yeaning - in animals - comparatively painless 262 Samael-Lilith myth SD I 242 417 II 174-5 285fn 389 679 unnatural union Glos 137 262-3 Cataclysms - cause widespread change in all forms adaptation to new conditions SD II 206-7 263 Apes will be extinct by the 6th Root Race 263 Etherealization -- reversion to the astral out of the mire of physical life. After millions of years ================== 263 A PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE EARLY RACES. in 4 TH ROUND SD II 264, 437 3rd Race [ 4TH ROUND ] - Lemuria 263 Lemurian - relicts a few broken monuments and old ruins [ Home of 3rd Race SD II 331 402 433 679-80fn [Pre-Tertiary: SD II 8fn 313 433fn 779 (Paleocene, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic) ( Modern estimate: over 144 million years old ( HPB time estimate: over 9 million years old 263 [Cyclopean ruins: SD II 263 316 324 331 334-5 SD II 343-6fn 402 433 679 746 765 (3 last Lemurian races were Cyclops: SD II 769 [Easter Island: SD I 322 439 II 224 317 326-8 346fn [Australia: SD II 314 779 [Extent: SD II 171-2 177 220 296 316 337 SD II 340 344 402 446 769fn 781fn [Descendants: SD II 195-6 771-2 (Andamans, Tasmanians 262 Sumatrans, [Senzar from 3 RD RACE SD I xliii 266 [Destroyed by earthquakes & eruptions SD II 445 3RD - 4TH RACE LINK -- ATLANTO-LEMURIANS 4th ROUND 263-4 ATLANTO-LEMURIANS [Overlap of races: SD I 190 II 319-20 333-4 444 [Wars w. Aryans: SD II 302-3 776 4TH RACE -- ATLANTEANS 263 ATLANTEANS (4th Race) SD II 171 679 789 [Home of the 4th Race -- 3 Stages (Eocene, Miocene, 25- 60 million years old (Modern estimate: 25-60 million years old (HPB time estimate: 2 million years old 263 [Buildings, Monuments: SD II 331 692 (Pyramids, Menhirs SD 343-2 347 352 [Cities: SD II 20-1 760 I 189-92 [No fresh Monads since middle: SD I 182 II 301 [Peru an offshoot of: SD II 745 [Destroyed SD II 693 (Miocene) AFRICA 263-4 Africa (as continent) never part of Lemuria of Atlantis SD II 200 425 (Modern estimate: over million years old [Emerged during early Atlantis SD II 264 327 368 739 [Before Europe appeared SD II 200 368 [Rose after Asia SD II 606fn [Atlanteans fled to SD II 716 740-1 743-4 [Joined to Mexico, Venezuela by Atlantis SD II 424 791-2 [Joined to Spain SD II 80 740 793 [Races in SD II 162 168 421fn 425 754 716fn 740 [Isolated SD II 425 168 & fn 193fn [Atlas SD II 264 407 493-4 765 264 First 3 Races reviewed 264 Winged and Hermaphrodite race (Plato) SD II 372-3 264 Golden Age under reign of Saturn (Kronos) SD II 270 273 372-3 421 423fn 777 264-5 Faber on evidence of past races and their wisdom Deluges and sinking -- dating problems with Bible SD I 469 II 136-7 192 274 265 Bailly on "island" Atlantis SD I 406-8 II 314 265 Deluges, Noahs, Vaivaswata Manu, Xisusthrus and Bible 265fn Chronology reviewed SD II 142 222 266 Lemurians prior to Atlanteans and anthropological speculations on submergence SD II 171 679 789 266 Great Britain and Europe to be eventually sunk by volcanic action and earthquakes -- like Lemuria was SD I 6464 II 331 445 Ocean 124 266 After Atlantis came Hindu, Egyptian, Phoenician cultures CIVILIZATIONS : ANCIENT [Earliest - Eocene: SD I 435fn II 360 390-3 744 [Atlantean; SD II 263 408 429-30 [Atlanto-Aryan: SD I 272-3 II 436 743 [Central Asian: SD I xxxii-iv xliii 376 SD II 203 220-1 425 464 565 [Chaldean: SD I xxxi 313 652-5 SD II 3-4 282 SD II 215 316 336 428-9 454 462-3 486 [Chinese: SD II 280fn 327 [Mongolian: SD II 178 319 327 425 607fn [Greek: SD II 211 361 367 429-30 529 SD II 532-3 746fn 776 [Hermetic: SD I 128 281fn II 137 367 533 [Egyptian: SD II 134 429-30 533 786fn [India, Hindu: SD II 565 [Jewish, Semitic: SD I 312-3fn 319 349 SD II 200 203 241 469 470-4fn 691 [Kabiri: SD I 434-5fn 641 II 142 272-3 SD II 391-3 362-6fn [Lemurian: SD I 191 II 317-9 433fn [Miocene: SD II 266fn [Phoenicians: SD I 313 II 274 328 430 SD II 406-7 560 743 [Tertiary: SD II 280fn 679 [Rise & Fall: SD II 330 723 [Savagery Co-exists: SD II 318 522 717 722-5 266 Aryans and Semites belong to the 5th Race SD I 319 II 147fn 203 410-1fn 426 470-1 266 Plato INITIATE pledged to silence and secrecy confuses intentionally the legend of Poseidonis the last Island with the whole story of Atlantis and Lemuria to Poseidonis [Initiate: SD I 2fn II 88 395 443-4 554 [Poseidonis; SD II 314 407-9 765 767-8 266fn Donnelly Atlantis relates Atlantis beginning to the Miocene Age (25 million + BC) SD II 258 679 710 713 717 267 Begetting 3rd Race no longer created (mindless) Instincts were to be adjusted SD II 269 272 267 Anomalous Offspring begotten -- unfit -- SD II 683 SD I 383 II 54 125 147 184-5 191-2 415 267 Unfitness Warning from the Dhyan Chohans not heeded SD II 184-5 189 191 195 201 262 286 513-4 267 Error of Error understood after the "Angelic Monads from Begetting Higher Spheres incarnated and endowed man with UNDERSTANDING SD II 120 254-5 261 483 267 Animal and human form differs because of the different vital fires are latent in the animal and "lit" in the human form. SD II 241 255 290 299 525f 671 267 Animal does not have the 3 higher principles lit up in it only latent and potential SD II 255 269 290 267fn Pymander An