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Reading better than re-writing?

Aug 04, 2006 01:31 PM
by carlosaveline


Good to see your clarification.  :) 

You are a fast typewriter, or you quote your own things very fast, or both.


Now, do you believe our polemics is getting, say, slightly repetitive?

Did you see the intelligent and deep discussion Pedro has been having with various peoples here? 

Would it not be more worthwhile reading what they have to say? 

Just a sugestion. 

Regards,  Carlos.


Data:Fri, 04 Aug 2006 20:24:35 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Carlos, now you are making me laugh!!!!! :)

> Carlos, now you are making me laugh!!!!! :)
> You write in two of your emails to me:
> "Sorry. I did not mean to offend you by questioning Adyar." 
> "Did I hurt you by questioning Leadbeater's Tantra? That was not my 
> intention."
> You cannot offend me by questioning Adyar. 
> And you certainly didn't hurt me by questioning Leadbeater's
> Tantra.
> I am probably more critical than even you on these subjects.
> But if you want Adyar (who in particular???) to be open to 
> these things, then all I'm asking you, don't you think the 
> ULT/Theosophy Co. should also be equally open to what Dr. Stokes
> writes below:
> "The United Lodge of Theosophists' anonymous book, The Theosophical 
> Movement [1925 edition] . . . will not tolerate even the suggestion 
> that Judge claimed to have had communications from the dead H.P.B. 
> or that he was on intimate terms with Mrs. Tingley. . . ."
> And he goes on to write:
> "The evidence is that Judge received and accepted as genuine what he 
> regarded as communications from H.P.B., dead nearly four years; that 
> these, quoted by Hargrove and endorsed by several others who claimed 
> to have seen the documents, were highly laudatory of Katherine 
> Tingley and accepted as such by Judge, and that Judge conferred with 
> Mrs. Tingley and sought her advice on certain matters contained in 
> them and sent portions to the London E.S.T." 
> "It now remains for those [such as ULT associates] whose exalted 
> opinion of Judge precludes such possibilities to wriggle out as best 
> they can, or to retract publicly their slanderous charges against 
> brother theosophists, or, else, which is far more likely, to decline 
> to look facts in the face. . . . "
> There is no religion higher than truth.
> Daniel
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