Aug 05, 2006 12:55 PM
by carlosaveline
Thanks a lot indeed.
I will leave this at a relatively un-worded level so far, putting the substance of the truce itself in the first place, and silently holding to it for the time being.
Best regards, Carlos.
Data:Fri, 04 Aug 2006 22:30:50 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Carlos on "A TRUCE IN THEOS-LEBANON?"
> Carlos,
> You write:
> ================================================
> Since the truce in Lebanon seems to be impossible in the next days,
> it occurred to me we could have a truce here at Theos-talk.
> For a week, we could make an informal agreement not to make radical
> criticisms of any theosophical or neotheosophical leader, group or
> organization, and to have a rather candid investigation on higher
> levels of consciousness, or on other constructive topics, while
> observing how our own minds and hearts work during that time.
> I say that because I was nicely surprised by some excellent postings
> among Pedro, Adelasie and a few other friends here.
> =================================================
> Well, I would suggest further that the time period be extended
> to 6 months and that it be agreed that there is NO negative
> criticism AT ALL of any theosophical or neotheosophical leader,
> group or organization and that furthermore no "ad hominem" remarks
> be made about any poster on this list.
> In other words, we discuss ideas and teachings, etc. or have
> announcements of information but nothing of a negative and critical
> nature about individual Theosophical leaders and students living or
> dead or about posters at Theos-Talk.
> Sounds like a good idea to me.
> Daniel
> Blavatsky Study Center
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