abridgment of a Book of Thoth by a 3rd Cent. Platonist of Alexandria then remodeled by a Kabalist following old Hebrew Enoch and Phoenician MSS "Genesis of ENOCH" SD I 63 74 285 674-5 II 3 114-5fn 455 491 506 267fn Enoch Thoth Hermes Orpheus Kadmus -- all generic names used by successive individuals -- branches and offshoots from the 7 PRIMORDIAL SAGES who taught Humanity WISDOM. Earlier than Books of Moses SD I 571-3 II 233 242 267fn - disciples assumed Master's name used in 4th and 5 Hermes 5th Race - 5 Hermes Enoc 267fn INITIATES AND FOUNDERS OF THE MYSTERIES SD I 272-3 II 124 281-2 345fn 451 560 795-6 267-8 Pymander quoted Man the miracle Combines 7 essences SD II 237 268 St. Paul Enigma of Earth Isis II 90 277 SD II 709 268 Earth the shadow of a superior event SD I 103 209 II 457 Glos 107 268 3rd Race Bright shadow of the Gods "WAR between SPIRIT / Matter" = WAR IN HEAVEN 268 "WAR between SPIRIT and Matter" is the WAR IN HEAVEN SD I 418 II 80 237 246 272 380-1 386-90 495 501-2 268 First Gods - exiled to Earth after "War in Heaven" 268 WAR WILL LAST TILL THE INNER DIVINE MAN ADJUSTS HIS OUTER TERRESTRIAL SELF TO HIS OWN SPIRITUAL NATURE 268 Passions - Dark Passions will ever be at war with the DIVINE MAN SD II 380 412 420 422 459 571 268 Animal to be tamed -- then harmony will reign as it was before the "Fall" when mortal man was created by the Elements and was not born (begotten) 268 3rd Race the bright shadow of the 1st after "The War in Heaven" SD I 194-8 201-3 418-23 II 103-4 268-9f SD II 80 237 246 272 379-390 492-52 WAR in HEAVEN 268 War in Heaven War between Spirit and Matter [First: SD I 202 418-20 II 45 63 497-8 [Adepts vs. Sorcerers: SD II 222 232 495 SD II 501-2 [Astronomical: SD I 201-4 268 Passions - feud with their Master: DIVINE MAN [ KAMA VS. BUDDHI ] 268 Theogonies all reflect this SD II 475-6 502 507 e.g.: Hesiod 268-9 Uranos mutilated by his children - 2nd phase in creation He had tried to destroy all his children at birth SD I 10 99-100 418 II 65 283fn 354 762 IS I 267 269 Chaos - personified all creative Powers in Chaos - Space ( Chaos/Space as the unmanifest Deity) 269 Pitris are caused by those Powers to evolve primordial Men (forms) from themselves -- 269 - Creation (suspended for moment) passes into the hands of Kronos (TIME) SD I 418 II 253fn 283fn 421-2 483 515 765-6 269 - Kronos then unites with Rhea (Gaia Earth in esotericism) - devours his children (confines them to Earth--means the fruitless efforts to create real human men. Time (Kronos) swallows its own fruitless work. SD II 56 102 142 367 SD I 418 II 253fn 283fn 421-2 483 515 765-6 269 Gaia Aditi -- the Great Cosmic Deep [ Akasa - Chaos ] [Gaia: SD II 65 583 590-1fn [Aditi: SD I 53fn 65 90 100-1 137 332 431-2 SD II 42fn 107 247fn 458 613 268fn Uranos - Varuna universal encompasser Vishnu -- SPACE Vishnu maker of heaven & Earth Visvakarma Glos 366 SD I 10 99-100 418 II 65 283fn 354 762 IS I 267 269fn Makara - Makara mysterious Zodiacal sign MORAL elevation (balance) Glos 202 5 Yrs Thy 71 119 269fn Fight for Supremacy between children of Uranos and Gaia - Jupiter dethrones Kronos SD I 418 II 253fn 283fn 421-2 483 515 765-6 - Titans vs. children of Kronos (Zeus) 269 Titan is Prometheus in one sense 269fn Fight to this day between Spiritual Inner Nature of Man and the Man of FLESH SD II 95 272 283 495 270 Jupiter myths and relating to Uranos and Kronos are discussed and explained 4 AGES (4 Periods of Time, 4 Races) 270-1 Golden Age - Uranos 1st Race (Golden Age) and SD I 10 99-100 418 II 65 283fn 354 762 IS I 267 270-1 Silver Age - Kronos 2nd Race (Silver Age) 270-1 Bronze Age - is Atlantean human cycle "Bronze Age" 270 Zeus / Jupiter 3rd Age leading to Iron Age SD II 390 519 Glos 247 270-1 Iron Age Age of HEROES (Thebes - Troy) SD II 101 236 440 568 749 796 270 Epimetheus (Bro. Prometheus) introduces Pandora 270fn Pandora - sent to Man - his happiness is destroyed. SD II 411-2 519 270 Pandora - a punishment for obtaining the divine creative fire [ Gift of Prometheus ] a fatal gift of Jupiter Deluge 270 Deluges 1 - Men of our Race appear after a deluge that swept over lands of Atlantis - Myths 271 - Races destroyed and replaced by others =================== 271 STANZA X (Continued) 40. Then the 3rd and 4th (races) became tall with pride. We are the Kings, we are the Gods (a). 41. They took wives fair to look at. Wives from the "mindless," the narrow-headed. They bred monsters, wicked demons, male and female. Also Khadoo (Dakina) with little minds (b). SD II 285 Glos 95 177 42. They built temples for human body. Male and Female they worshiped (c). Then the 3rd eye acted no longer (d). SD II 285 271 3rd Race and the 4th Atlantean -- truly physical - developed PRIDE -- Giants in size. 272 Prototypes of Builders of Babel, Nimrods, Hamites, Satan, 272 Religion of 3rd and 4th Races [4th Round] SD I 210 SD I 437 207-8 10 463 327 vi xxxiv-v 44 636 366 SD II 328 483 797 513 246 377 177 434 274 722 281 SD II 258 285 355fn 432 102-3 95 269fn Is II 561 272 Lemurians and Lemuro-Atlanteans had none - no dogmas - no faith (or blind belief) SD I 210 272 When the MENTAL EYE OF MAN OPENED TO UNDERSTANDING in the 3rd Race it felt itself one with the ever-present as the ever to be unknown and invisible ALL, the DEITY ONE UNIVERSAL DEITY. 