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Re: Theos-World Re: BAD NEWS?

Aug 02, 2006 05:25 PM
by Cass Silva

Based on your postings, I am sure.  Your time is caught up in the mayavic of HPB's personality (chasing windmills) at the expense of the teachings.  Public Opinion is against you, yet you still argue moral justification for defending HPB, implicit in this is that you are intellectually, morally, ethically her equal.

Underlying all this perhaps one should ask oneself is this based on the fear that HPB may have been a fraud which would mean that you were duped, a fear worse than death for an intellectual.


carlosaveline <> wrote:                                  Am I? Sure?
 Data:Tue, 1 Aug 2006 18:05:52 -0700 (PDT)
 Assunto:Re: Theos-World BAD NEWS?
 > HPB could have been Charlie Chaplin for all I care. You are spending your whole life defending a personality at the expense of gaining insight.
 > Cass
 > carlosaveline wrote: Dear Friends,
 > It may be a bad news for some people, but, yes, there still is a theosophical movement. 
 > And more. If one comes into the movement to say that HPB was a fraud and a liar ( naturally presenting no evidence of such a slanderous fancy) , one may come upon more than one people who will say this is not true. 
 > Sorry if it is too surprising. 
 > Regards, Carlos. 
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