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Re: [Mind and Brain] More arguments in behalf of a hybrid reality where the empirical & the conceptual become one seamless unit.

Aug 06, 2006 07:00 PM
by leonmaurer

I hope this correspondence regarding answers to questions of consciousness 
and mind might be of interest.   


 Thanks so much for your reply.  I'm not young (45), but young at heart, I 
suppose.  The wonders of the world never cease to amaze me, and although I feel 
I am a critical thinker, my experience in life causes me to think outside of 
the realm of supposed fact or knowledge, and ponder the intangibles and the 
unexplained.  I suppose it's human nature, but nonetheless, it is fascinating to 
have an idea, and research the idea to find that there are numerous theories 
and scientific research projects related to those ideas.  It opens new worlds 
for me that I didn't know existed.  Life is amazing and inspiring.  
 I appreciate that you took the time to reply to my post, and yes, I would 
welcome any recommendations for further reading. 
 Caron wrote:

>  Hi Caron,
> Rather than thinking your ideas and questions are juvenile or simple, I 
> thing they are far more profound and answerable than all the questions science 
> asks that so far remain unexplained by their scientific methods.  So, even with 
> a smile on my face of pleased wonderment at your audacity, let me try to 
> answer your questions below using the same kind of intuition that allows you to 
> answer them for yourself by the way the questions are worded based on your 
> own inner intuitions.
> In a message dated 8/4/06 5:10:13 AM, writes:
> Perhaps my seemingly juvenile or simple ideas and questions about
> consciousness and energy will bring a smile to your faces, or maybe even
> make you laugh, but I've been thinking, through my own experience of
> consciousness, that somehow I come to a place in which the flow of
> energy entering and leaving my body somehow aligns with that of the
> space around me.  It is as if the boundaries of my physical body are no
> longer rigid.  I don't mean that I change in any way physically, it is
> the feeling that the boundaries have become blurred, like running
> alongside a merry-go-round until you reach the same speed, then jumping
> on.
> This analogy is exactly the way the outer-inner world works -- since 
> (picture this) everything is linked together by the spinning fields within fields 
> within fields that fractally involve -- after radiating out from the encircling 
> spinergy or G-force of the zero-point of absolute space (the origin of pure 
> consciousness) -- like Russian dolls or Chinese boxes, two inside each other, 
> ad infinitum, while remaining interconnected within one encompassing mother 
> field of absolute universal consciousness spinning at infinite velocity that 
> surrounds them all.  All that we see and experience around us are simply 
> patterns of energy vibrations on the surface of the lowest (fourth iteration for 
> the scientists) energy phase of these fields where our physical bodies exist 
> along with other forms of solidified matter and measurable physical forces 
> (gravity, electric, weak, strong, etc.) ... With all of this unbreakably tied 
> together, through these interconnected fields, to the absolute zero-point and 
> its spinergy -- which is reflected everywhere as centers of consciousness 
> (Spirit or Atma for the mystic philosophers) throughout our cosmic space-time 
> continuum.  Thus, in fundamental reality -- one is all, and all is one.  And, 
> consciousness (or spirit) and matter are simply like two sides of a single 
> coin, one objective and the other, subjective.
> Since each coenergetic field involution following the primal beginning 
> represents another level of descending consciousness as well as energy phase 
> order, you have intuitively discovered the means that the ancient meditative 
> masters used to transfer their consciousness from one level to another until they 
> reach the universal center of Spiritual or God consciousness where exists 
> absolute stillness (with all sinuous linear vibrations resolved into pure 
> circular or nonlinear spin) -- the source of infinite wisdom and knowledge 
> surrounded by the perfect bliss of infinite homogeneity where everything is merged 
> into one thing -- as it was in the beginning (and always is at the ubiquitous 
> zero-point of pure consciousness).  Vide the Sufi whirling Dervishes and the 
> spinning Kabbalists who achieve such meditative states that begin with their 
> whirl dancing so as to synchronize all their inner and outer fields in a 
> single direction of spin, and thus, ultimately merge them together at their common 
> center of origin.  Unfortunately (from a scientific standpoint) this can 
> only be pictured in the mind and felt or subjectively experienced by a merger of 
> all the senses into one's center of individual self awareness. 
> Are objects seemingly separate simply because their energy is moving at
> differing rates of speed or ?
> You've hit the nail right on the head. "?" = spin.  And "speed" = angular 
> momentum.  String theory sees each apparently separate particle composed of a 
> string of pure force vibrating at different rates of cyclic motion.  ABC 
> theory sees this apparent separation being related to the different vibrating wave 
> interference patterns creating separate holographic images on the surfaces 
> of the coenergetic fields surrounding the zero-point of absolute space -- 
> which is everywhere at the centers and junctions between each triple set of the 
> spherically involved fractal fields extending diametrically in metric space 
> from zero to infinity.
> If our thoughts are energy, what feeds them?  Where does the energy come
> from to form a thought?
> Since our thoughts are energy represented by wave interference patterns on 
> the surface of the coenergetic fractal fields within fields, etc., the mind 
> that carries the thoughts must be one of those fields. 
> See: How It All Began 
> So, that energy must come from the original "spinergy" (angular momentum) 
> surrounding the zero-point origin of each of those fields.  Again, your 
> question answers itself.  Since those zero-points are everywhere in the universe and 
> is why our thought images or imaginations can reach out to the sphere of the 
> Cosmos encompassing the furthest galactic clusters and can imagine or 
> picture in the mind the most complex and fantastically beautiful pictorial or sonic 
> imagery.  (Although, it's only those artists and composers among us who have 
> studied, practiced and learned how to reproduce and record these images so 
> others can enjoy them.)  But, all of us have those same powers of imagination, 
