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Jul 19, 2006 07:26 AM
by carlosaveline


A few decades ago, Adyar TPH and Adyar TS finally had to admit: although having some authentic texts, the Annie Besant edition of "The Secret Doctrine" was  no good and should be abandoned. 

Then  the  Adyar TS adopted Boris de Zirkoff's edition of "The Secret Doctrine", which is authentic and basically follows the original edition published during HPB's life.  

Unfortunately, in Brazil, we still have only the Annie Besant edition and the "Collected Writings" have not started to be translated and published in Portuguese language.  Yet more and more students can read in English and develop Viveka, discernment. But inh English language the trend to respect original editions of HPB's books is well established. 

Recent problems with forgeries and slanders being "included" in HPB's texts, making her appear as slandering herself --   will  be solved. One can be confident about that. 

Adyar TS is slowly evolving, as the clairvoyant fancies of the Leadbeater/Besant  period are more and more left aside.  
I guess there is a chance that HPB will be rediscovered, at least in part,  by Adyar TS in the next fews years or decades.  

Best regards,   Carlos Cardoso Aveline


Data:Wed, 19 Jul 2006 02:16:51 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World HPB's COLLECTED WRITINGS Vol. 14 heavily dependent on Besant's 3rd Volume SD

> HPB's COLLECTED WRITINGS Vol. 14 heavily dependent
> on Besant's 3rd Volume (1897) of the SD
> In the 1897 edition of Volume III of THE SECRET DOCTRINE,
> there are (excluding H.P.B.'s esoteric papers at
> the back of this volume), 52 sections (or chapters)
> covering 432 pages of text.
> 40 of these sections or chapters of the SD Vol. III were SIMPLY
> transferred by Mr. de Zirkoff into HPB's COLLECTED WRITINGS (most of
> them into Vol. XIV).
> It should be clearly stated here that the ONLY EXISTING copies of
> these 40 sections are the printed version found in SD Vol. III.
> Mr. de Zirkoff had NO OTHER versions of these 40 sections to rely on
> or work with.
> Furthermore, these 40 sections constitute more than 300 pages of the
> text of SD III.
> For the remaining 12 sections of SD III which have corresponding
> text in the EARLIER Wurzburg manuscript, Mr. de Zirkoff and his team
> compared the two sets of text, etc. and then decided what to publish
> Mr. de Zirkoff transferred into the COLLECTED WRITINGS volumes (most
> of it into Volume XIV) these hundreds of pages of text DIRECTLY FROM
> Annie Besant's Vol. III.
> In other words, COLLECTED WRITINGS, Vol. 14 is heavily DEPENDENT on
> Annie Besant's 3rd Volume.
> Daniel H. Caldwell
> Blavatsky Study Center
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