272 Endowed with divine powers and feeling in himself his inner God, each felt that he was a Man-God in his nature, though an animal in his physical Self. 272 Struggle between Divine Self and physical Self began on the day when men first tasted the fruit of the Tree of Wisdom 272 - A struggle for life between the spiritual and the psychic & the psychic and the physical. 272 Successful victors who conquered the lower principles joined the "Sons of Light" SD II 246 34 167 274 285 272 Victims - Those who fell victims to their lower natures, became the slaves of Matter. Became "Sons of Sons of Darkness Darkness." -- these became the seed for the future generations of the Atlanteans. 272 DAWN OF CONSCIOUSNESS no beliefs no religion SD II 42 763 SD I 207 208fn 397 II 274 774fn 760fn 769 272 Reverence - had reverence for those who were felt to be higher than themselves SD I 109-10 II 109 198 373 521 572 762 272-3 LEMURIAN EARLIEST RELIGION -- beautiful one 272-3 Bright Elementals around them and within them Nurtured and tended by the Wise who had given them conscious life 273 The bright Spirits sacrificed their own respective super-ethereal essences to animate the man of clay by endowing each of his inner principles with a portion, or rather a reflection of that essence. SD I 111 227 207-1 193 619 II 246 269 377 483 273 Dhyanis of the 7 Planes of Being are the noumenoi of the actual and future Elements. - in gross physical nature, the effects they cause are called "modes of motion, imponderable forces, etc., " 273 Golden Age [3rd Race] When Gods walked the Earth Satya-Yuga (Adam & Eve typified) SD I 535fn II 372 273 - Gods then became invisible [Nirmanakayas ? ] - Worship then materialized: Elementals 273 Atlanteans (semi-divine after sex division) SD II 275-6 Earliest races were born on Lemurian continent divided in their tribes into SD I 425 II 372 743-6 750 772 RIGHTEOUS 273 Righteous 1. the righteous (who worshiped the unseen Spirit of Nature -- a ray of which Man feels within himself) and the SD I 481 II 493 501-3 274 Gibborim - Kabirim - Titans - Rakshasas - Daityas (GIANTS) 274 [ Daityas: Glos 94 96 211 281 SD I 651 SD II 225fn 227fn 428 501 274 [ Gibborim: Glos 168 275 SD I 415 469 SD II 165fn 264 274 [ Kabirim: Glos 168 71 Is I 569 580-90 II 270 SD I 469 641-2fn SD II 102 106 264 390 274 [ Rakshasas: Glos 275 SD I 415 II 163 227fn SD II 232fn Thy V. 39 - p. 225 UNRIGHTEOUS 273 Unrighteous 2. the unrighteous (who offered fanatical worship to the Spirits of the Earth) - First-begotten and humanly-born turned to sacrifice to Matter SD I 327 267 273fn Cain symbolized this -- the 1st male Abel " " the 1st female Trans 90 Glos 12 SD II 125 127 134 390-1 274 Religions Secret and mysterious origin of all religions [ started with PHYSICAL man.] WQJ II 585 HPB III 196 SD I 638 HPB I 61-4 II 220-2 III 34 48-50 196 SD II 285 503 723 772 774fn Thst.4- p. 45 274 Sexual Religion blended with Zodiacal astrology and astronomical phenomena [ PHYSICAL man ] 274 Lemurians gravitated towards the North Pole (Heaven of their progenitors) Hyperborean Glos. 187 274 Atlanteans towards the South Pole Pit of passions blown into hurricanes by the cosmic Elementals SD I 145 291 497 II 699 274 Poles symbolized by the Good and Bad Dragons & Serpents SD I 205 II 356-8 362 385-6 400fn 403 MAGICIANS 274 Good Magicians = Sons of God - of Spirit SD II 274 274 Bad Magicians = Sons of Matter - Sorcerers SD II 222-3 350 274 Dual and Triple Nature of Man has its origin here. SD II 109 242 272 468-70 514 274 "Fallen Angels" Legends illustrate in esotericism the key to the manifold contradictions in human character [tied to PHYSICAL man ] 274 SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS Points to - SECRET OF MAN'S SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS [ INDWELLING GOD in every MAN] 274 Esoteric Anthropogenesis 274 Origin of Evil -- a clue given 274 Demon of Pride, Lust, Rebellion, Hatred never had any being before the appearance of conscious physical man. SD II 110 274 Contamination of the pure inner God by linking it with the demon of Matter Fiend allowed to develop in his Heart SD II 110 238fn 241 272 484 274-5 Man born from a Superior Being HIGHEST MONADS 275 3rd Race -- a portion of its mankind (all those Monads of Men who had reached the Karma highest point of Merit and Karma in the preceding Manvantara [ HPB III 265 ] owed their Manas PSYCHIC and RATIONAL natures to DIVINE BEINGS hypostasizing into their FIFTH Principle [ MANAS ] Trans 24 FP 94 ML 40-1 HPB III 265 SD I 233 428-9 574fn SD II 79 93-4 167 255 SD II 238fn 484 275 DIVINE MAN dwelt in the animal SEPARATION OF THE SEXES - natural 275 Separation of the sexes then occurred naturally in evolution and males were attracted to females the Race fell --because they knew no better, not because they ate the fruit of Knowledge 275 Intermediate Race produced in which the Higher Dhyan Chohans had incarnated. SD II 90 92 173 178 228 233fn 246 281 UNDYING RACE 275fn UNDYING RACE -- fruitless generation (first progeny of Daksha) Glos. 40 44 79 136 224 247 Thst 5, p. 263-4 (BCW 6, p. 261-3) ML 157 Theos Art. & Notes p. 123-4 199 91-2 298 SD I 48 67 111 207 275 413 619 652 SD II 32 67 121 173 276 281 502 652 275fn Narada representative of the race of fruitless ascetics is said as soon as he dies in one body, is reborn in another. Glos. 40 44 79 136 224 247 Thst 5, p. 263-4 (BCW 6, p. 261-3) ML 157 Theos Art. & Notes p. 123-4 199 91-2 298 SD I 48 67 111 207 275 413 619 652 SD II 32 67 121 173 276 281 502 652 275 The GREAT ADEPTS will once more produce mind-born immaculate Sons in the 7th Root Race. [ Agnishwattas, Kumaras, Manasaputras ] [ Gods incarnate in: SD II 198 [ Awakens 3rd Race: SD I 180-1 539fn II 156 525 [ Refused to create - born as men SD I 107 II 93 SD II 275-6 328 275 Daksha allegory explained further SD I 207fn II 165fn 170 ELECT RACE (Physically) 276 Elect Race (happily for Humanity) it had already become the vehicle of incarnation (intellectually and spiritually) of the Highest Dhyanis before Humanity became quite material. By the time that the last main sub-races of the 3rd RACE perished with Lemuria the seeds of the TRINITY of WISDOM IMMORTAL had already acquired the secret of immortality on this Earth -- SD II 67 231 275 281 421 652 ===================================== 276 EDIT FROM HERE ======================================== 276 PERSONAL IMMORTALITY which allows the same great PERSONALITY to step ad libitum from one worn-out body into another. SD I 107-8 II 281-2 276 War on Earth -- for women - rapes SD II 283 276 Giants on Earth 276fn Giants built the Pyramids then scattered around the earth 276fn - tradition in Central America - Quinances Glos 269 276 Decrease in size of fauna and flora as evolution proceeded. 277 ARE GIANTS A FICTION ? SD I 266-7 277 Field of Giants - Lower Dauphine, France nr. St. Romans skeletons of "ancient tapirs ?" Cuvier SD II 277 277 Cyclopean structures HPB Art. III 411-37 Is I 529 567 Isis I 122-3 148-50 303-4 549 SD II 9 674 Isis II 218 275 422 448-50 487 WQJ Art I 588 SD II 219 224 235-7 275fn 277-9 293 337 341 346-7 SD SD II 358 365 407-9 689 752-3 Thy 37-88 277 [Giant Skeletons America: SD I 225 II 277-8 338 678 SD II 710 755 773 Thy 17-277-8 277 [ Giant Skeletons, Grand Canyon: Thy 13-281 360 402-3 Thy 11-386 526 Thy 12-377 14-380 17-235-7 277-8 Thy 34-357 439 Thy 35-184 (Hubbard, Osborne) 277 [ Mexico: Thy 17-281 [ Giants excavated Ohio Mounds Lucif 7-436 13-91 [ Stonehenge: Thy 53-221 277 [ Giant Skeleton found under Stalagmites 80,000 - 1,000,000 BC Lucifer 10-p. 358 July 1892, Mentone, at cave "Rocher Rouges" 277 Contemporary Giant statures seen today SD II 749 277 Darwin "tendency to revert to the original type." [ Law of permanent characterization: SD II 660-1 668 277 Giants of old buried under the Oceans ML p. 2 SD II 68fn 285 684 277 Testimony of Classical writers -- examples given Atlas, Orion Danavas, Daityas, Lanka, Rakshasas, Gyges, Geryon, Noah, Quinames, Rahu, Titans, etc. 278 Testimony from contemporary writers. 278 Remains reported in Dept. du Gard, France, Austria, Liege, Negroid skulls - men of high stature SD II 674 293 338 278 Carthagenean gigantic skeletons, Tertullian 278 Sarcophagus of giants found at Carthage (1858 scientific report) 278 Philostratus Skeletons of 22 and 12 cubits reported and seen at Sigeus and Lemnos (18 and 12 feet) 278 Pliny reported on Orion's skeleton 278 Plutarch tomb of Antaeus seen by Sertorius 278 Pausanias tombs of Asterius and Geryon son of Hercules 278 Abbe Pegues near Volcanoes on Thera (Santorini) giants with enormous skulls were found under colossal stones 279 Gibborim and Rephaim like Nimrod -- mighty ones Glos 277 SD II 61 755 279 These names belong to the 4 preceding races and the earliest beginning of the 5th -- (the 2 Phantom -- astral -- races and to the Atlantean giants. 279 "Original sin" seen by Bossuet as the source of subsequent universal idolatry -- but both the Greek and Idols the Latin Churches are as idolatrous as any pagan cult was. SD I 392 646 II 279fn 281 492 503 588 723 279 4th Race saw the end of the designation "divine " applied to Body men -- resorted to body worship and phallicism. SD II 54 285 465-60 SD I 264fn 452fn 279 Good & Evil Knowledge acquired of prior to their "fall." SD II 4 81 124 214-5 292-3 382fn 280 Clement of Alexandria defected from Neo-Platonists 280 Theosophy and Bible show parallels 280 Chinese antiquity on the Mao-tse --giants in Shoo-King 280-1 an ante-diluvian and perverted race 281 Chang-Ty (of the divine dynasty saw his people had lost the last vestige of virtue 281 He commanded Tehong and Lhy (2 lower Dhyan Chohans) to cut every communication 281fn between the 2 planes of consciousness (our Earthly waking consciousness and that of higher beings. T A & N 91-2 123-4 199 298 Glos 297 SD I xliii Isis I p. 11 279fn Dragon representing the Magicians -- 279fn Fiery Dragons of Wisdom Dhyan Chohans, Agnishwattas, Maruts, Rudras, SD I 2307 II 77-8 91 282 615 279fn 7-Voweled Serpent of the gnostics -- Agathodaemon, Christ [ Atma in Man in 7 classes of being (SD I 571-3)] 279 WORD [ Oeaohoo: SD I 351-2 372 II 68 71-3 76 SD II 220 479-80 541 704fn 279 AUM/OM [ Aum (Pranava) : SD I 432fn II 43 408 Isis II 31 39-40 99 266-7 343-4 387 418 Isis II 370-1 393 439 616 Isis I xvi-vii 66 445 514 279 LOST WORD [ Lost word: Isis I vliv 30 580 589-90 ISIS II 349 351 368-71 387-8 393 398 400-1 409 450 470-1 515 571 279 NAME [ Ineffable Name: Isis II 90-1 147 153 214 Isis II 254 266 289 297 337 343-4 368-9 371 387-8 393 398 400-1 409 450 470-1 506 515 571 Isis I 462 506 SD I 346fn 351 II 282fn 557 279 AKASA [ Akasa: basic property SD I 572 279 SOUND/VOICE SD I 94-6 136-67 293 (mantras) 431fn SD I 438-9 SD II 335 557 SD II 569-70fn 589 622-3fn 672 280fn True Chinamen Lolo - High stature Lolo Last branch of 4th Race SD II 196fn 178 293fn 364 HPB Art. III 330 ------------------------ 281 Communication between 2 planes between ethereal divine Man and physical man was stopped ( between 3rd and 4th Races ) when abuse of wisdom resulted in selfish use -- thus: sorcery [ Relation0 between MAN before and after "Fall" and marriage to "wives" of a lower level of consciousness 281 [ Ape & Man ] Example of a consciousness gap HPB II 161-2 281 Coats of Skin thickened and man fell more and more into physical "sin" SD I 264 & fn 281 - veil of matter prevented Inner Man from passing SD I 41-2 SD II 272-3 281 Mysteries of Heaven and Earth (3rd Race) remained as a revealed to the 3rd Race by their celestial Teachers a great Focus of LIGHT -- weakened as fell on increasingly material soil. SD I 41-2 201 7 235 II 272-3 281 Sorcery exoteric religions - idolatry - superstitions man/hero worship SD II 284 636 774 UNDYING RACE -- Kumaras - Primitive Men 281 PRIMITIVE MEN - a handful -- WISDOM burned bright in them alone - remained the elect custodians of the Mysteries revealed to mankind by Divine Teachers 281 Kumaric condition retained [ UNDYING RACE 281fn [ "immaculate progeny of the 3rd Root Race" ] 281 Hierarchy who never died since the beginning. SD I 207-8 272 456-7 516 SD II 48 67 105 173 199 210 275fn 284 415 423 SD II 578 652 Isis II 95-102 ML 157 Q & A 297 281 Inner man -- only changes his body -- no Nirvana or Devachan 281 Remaining on Earth for the salvation of Mankind 281 Sacrificed themselves for the sins of the world 282 Will remain till the end of this Manvantara 282 Unseen but ever present. 282 Head, Heart Soul and the Seed of undying Knowledge (GNYANA) SD I 207-8 111 93 95 62 II 275-6 394 615 282 Sacred "Four" Glos 301 282fn Ineffable Name - 4 lettered SD I 351 282 Vamadeva (Siva) as chaste Kumara - reborn in each Kalpa SD II 82 249 282 Siva PATRON of all Yogis and Ascetics -- Spirit of Divine Wisdom -- chaste asceticism - SD I 207-3 459 358 II 613-5 249 282 Higher than the "Four" is ONE ( SD I 207-8) -- incarnates in those Elect 282 "Sons of the Flame" and sons of "Dark Wisdom" 282 Chaldean account of Genesis "Curse of the Fall" tiles -- George Smith SD I 357 II 54 202 447 -- similarity between Chaldean and Biblical account to be noted 282-3 Spirit of Divine wisdom upon and in man 283 Serpent of Eternity and all Knowledge - Manasic spirit made him learn the SD I 292-3 355 II 178 243 HPB Art II 319 283 Secret of CREATION on the 1. Kriyashactic, and of SD II 78 109-10 228 652 283 Procreation 2. Procreation on the earthly planes [ Begetting ] led him as naturally to discover his way to immortality notwithstanding the jealousy of all the Gods. SD II 652 228 283 Early Lemuro-Atlanteans (3-4th Race) took wives of a lower race -- from those who were hitherto mindless BEGOT Began to BEGET and ceased to Create" SD II 276 284 412 283 "Prompted by eternal Law the "Angel" incarnated on earth in Man-form -- an earthly body but with a Wisdom and Knowledge that was still Divine SECRETS he is accused of divulging the mysteries of Heaven. SD I 309-10 283 II 79 89 243 248 284 286 410-1 283fn Loki related to Prometheus a beneficent, generous, and powerful God -- principle of good not of evil in early Scandinavian theogony. Glos 191 346 Is II 11 283fn Uranos mutilated by Kronos God of WISDOM -- father of the Gods -- used the DIVINE CREATIVE ORGAN [ mutilation caused procreation and begetting] SD I 99fn 100-1 417 284 Begetting using a weak physical body -- will pay for the misuse of divine Wisdom being carried down to this physical plane -- corruption of physical purity SD II 457 284 "Theosophic school in Paradise." After the Fall the Angels communicated the heavenly doctrine to the disobedient child of Earth -- to furnish the protoplasts with the means of returning to their pristine nobility and felicity. Is II 98-102 284 Pre-Adamite period -- Divine period SD II 83-4 172 252 289fn 311 394 397 452-7 703 747 284 Seeds of Humanity -- around these "Sons of God" -- the Astral "Mind-born" astral children of Brahma that our Physical physical frames have grown and developed into what they are now. SD I 210-1 II 44 210-1 410-1 284 3rd Eye Siva Eye perceived this and many other changes on other planes and times SD I 46fn SD II 179 227 271 288 294-5 298-9fn SD II 303 306 578fn 284 ATLANTEAN 4th Race -- purely HUMAN period -- divine beings now imprisoned in bodies which Human appear were human