Re:Theos-World "According to Daniel Caldwell's theory, Besant SD was 'authentic'."????
Jul 19, 2006 08:49 AM
by carlosaveline
You have been defending Besant's SD here in a tireless way.
And that edition is as authentic as your book "The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky". Fortunately, Adyar abandoned Besant's SD.
Best regards, Carlos.
Data:Wed, 19 Jul 2006 15:10:47 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World "According to Daniel Caldwell's theory, Besant SD was 'authentic'."????
> Carlos, you write:
> "According to Daniel Caldwell's theory, Besant SD was 'authentic'."
> Did I say that?
> I simply stated what anyone who takes the time can
> determine for themselves.
> I repeat BELOW what I wrote previously and as far as
> I can see you simply ignore these important facts.
> --------------------------------------------------
> HPB's COLLECTED WRITINGS Vol. 14 heavily dependent
> on Besant's 3rd Volume (1897) of the SD
> In the 1897 edition of Volume III of THE SECRET DOCTRINE,
> there are (excluding H.P.B.'s esoteric papers at
> the back of this volume), 52 sections (or chapters)
> covering 432 pages of text.
> 40 of these sections or chapters of the SD Vol. III were SIMPLY
> transferred by Mr. de Zirkoff into HPB's COLLECTED WRITINGS (most of
> them into Vol. XIV).
> It should be clearly stated here that the ONLY EXISTING copies of
> these 40 sections are the printed version found in Besant's SD Vol.
> III.
> Mr. de Zirkoff had NO OTHER versions of these 40 sections to rely on
> or work with.
> Furthermore, these 40 sections constitute more than 300 pages of the
> text of SD III.
> For the remaining 12 sections of SD III which have corresponding
> text in the EARLIER Wurzburg manuscript, Mr. de Zirkoff and his team
> compared the two sets of text, [the SDIII version with the Wurzburg
> MSS] etc. and then decided what to publish in the COLLECTED WRITINGS.
> Mr. de Zirkoff transferred into the COLLECTED WRITINGS volumes (most
> of it into Volume XIV) these hundreds of pages of text DIRECTLY FROM
> Annie Besant's Vol. III.
> In other words, COLLECTED WRITINGS, Vol. 14 is heavily DEPENDENT on
> Annie Besant's 3rd Volume.
> Daniel H. Caldwell
> Blavatsky Study Center
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