Jul 26, 2006 07:34 AM
by carlosaveline
I am sure Katherine Tingley was not a Nazi. Far from that.
She was a Theosophist, and therefore her priority was Universal Brotherhood, which excludes no people and no nation, and therefore includes both Arabs and Jews.
A.Hitler and B. Mussolini were mass-murderers and they persecuted all
theosophical movements and groups in every country they dominated, in the first half of the 20th century.
So there seems to be no reason whatsoever for Neo-Nazis to infiltrate in the theosophical movement and distort Theosophy to make it justify hatred or violence.
Best regards, Carlos.
Data:Wed, 26 Jul 2006 12:22:22 +0200
Assunto:Theos-World What has Theosophy to say about USrael?
> At a time the jewish-christian crackpots in Brainwashington force USrael to enter a new stage of their black magic terror against the svabhavas of free people - - some Blavatsky students might find it interesting to remind of the theosophical position on the insane nightmare dream of Zionism, which Katherine Tingley opposed several times since the Balfour declaration. Katherine Tingley, a freemason for herself, also attacked the Masonic Movements for their political intrigues against the freedom of Palestine as well as that of Germany (to be found elsewhere in her magazine).
> One might also wonder, what the position of the ULT is on Zionism, as they claim to represent HPB's spirit?
> Here are a few quotes from Talbot Mundy, Gandhi, HPB and Purucker. More follows as time permits.
> 1. "Zionism is regarded as a danger... the accounts of butchery of the inhabitants, of intolerance, and of rushless destruction of cities."
> - Talbot Mundy, "The Lama's law", p. 6
> 2. "Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs... Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home."
> - Mahatma Gandhi,
> 3. "But", Gandhi asserted, "My sympathy does not blind me to the requirements of justice. The cry for the national home for the Jews does not make much appeal to me. The sanction for it is sought in the Bible and in the tenacity with which the Jews have hankered after their return to Palestine. Why should they not, like other peoples of the earth, make that country their home where they are born and where they earn their livelihood?"
> - Mahatma Gandhi,
> 4. HPB taught in London that the jewish conspiracy of Socialism will led to a bloodshet of millions.
> - Theosophical Sifitings, vol. 6, art. "Socialism" (HPB opposed but the false jewish socialism of soulless machine men, not the true nationalsocialism of Edward Bellamy)
> 5. "Verily so; and if we are to take the witness of the New Testament of the Christians themselves, Jesus the Avatara came only unto the enlightening and saving of the Jews themselves; for as it is stated unequivocally in the Gospel According to Matthew, xv, 24: "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israel." If this statement was inspired by the Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Christian Trinity, as the orthodox among Christians formerly used positively to state, then how shall we explain that it was precisely by the Jews that he was rejected, and became accepted in the West and in the West alone, and by the peoples unto whom it is stated that he did not come? Is it not evident, if we are to give any weight to this passage from Matthew, that an avataric influence descending into the murk and mire of earthly affairs brings a message for all mankind, and that, precisely as Theosophy has always stated, 'the lost sheep of Israel' do not signify the Jews alone, but the phrase is an expression taken directly from the Hither Asian Mysteries, based on Jewish thought in this instance, that 'Israel' does not mean the Jews alone but the Children of Saturn and the Earth, and that the divine influence comes to aid those of its 'children' who are 'lost' -- i.e., those who have need of a new spiritual and intellectual inspiration?
> Is the idea, therefore, not identic with that which is put into the mouth of Krishna, the Hindu Avatara in the Bhagavad-Gita, where he says that he comes from age to age in order to right wrongs, overthrow evil, inspirit the good, and rescue the down-trodden, spiritually speaking?
> The point of this footnote is for the reader or student to remember that the Gospels of the Christian religion imbodied a Mystery-Story and therefore can be construed properly only in the light of the archaic Mystery-teaching."
> - Gottfried de Purucker: The Esoteric Tradition, p. 1091, Fn. 462,
> One could come to the conlcusion that the judeo-christian establishment which rules the USA an holds her under anti-american foreign rule, is in fact anti-semitism, as it is not only directed against the highest interests of the semitic Arabs, but also directed against the highest interests of the Jews, too. Are they insane enough to start their third world-war for their crazy mayavic dreams of world-dictatorship?
> Frank
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