in appearance but changed physiologically 284 Wives (human) and took on WIVES who were entirely human SD I 412 II 271 287 285 Humans in which lower more material, though sidereal, beings, had incarnated. Glos 189 285 Lilith also named Khado, Daikini SD II 174 262 271 287 Glos 177 189 Is I 433 II 445fn 285 Body Worship degenerated later into phallicism & sex SD II 274 279 285 Early Atlanteans were giants in stature and in Knowledge Science innate to them SD II 272-5 Informing Principle knew at incarnation SD II 79 285 Matter thickened - obtuseness weakened the memory of their pre-natal knowledge gradually - even extinguished every spark of the spiritual and divine in them - fell victims to their ANIMAL NATURE SD II 410-1 285 Creuzer describes giant Atlanteans with accuracy SD II 68fn 277 684 730 286 Sorcery marked Lemuro-Atlanteans SD II 495 286 -- Man was physically bred to animals -- and Pithecoid a pithecoid species (now extinct produced) SD I 184fn II 116 150-1 195 200 275 281 SD II 410-1 717-9 286 Mindless committed the first cross-breeding; and from those monsters the Atlanteans chose "wives" with which to again cross-breed. SD I 184 411 Cain to Nod [Cain went to land of Nod and took a wife -- SD I 324fn ] 287 Semi-human tribes; Vedhas of Ceylon SD II 196fn 284 779-80 Bushmen SD II 162 168 (Tasmanians SD II 195-6 262 332 725 Satyrs - with hairy legs SD II 262 287 SD II 755 775 287 Sterility of the race ensued on contact with modern European bestiality (lust) SD II 192-6 689 730 779-80 287 Missing Link not to be found SD I 184fn 190 II 87 Astral SD II 189-90 260 263 287 317fn 660 674 SD II 678 717 720 727 744 288 Man - Highest Mammalian to first appear in this 4th Round creation SD II 1 56fn 169-70 180 274 684 736 SD II 155 183-4 274 713-4 739 749 289 Third eye acted no longer SD II 284 294-9 302 353 [ misuse SD II 302 ============== 289 THE RACES WITH THE "THIRD EYE" 289 Man earliest of the mammalians SD II 1 56fn 169-70 180 SD II 274 684 736 155 183-4 274 713-4 739 749 289 Ethereal and phantom like not even physical yet -- a Cyclops of which no fossils can possibly remain IS I 134 SD II 291 208-9 317 345 289 Man - Store house of the Seeds of Life for this Round 290 vegetable and animal alike. HPB III 26fn SD II 177 415 444-5 671-3 683-5 763fn 289fn Progress of the Monad concurrent with the regression of Form (666) -- future shape of mankind to be derived from forms presently aeriform Procreation to be gradually reduced -- involution of sex Lilliputian -- beauteous, luminous, diaphanous -- but giants in mind [de la Figaniere Theosophist Aug 1887 290 Remains of human shapes become the cast-off clothes of the next (Skandhas source of universal manure ?) [Sun 290 Man unites in himself all forms (experience) 290 "Food" - food of the animal and vegetable kingdoms SD I 126-7 201-4 224 II 109-10 292 684-5 671-2 [Sun feeds off "vital airs and attempts to "devour" his younger brothers AS I 100 102 541 604 290 Astral Prototypes for animals and plants related to "cast- off clothing" of man in earlier Round. 290fn SD I 126-7 II 292 684-5 290 Soul "The real man is the Soul" and his material frame is no part of him. 290 Cast-off clothing of man used by Nature for the creation of the forms of "insects, reptiles, birds, and animals" [ Skandhas ] 290 Ark (that crossed the Deluge) is Man as bearer of all the old "forms" 290-1 Ark and Deluge legends from Vendidad, (Yima and vara) 292 Vara (Ark) Vara = Man of the 4th Round (this one 4th Race ? ) 291 Manu & 7 Rishis Puranas, (Vaivaswata Manu and the 7 Rishis or divine men, progenitors, Future Men Dhyanis, Future Egos "commissioned to inform mankind." SD II 69fn 292 Glos 360 379 291 Ram-headed God (Aries, Lamb, Trans 68, Glos 68-9, 89-90 323 291 ["First born" of solar gods - "Builders"] SD I 104 107 239 262fn 339 344-5 374-5 SD I 80 88 128 139fn 265 380fn 436 579 SD II 170 345 fn 366 514 559 732 [ made man of "clay" SD II 37 I 225 291 Ahura Mazda Maker of the material world SD I 344 291-2 Time-periods symbolized in legends SD II 200 292 Axis of Earth gradually changes inclination to the ecliptic SD I 369 II 52 314 324-5 353 403 533 726 771 [ Karmic SD II274 329-30 [ Violent SD II 314 726 [ Deluges SD II 145 314 324-5 360 533-4 771 [ Zodiacal SD II 431 291-2 Polar region hinted at (Sun, Moon are seen to rise and fall only once a year after a brief twilight) 291 Airyana Vaego (Hyperborean Continent of 1st Race) Glos 12 T S & N 92 SD II 6 204 416fn 356 ================== Pp. 292 -- 295 292 Vendidad on Allegory of Lighting up of Manas Karshipta bird -- human mind-soul SD II 290 Glos 175 292 Tree of Knowledge - of good and evil [ 4th Race tasted] SD I 247 II 4 36 124 175 202 214-5 499fn 587-8 626fn 293 Adam Kadmon allegory 7 pillars -- Progenitors 7 planets SD II SD II 22 239 293 Giant race - tradition [Cyclopean structures HPB Art.III 411-37 Is I 529 567 Isis I 122-3 148-50 303-4 549 SD II 9 674 Isis II 218 275 422 448-50 487 WQJ Art I 588 SD II 219 224 235-7 275fn 277-9 293 337 341 346-7 SD II 358 365 407-9 689 752-3 Thy 37-88 [ Stonehenge: Thy 53-221 [ Giant Skeleton found under Stalagmites 80,000 - 1,000,000 BC Lucifer 10-p. 