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RE: [bn-study] RE: Beliefs

Jul 15, 2006 12:11 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Dear Gordon and Friends:

In every one of us there is a duality of mental approach, and a detached
OBSERVER whose duty it is to note the differences between a self-centered
(Kama-manasic) approach and the BUDDHI-MANASIC approach which is impersonal
and therefore impartial.  

THEOSOPHY teaches that at this present stage of our evolution we are all
developing the mental attitude of a deathless, eternal PERCEIVER. 

Reincarnation is an accepted fact.  

KARMA is understood to be the eternal impersonal and just rigid LAW of
JUSTICE that prevails everywhere and is the CAUSE of the evolutionary cycle
(and our present individual 'position.')

Opening a new study and inquiry is good.  Let us see what  THEOSOPHY offers:


Do you have a copy of the INDEX to the SECRET DOCTRINE ?  It is most

It is a good idea to acquire an over-view (as a preliminary, if not yet
acquired) from The OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY (200 pp), and The KEY TO THEOSOPHY
(300 pp) then approach the SECRET DOCTRINE . [Also keep detailed notes as
you go.]

If you seek to analyse it or approach it with some pre-set or prejudiced
ideas it will yield only more puzzle to your mind.  It is an antique record
of FACTS and HISTORY preserved by the WISE ONES.

It helps if you are a "generalist," i.e.: one who is familiar with and
interested in anything that provides more information and knowledge
explanatory of all that surrounds us.  It will be found that the study of
THEOSOPHY provides many links to bridge the "gaps," for which our scientific
researchers provide "hypotheses, and theories." 

It is important to note:

The SECRET DOCTRINE is an introduction to the HISTORY of our world and
Kosmos -- so it starts with the basic ideas and developments. There are many
students in the world who study and share their findings. There is no room
for either “authority” or “notoriety.”

The SECRET DOCTRINE is NOT written as a "text-book."  

This has to gradually show the underlying structure of force and energy
underlying in all cases  what we think is solid and durable matter and
reality.  It uses as evidence ancient history as well as contemporary
discoveries, anomalies, and modern science.

It will be found that it continues to do this for devoted students, as they
continually add to its data and include fresh evidence.  A record of this
will be found in magazines such as THEOSOPHY  (93rd. volume) and the

	Here are some questions (as an instance):

1	what provides the underlying structure to any form or body patterns?
[What holds the atoms, molecules, cells and organs in their particular
cooperative arrangements ?]

2	Is there a vast PLAN that is evident in every aspect of NATURE ?
[Who or what designed it ? Who carries it out ?  Is it continuing ? ]

3	Is there a reactive sensitivity (psychology) in our environment ?
[Is there evidence of planning, thought and will affecting matter and other
living things?]

4	Do ancient religions and philosophies hold information ? 
[ One has to acquire a facility to grasp designations used in ancient
languages and descriptive names and events -- a form of pre-history -- myth,
legend and symbology -- the SECRET DOCTRINE employs this  -- you mention
Kabala and the wisdom of the ancient Jews -- this was borrowed from still
more ancient scriptures: the Hindu Vedas.  [The Jews and Semites as a
sub-race, emigrated in progressive waves from India since about 3,000 B C:
(Tchandala emigrants from India - Yadus:  see  Is II 433; S D  I  319;  II
147, 470-1 ) ] 

5	Are not our scientists and investigators uncovering the plans and
arrangements that NATURE has put into place intelligently?  Nature has
always placed the same patterns for us to uncover.  "It got there first!"

6	What is the pattern of these ?

7	Is NATURE conscious and intelligent?  

8	Where do we derive our mind and sensations from?

9	Is there somewhere a purpose and a reality ?

10	Can we discover it ?

Since most of the quotes that we will discuss come from the S D, one hopes
the following extracts from Robert Bowen's notes of personal teachings given
by H.P.B. to private pupils during the years 1888 to 1891 on how to study
SECRET DOCTRINE  may be of some help.

"At last we have managed to get H.P.B. to put us right on the matter of the
study of the S.D. Let me get it down while it is all fresh in mind.
Reading the S.D. page by page as one reads any other book (she says) will
only end us in confusion. 

The first thing to do, even if it takes years, is to get some grasp of the
"Three Fundamental Principles" given in the Proem. 

Follow that up by study of the Recapitulation -- the numbered items in the
Summing Up to Vol. I. (Part 1.). 

Then take the Preliminary Notes (Vol. II.) and the Conclusion (Vol.

She talked a good deal about the "Fundamental Principle." 

She says: If one imagines that one is going to get a satisfactory picture of
the constitution of the Universe from the S.D. one will get only confusion
from its study. It is not meant to give any such final verdict on existence,
but to LEAD TOWARDS THE TRUTH. She repeated this latter expression many

It is worse than useless going to those whom we imagine to be advanced
students (she said) and asking them to give us an "interpretation" of the
S.D. They cannot do it. If they try, all they give are cut and dried
exoteric renderings which do not remotely resemble the Truth. To accept such
interpretation means anchoring ourselves to fixed ideas, whereas Truth lies
beyond any ideas we can formulate or express.

Exoteric interpretations are all very well, and she does not condemn them so
long as they are taken as pointers for beginners, and are not accepted by
them as anything more. 

