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Theos-World Re: The USrael lobby and TRUTH

Aug 20, 2006 09:54 AM
by logos_student2000

Dear Cass,

It's no theory - you are correct about the Gold standard.  But also
Saddam was pumping TOO MUCH oil and thus might have created some
competition -competition is not what the cartel like, as you know.

I appreciate this response alot more than your previous one!  But how
can you hope to convince me of anything when you do not even
understand that the "Winsdor's" is not their last name but is the
"Guelphs'". These Ventians have tried for a world goverment in the
past and failed evry time.  Who cares what access they have to
homepathy, since they plan to take ours away.  It's called
neo-Fuedalism.  Hold back the water, create artifial food shortages
etc - there is enough food to feed the entire world.  

Its not only about MAMMON - the FED can print as much money as they
want to and I own enough Gold and Silver to almost annoy that imposter
British Queen Elizabeth II, her pasl in the Satanic "Order of Osiris"
and her Knights of the Garder minions.  

FYI, I plan to give the conspiracy talk a rest here and I will be
taking the good advice of Gary's as I see it far more appropriate.


--- In, Cass Silva <silva_cass@...> wrote:
> Dear Logos
> Another theory is that Hussein and Irak no longer wanted to deal in
American dollars (paper) and wanted payment in Euros and/or gold. 
This would have caused the collapse of the American economy as they do
not have the gold to back up the dollar.
> The only thing these people want to control is the money, or rather
the economy, I do not believe they are slightly interested in
controlling people's minds, unless of course, you include not giving
out all the facts.  We are necessary asset in securing their future
financial continuance.
> Our dependance upon pharmaceutical drugs is not I believe for
control, but again for the financial gains they provide to the real 13
families that rule from behind the scenes.  Interestingly enough the
Windsors are all into natural medicine, which probably ascribes to
their long life, but you can bet their wealth is invested in
pharmaceuticals etc.
> If we want freedom, we must first free ourselves of the manipulation
imposed by the media, governments, funded scientists, religious
leaders.  In this way the sheeple are kept from addressing the real
issues or the truth of the matter.  One one threatens to expose or
challenge the ruling classes as did Di, they are accidentally
eliminated, even though I expect she felt that she had Dodi's money
etc to provide some security for her.  However, the Windsors would
never have stood for a bastard half brother or sister to the King of
England, especially one who was not part of their cartel and one of
Arab descent.
> The idea that we have lost our freedom is another way or
manipulation to keep us angry about it, rather than be angry isn't it
better to recognise the manipulation.  In so doing, one is freed from
it.  They want to keep you mad, they want to keep the hatred going,
the only way we lose our freedom is when we hand it over.
> Cass
> logos_student2000 <logos_student2000@...> wrote:                   
              Dear Frank,
>  This brings up an excellent point.  I have for some time now, known
>  that there is no oil shortage and peak oil is alot of nonsense.  Many
>  people tell me it's all about Bush and the oil - but I think they
>  overlooked the point as mentioned by Nahum Goldman.  Not only that but
>  the whole deal with oil is about CONTROL.  They are turning the oil
>  off and that is why they can drive up prices by saying we are at peak
>  oil.  They wish to suppress all progress, unless for themselves.  They
>  have enough oil in Alaksa alone to fuel the world for decades and they
>  refuse to tell the American people the truth.  Moreover, these
>  Zionists would rather us ALL breath soot than allow clean technology
>  to thrive.  They just never stop lying - having all the oil in the
>  world is not good enough for them - they want control.  Control of our
>  minds, of our hearts and souls.  Cancer virus' in the vaccines,
>  flouride (a toxin) in our waters and AIDS being manufactured at fort
>  detrick Maryland - they are never satisfied.... being a
>  multi-trillionares is not good enough for them.  
>  I begged my mother to not take the vaccine.  She did not hear me and
>  developed MS a day later.  Naturally, I was very upset and with much
>  prayer from our friends and family she healed herself through karmic
>  relations and through God's Grace.  How many children are now on 15+
>  LEGAL drugs - just because they are hyper active, instead of reducing
>  sugars they are placed on drugs which alters their brain making them
>  kill their entire family.     
>  We do not need prove Flouride is an essential nutrient - they must
>  prove to use our bodies need it my force medication in our waters.  We
>  need not prove that vaccines (made now in insect eggs) are good for
>  us, it is "they" who must prove our own immune systems are not able to
>  function.  No chemical imbalance testing exists to warrent any
>  Psycho-trophic drugs yet they administer it to hyper or nervous
>  Good people are supposed to be enragged at tyranny like this.  Good
>  people are not supposed to smile and be happy when they see this
>  happening.  There is a time to pray and a time to act and I say I will
>  not stand by and allow these monsters to destroy what is left of the
>  US Consitution. If the good American people do not vote out ALL
>  incumbants (except for a few) in the coming November elections, no
>  matter Liberal nor Republican, then they may have no other choice but
>  to head to the streets.  Strong Christian nations like some Latino
>  countries have forced them out having no other choice!  Should they be
>  guilty of using force?  
>  Frank, I feel our level or self defense is proportional to our
>  spiritual ability to work without violence.  If a man would take a
>  sword and try to smite us, would we stand there and pray, or would we
>  duck?  Since we cannot de-materialize our bodies just yet, what are we
>  to do?  Since we cannot disarm them through our mouths or a look of
>  unslefish love, what options do we still have?  Should we leave behind
>  our families, or should we not duck?     
>  Those who find me hateful fail to see the struggles we all face.  Do
>  we duck, or do we pray - I find myself stuck somehow in the middle -
>  But I am honest as to what and where I am.  This is why I address you
>  and not these others who see themselves as only "spiritualists' and
>  yet in their so claiming, fail to have any!
>  --- In, "Frank Reitemeyer"
>  <ringding777@> wrote:
>  >
>  > 
>  > The Zionist lobby on theos-talk suspected the true words of
>  Katherine Tingley and Mahatma Gandhi on the Jewish question and
>  > Here is a quote from the Jew Nahum Goldman, who confirms both KT and
>  Gandhi. 
>  > 
>  > Will the Zionists now cry down Goldmann as an anti-semite? 
>  > BTW, what is the theosophical definition of that term? 
>  > 
>  > 
>  > "The Jews will stop at nothing to illegally drive out the
>  Palestinians from what was their homeland. The Jews have no claim on
>  that land, as they themselves admit. Zionist Nahum Goldman, Former
>  President of the World Jewish Congress has said: 
>  > 
>  > "The Jews might have had Uganda, Madagascar, and other places for
>  the establishment of a Jewish Fatherland, but they wanted absolutely
>  nothing except Palestine: not because the Dead Sea water by
>  evaporation can produce five trillion dollars of metalloids and
>  powdered metals; not because the sub-soil of Palestine contains twenty
>  times more petroleum than all the combined reserves of the two
>  Americas; but because Palestine is the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and
>  Africa, because Palestine constitutes the veritable center of world
>  political power, the strategic center for world control."
>  > 
>  >   
>  > 
>  > Shalom to all truth and peace lovers.
>  > 
>  > Frank
>  > 
>  > 
>  > 
>  > 
>  > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>  >
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