358 July 1892, Mentone, at cave "Rocher Rouges" 293 Giant skeletons in America belong to early 5th Race SD II 678 [ Giant Skeletons America: SD I 225 II 277-8 338 678 SD II 710 755 773 Thy 17-277-8 [ Giant Skeletons, Grand Canyon: Thy 13-281 360 402-3 Thy 11-386 526 Thy 12-377 14-380 17-235-7 277-8 Thy 34-357 439 Thy 35-184 (Hubbard, Osborne) [ Mexico: Thy 17-281 [ Giants excavated Ohio Mounds Lucif 7-436 13-91 293fn Modern giants and Reversion to type SD II 338 666-7 293-4 Cyclops Atlanteans 4th Race, Great physical power able to defend themselves giant monsters of the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic times. SD II 55 289 295 341 Isis I 122-3fn 293 Occultism teaches that there is psychic and spiritual in- volution pari passu with physical evolution. SD II 171 300 377 HPB to APS p. 243-55 293 Inner senses atrophied during material development of races a phase of the laws of growth and proven. 294 Legends of Physical organs and their atrophy - 4 arms, 3 eyes - (could see before and behind them) 294fn 3rd Eye was in the back of the head Lucif. 5, p. 356 SD II 301-3 118-9 769 294fn 4 Armed -- Hermaphrodite humanity 294 Man fell into Matter -- coordinately spiritual vision became dim and 3rd Eye began to loose its power 294fn Inner sight henceforth could only be acquired by training and intuition save in those cases of "natural born magicians sensitives and mediums, (as presently called). SD I 558 II 213 294fn [Medium: SD I 233fn II 86 174 370fn [Sensitive: SD II 370fn [Seer: SD I 46fn 272-3 515 605 617-8 633-4 SD II 67 281fn 284 295 361-75 529-35 700 [Visions, spiritual: SD I 266 272-3 633 SD II 370 294 Key 123-4 294 3rd Eye Became petrified 294fn 3rd. E Not "ossified" (Back eye) or pineal gland said to contain some concretions, sand... TM Vol. 69, p. 321-2 (update) 295 Pure and Undefiled SEER need have no fear Key 27 CHASTITY SD II 296 302-3 410-1 295 Divine eye EXISTS no more for the majority 3rd eye is dead Retreated inward. SD II 293 769 295 Embryology Eyes grow from within without. Man once a transparent creature (Prof. Lankester's theory) Not a development from skin tissues. 294 Senses (organs) From within without. Glos 295 ================================= Best wishes, Dallas ======================== -----Original Message----- From: Gordon Wood [mailto:gwood-2@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 9:26 AM To: Subject: RE: Perfected Mind Dallas, Thank you for your post on spirit, soul and mind yesterday. I have a question somebody may be able to help me with. I am not one who runs on blind faith so understanding is an essential precursor to acceptance and implementation. Please forgive me if this sounds negative I certainly do not intend for it to be. It's just reflective of my current state of being. Below is an extract from the Stanza's in the Voice of Silence. Does 17 imply the third RR human was not ready/capable of dealing with the powers of a perfected mind? Does 34 & 35 imply the mind employed by the fourth RR human is that of the creator(s)? Doesn't this mind pierce all seven planes as consciousness does? Wouldn't this be a mind that is perfected? Wouldn't this imply the challenge for mankind is to perfect the use of (develop wisdom) this perfected mind rather than perfecting the mind itself? When reference is made to the upper and lower mind is this more about wise and unwise use of the one perfected mind rather than the mind itself being dualistic? Bottom line question is whether it is the mind itself or its use that is dualistic? Appreciate any insights you all may have on this. - G ========================================= SECRET DOCTRINE II 17. THE BREATH NEEDED A FORM; THE FATHERS GAVE IT. THE BREATH NEEDED A GROSS BODY; THE EARTH MOULDED IT. THE BREATH NEEDED THE SPIRIT OF LIFE; THE SOLAR LHAS BREATHED IT INTO ITS FORM. THE BREATH NEEDED A MIRROR OF ITS BODY; "WE GAVE IT OUR OWN," SAID THE DHYANIS. THE BREATH NEEDED A VEHICLE OF DESIRES; "IT HAS IT," SAID THE DRAINER OF WATERS. BUT BREATH NEEDS A MIND TO EMBRACE THE UNIVERSE; "WE CANNOT GIVE THAT," SAID THE FATHERS. "I NEVER HAD IT," SAID THE SPIRIT OF THE EARTH. "THE FORM WOULD BE CONSUMED WERE I TO GIVE IT MINE," SAID THE GREAT FIRE . . . . MAN REMAINED AN EMPTY SENSELESS BHUTA . . . . THUS HAVE THE BONELESS GIVEN LIFE TO THOSE WHO BECAME MEN WITH BONES IN THE THIRD. SECRET DOCTRINE II p. 17 Sloka 17; II 105, 33. SEEING WHICH, THE LHAS WHO HAD NOT BUILT MEN, WEPT, SAYING:- 34. "THE AMANASA HAVE DEFILED OUR FUTURE ABODES. THIS IS KARMA. LET US DWELL IN THE OTHERS. LET US TEACH THEM BETTER, LEST WORSE SHOULD HAPPEN. THEY DID. . . . . 35. THEN ALL MEN BECAME ENDOWED WITH MANAS. THEY SAW THE SIN OF THE MINDLESS. SECRET DOCTRINE II p. 20; [ Slokas 33-35 ]; SECRET DOCTRINE II p. 191-200, [ Final Evol. of Man (191), Separation of Sexes (197); Primeval Language (199, 661-2; ] SECRET DOCTRINE II 202-219, [ Magi Schools & Magi (Teachers), Adepts (202-219) SECRET DOCTRINE II 220-226, (Sons of God: (Mahatmas, Adepts. Men with MINDS) (202-219), Magicians of Atlantis (220-227): ============================================= Observations: 1 All Beings spoken of here are "Eternal Pilgrims," or "MONADS" of several degrees of MENTAL DEVELOPMENT. 