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On the originality of postings

Aug 04, 2006 01:47 PM
by carlosaveline

Daniel, I still think this discussion is kind of lacking some originality already, but I have to compliment you for the amount of words you can type (or quote)  in a couple of minutes.  Regards,  Carlos.


Data:Fri, 04 Aug 2006 20:40:48 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Yes I hope you will read what they say and follow their advice.

> Carlos,
> You write:
> =================================================
> Now, do you believe our polemics is getting, say, slightly 
> repetitive?
> Did you see the intelligent and deep discussion Pedro has been 
> having with various peoples here?
> Would it not be more worthwhile reading what they have to say?
> =================================================
> Yes I hope you will read what they say and follow their advice.
> I am ready to have an "intelligent and deep discussion" on both Mr. 
> Leadbeater and Mrs. Tingley? 
> Are you????
> I agree with you 100% that Adyar needs to be far more open to 
> certain historical facts concerning Mr. Leadbeater and Mrs. Besant.
> Here are some of the observations/facts that should be open for 
> discussion:
> But I am simply asking you: 
> Are you also in agreement that ULT/Theosophy Company needs to be far 
> more open to certain historical facts concerning Mrs. Tingley and 
> Mr. Judge.
> See the material at:
> Daniel
> Yahoo! Groups Links
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