> and can learn to use them if we focus our attention inwardly.
> Is a thought, and all of connectedness, that empty space that exists
> between the nucleus and the circumference of an atom, but we simply
> cannot sense it in any way?  Is this empty space actually acting as the
> bridge between everything?
> Another good question that contains its own answer... That is, if we can see 
> how all things come from one thing -- as described by the ABC spin field 
> model of cosmogenesis and universal involution and evolution.  Those coenergetic 
> fields are probably equivalent to the hyperspace fields (postulated in 
> string and quantum field theories) that are enfolded within the supposedly empty 
> space between the quantum particles -- which is full of seething perturbations 
> of energy coming in and out of existence as the quantum particles that 
> compose all the metric forms and fields we experience through our senses and 
> detect and measure with our scientific instruments.
> Sorry, I have no idea what the scientific terms are, and this probably
> sounds like babbling to you, but I'm throwing these things out there
> anyways, because although I don't have a scientific background, I
> definitely think about these things - A LOT!  Call it a hobby.
> I only wish that science could tell us as much with their measurements about 
> the true nature of reality as you have found through your "'hobby' of 
> 'thinking - A LOT!'" about these questions... (As I have for more years than I can 
> remember.:-)  Incidentally, Einstein had the same "hobby" when  he came up 
> with E=MC^2 and wrote an essay on relativity around age 16-17 -- before he 
> began his study of physics in order to learn enough mathematics to prove his 
> ideas scientifically and be able to publish his thesis academically -- which he 
> did in 1905 when he was 24.  His response to someone commenting on his 
> "genius" was, "Genius is simply continued concentration on a single point of inquiry 
> for a very long period of time." He also said, "It takes a touch of 
> genius-and a lot of courage-to move in the opposite direction."
> See: Einstein and the Secret Doctrine
> Contact me directly, if you'd like a list of some non scientific reading 
> material that Einstein probably studied that might answer most of your 
> profoundest questions related to these subjects.
> Thanks for indulging me.
> Caron
> You're welcome,
> Leon
> --- In, leonmaurer@... wrote:
> With regard to all the below assertions and speculations -- which explain 
> nothing about The nature of consciousness and how it actually works ... Here 
> are some (so far) scientifically unanswered questions of consciousness (among 
> many others) that can be effectively answered by the (ABC) theory which 
> proposes that the universe is initially composed of fractally involved spherical 
> fields of a coenergetic electromagnetic nature (in descending phase orders of 
> frequency-energy).
> This structure is based on the fundamental proposition that both awareness 
> and will are inherent aspects of the Absolute zero-point space existing at the 
> exact center of the "spinergy" G-force, or angular momentum of the primal 
> "singularity" out of which such fields initially emanate -- in full accord with 
> the fundamental law underlying all valid theories of relativity, sub and 
> super quantum fields, holographic paradigm, string, and superstring/M-brane, 
> etc. 
> This theory also postulates that all information of an experiential as well 
> as formative nature are carried as wave interference patterns on these 
> field's surfaces. 
> Further, it presumes that the initial ray of positive and negative linear 
> force -- which, together (in spiral parallelism and Mobius like vortical spin 
> around in and through subsequent polar zero-points tangentially linking the 
> involved fields) weave the surfaces of all the ensuing fractally involved spin 
> fields -- is the fundamental root of gravity (that both attracts and repels 
> all relatively and temporarily stable forms of mass-energy on each descending 
> coenergetic field, as well as contributes to the inflation and deflation of 
> the fields themselves) out of which all further fundamental forces are derived 
> on the later (lowest order) physical/material or mass/energy phase of 
> fundamental field involution. See:
> 1. What is the actual mechanism or process sequence whereby the perceiver 
> (i.e., the self centered aware experiencer) -- can intentionally (willfully) 
> direct focussed attention to and experience a particular memory, thought or 
> idea?
> 2. What is the nature of the mechanism and/or medium (i.e., field of energy) 
> where that memory is stored, either for immediate access and willful 
> response, or retrieval at a later time?
> 3.  In what form of energy is that memory encoded and stored?
> 4.  Is that storage mechanism or media different for short term and long 
> term memories? 
> 5.  If so, what is the difference?
> 6.  If not, how are these memories differentiated by our conscious 
> perception?
> 7.  How does such memories become integrated, compared and correlated with 
> other similar memories or with simultaneous parallel sensory experiences?
> 8.  How does a direct visual image coordinate with the positional body 
> placement within the field of that image, so that a painter can place the point of 
> his brush on the exact point on the canvas corresponding to that same point 
> on his live model and/or on the memory of its retained image carried in his 
> short or long term memory?
> 9.  How can a baseball fielder exactly coordinate the complex instantaneous 
> motions of his entire musculature so as to place his body and its extremities 
> in the exact position to accurately run and catch a ball on the fly?
> 10.  If consciousness is the inherent function of the zero-point of absolute 
> space, what is the mechanism and/or process that links such space with both 
> hyperspace (in all its coenergetic fractal fields) and the configuration 
> space that is accessible through our sense mechanisms?
> 11.  Who, what, where is the "intelligent designer" that makes all this work 
> in exact conformance with the fundamental law of overall cosmic existence 
> based on original spin? :-)
> 12.  What is that fundamental "law"? 
> I hope this gives us some food for thought, and I eagerly await the answer 
> to these questions based on the various theories of consciousness inferred 
> below. Also, if the questions cannot be answered by these theories, how would 
> such theories integrate with the fundamental ABC model as outlined above?
> Sincerely,
> Leon Maurer
>    (snip)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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