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Tillett, Adyar & Leadbeater

Aug 07, 2006 08:47 AM
by carlosaveline


This, below, is another posting which can hardly be described as aggressive or hurtful to any persons who are, as we all are, truth-seekers. 

This is the difference between blind belief and search for true knowledge, and I am confident that Pedro and other Adyar TS members will see that. 

A student of Occultism  does not develop a personal attachment to opinions or, at least, once confronted with facts, he will (painfully or otherwise) accept them. 

Because Occult Science cannot be found in belief-systems. 

The Masters made that most clear in a number of occasions. 

Now, again, there are other mistakes besides those of the Adyar TS, of course. 

Best regards,    Carlos.


Data:Sun, 06 Aug 2006 18:34:23 +1000

Assunto:Theos-World Leadbeater biographies

> I agree with Pedro that there should be multiple biographies of Leadbeater.
> He appears, however, to forget that there are already three � mine, the (brief)
> work by Hugh Shearman (Theosophist and Liberal Catholic Priest) and that by
> Peter Michel (Theosophist, and written in German: �Charles W. Leadbeater: Mit
> den Augen des Geistes�).
> Perhaps Pedro might explain why none of these � even that of Shearman, published
> by the St Alban Press, publishers to the Liberal Catholic Church � seems to have
> been reviewed (or even acknowledged) in a Liberal Catholic Church journal.
> Perhaps the reason is that all three acknowledge that Leadbeater was born in
> 1854, contrary to his claim to have been born in 1847.
> No doubt Pedro will also be able to explain why, and on what basis, the 11th 
> meeting (1996) of the General Episcopal Synod of the Liberal Catholic Church,
> of which Pedro is now a member, declared, without explanation or evidence, that
> Leadbeater�s correct birth date was 1847.
> There are, of course, a number of biographical notes on Leadbeater in various
> Theosophical publications, including archival notes made by Jinarajadasa on the
> basis of (according to him) information provided by Leadbeater. The data in
> these notes, insofar as they relate to Leadbeater�s family background, birth
> and early years, are all false.
> An American publisher is eager to reprint �The Elder Brother� but I am hesitant
> to agree, given that I have acquired, in the years since that work was
> published, vastly more material on Leadbeater (all of it confirming my original
> account).
> But I await with eager anticipation a new biography and encourage Pedro to begin
> one as soon as possible.
> Dr Gregory Tillett
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