2 They are (all of them) IMMORTALS, and have started their conjoint evolutionary progress as "returning Nirvanees" ( S D II 79-80, 94, 233, 248, 254-8, 275fn, 281-2, 531, 538, 657, etc..) 3 Adepts and Mahatmas are GREAT MEN-SOULS. They are consciously STUDENTS of the UNIVERSE and our WORLD. 4 We, as "Mind-beings" or EGOS, are confined ( by Nature's LAWS -- KARMA ( ours as personalities -- (the 4 'lower principles' are: body, astral body, prana-life-energy, Kama-emotions and desires), -- and, as general "Mind-being group," as "Individualities." 5 The 3 'Higher Principles' are: - ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS, and will always remain so until we (the MIND-MANAS EGO. acting as the pivotal, linking "principle ( as Kama-Manas) have learned -- by OUR OWN EFFORTS at lower, Kamic-self-control, 6 All that is to be learned about this, OUR WORLD which is (as part of the infinite and Indefinable UNIVERSE our PRESENT SCHOOL, and from which are naturally derived various levels of CLASS ROOMS -- just as the same sequence of progress is illustrated (at our present general level) in our schools and colleges. 7. It is fruitless curiosity for us at this one of beginning levels, to ask to "see" an Adept, or a Mahatma (out of curiosity or vanity) -- we have first develop a knowledge of THEOSOPHY (which is that, which "we -- as "higher aspects of our own Kama-Manasic "principle," which aspires to SUPREME KNOWLEDGE). 8. At this level, for this specific age ( 5,000 years after "Kali-Yuga" started ), we have been given to STUDY and LEARN -- both true and dependable self-proving history and text -- S D I 267 top) 9. Thus, there will be found some traces,, vague and mystical, of ancient and relatively recent, TRUE "Esoteric schools" -- no fees to be paid, no promises to be made in advance, no "Leaders" assigned -- always existing quietly and secretly. 10 It is useless to look for them -- they will recognize your aspirations by your questions and efforts at serving others in their quest for seeking for TRUTH -- and APPLYING VIRTUE in your personal life. And they will drop hints to inspire the virtuous mind (Buddhi-Manas) to self-directed efforts at unostentatious self-improvement. The book the SECRET DOCTRINE, and the VOICE OF THE SILENCE (by H P B) have been noted as two seminal, ideal, attention getters of this age. The SECRET DOCTRINE teaches the History of our enormous past -- as immortals engaged in evolution together -- under the eternal bond of a common Brotherhood, and practising the same laws of justice, common sense with steadfast resolution, in private and in public. The DHAMMAPADA [Footfalls of the Laws of DUTY] are the same type of brief sayings that the great BUDDHA issued, and have inspired millions to the Path of Peace, since they were made known. Using the BHAGAVAD GITA, (the "Lord's Song") may be an example of the kind of imprint that an AVATAR like Sri Krishna leaves -- for inquiring and potentially devoted aspirants, at such a critical point in a large change in historical cycles. This (and so is our present cycle) a rare opportunity, when our personal Karma brings us into life to renew our vows and resume our efforts. And, when Karma marking such a change, indicates its probable impact on our future -- if we recognize this inestimable convergence of space, time and will in our characters. Now, indeed, we can become true creators of our "morrow." I think we ought ever to keep in mind that we are IMMORTALS, and reincarnation given us the needed time to study and assimilate all NATURE offers us -- since we are a eternally a vibrant living part of IT. The Buddha came 2.500 years later, and HPB came another 2,500 years after Buddha -- or, 5,000 years after Krishna, to mark one of those opportunities that the host of "Men-minds" (of our present cycle of incarnations) can profit from if we have humility and wisdom. The "Soul /Egos" we are "today" are / were the same "Soul / Egos" that were in incarnation in those distant times. The skandhaic essence and efflorescence of our continuing lives of study and compassion in "gentle service to others," forever surrounds us and forms our periodic incarnating "personalities. The truly DIVINE and PERMANENT Inner GOD [ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS -- the MONAD] is today, as ever before, the unchanging and invulnerable ONE SELF. It is one of the uncountable "Rays" of the ATMAN that is the UNIVERSE; and when it is in manifestation, it is thought of as SPACE -- never to be defined by finite brain-thought, though sensed and apprehended as the ONE ESSENTIAL of the WHOLE. This why BROTHERHOOD is to be thought of as the ONE TRUTH, and the service of others, as our SOLE DUTY [Dharma] . It may be suggested that we could read carefully the OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY by W Q Judge under ROUNDS AND RACES to secure a more precise and concise, but accurate view. Best wishes, Dallas ----------------------------------------------- Specifically as to the verses you quote from SECRET DOCTRINE II see above