Many persons who are in, or who will in the future be in the T.S. are of
course potentially incapable of any advance beyond the range of a common
exoteric conception. 

But there are, and will be others, and for them she sets out the following
and true way of approach to the S.D. 

Come to the S.D. (she says) without any hope of getting the final Truth of
existence from it, or with any idea other than seeing how far it may lead
TOWARDS the Truth. See in study a means of exercising and developing the
mind never touched by other studies. 

Observe the following rules: 

1. No matter what one may study in the S.D. let the mind hold fast, as the
basis of its ideation to the following ideas 

(a) The FUNDAMENTAL UNITY OF ALL EXISTENCE. This unity is a thing altogether
different from the common notion of unity -- as when we say that a nation or
an army is united; or that this planet is united to that by lines of
magnetic force or the like. The teaching is not that.  

It is that existence is ONE THING, not any collection of things linked

Fundamentally there is ONE BEING. 

This Being has two aspects, positive and negative. The positive is Spirit,
or CONSCIOUSNESS. The negative is SUBSTANCE, the subject of consciousness. 

This Being is the ABSOLUTE in its primary manifestation. Being absolute
there is nothing outside it. It is ALL-BEING. It is indivisible, else it
would not be absolute. 

If a portion could be separated, that remaining could not be absolute,
because there would at once arise the question of COMPARISON between it and
the separated part. 

Comparison is incompatible with any idea of absoluteness. Therefore it is
clear that this fundamental One Existence, or Absolute Being must be THE

I said that though this was clear to me I did not think that many in the
Lodges would grasp it. 

"Theosophy," she said, "is for those who can think, or for those who can
drive themselves to think, not mental sluggards." 

		FOUR  (4)  FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS        Given by HPB 


(a)The Atom, the Man, the God (she says) are each separately, as well as all
collectively, Absolute Being in their last analysis, that is their REAL

It is this idea which must be held always in the background of the mind to
form the basis for every conception that arises from study of the S.D. 

The moment one lets it go (and it is most easy to do so when engaged in any
of the many intricate aspects of the Esoteric Philosophy) the idea of
SEPARATION supervenes, and the study loses its value.  


(b) The second idea to hold fast to is that THERE IS NO DEAD MATTER.  Every
last atom is alive. It cannot be otherwise since every atom is itself
fundamentally Absolute Being. Therefore there is no such thing as "spaces"
of Ether, or Akasha, or call it what you like, in which angels and
elementals disport themselves like trout in water. That's the common idea.
The true idea shows every atom of substance no matter of what plane to be in
itself a LIFE. 


(c) The third basic idea to be held is that Man is the MICROCOSM. As he is
so, then all the Hierarchies of the Heavens exist within him.  

But in truth there is neither Macrocosm nor Microcosm but ONE EXISTENCE.
Great and small are such only as viewed by a limited consciousness. 


(d) Fourth and last basic idea to be held is that expressed in the Great
Hermetic Axiom. It really sums up and synthesizes all the others. 

“As is the Inner, so is the Outer; as is the Great so is the Small; as it is
above, so it is below; there is but One Life and Law; and he that worketh it
is ONE. Nothing is Inner, nothing is Outer; nothing is Great, nothing is
Small; nothing is High, nothing is Low, in the Divine Economy. “

No matter what one takes as study in the S.D. one must correlate it with
those basic ideas."  [Notes by Cmdr. R. Bowen ]   

Best wishes,  glad to help,



Here are some of the references that may help you:


		7  RAYS  


 SVARÂJ (Sk.). “The last or seventh (synthetical) ray of the seven solar
rays; the same as Brahmâ. These seven rays are the entire gamut of the seven
occult forces (or gods) of nature, as their respective names well prove.
These are: Sushumnâ (the ray which transmits sunlight to the moon);
Harikesha, Visvakarman, Visvatryarchas, Sannadhas, Sarvavasu, and Svaraj. As
each stands for one of the creative gods or Forces, it is easy to see how
important were the functions of the sun in the eyes of antiquity, and why it
was deified by the profane.’	Glos  315

SUSHUMNÂ, (Sk.). “The solar ray--the first of the seven rays. Also the
name of a spinal nerve which connects the heart with the
Brahma-randra, and plays a most important part in Yoga practices.”


7 Cosmic and Human principles   S D   II  596	

PRINCIPLES. The Elements or original essences, the basic differentiations
upon and of which all things are built up. We use the term to denote the
seven individual and fundamental aspects of the One Universal Reality in
Kosmos and in man. Hence also the seven aspects in the manifestation in the
human being—divine, spiritual, psychic, astral, physiological and simply
physical.”   Glos  262-3



There are seven chief groups of such DHYAN CHOHANS, which groups will
be found and recognised in every religion, for they are the primeval
SEVEN Rays. Humanity, occultism teaches us, is divided into seven
distinct groups and their sub-divisions, mental, spiritual, and
physical.	 [SD I, 573]




allegories & symbols have seven II 291n 
	geometry the fifth II 471 
Hebrew physiological I 311 
	human, one of seven II 291n 
IU gave, one turn I xxxviii 
Massey used two or three II 632 
Mysteries unlocked by seven II 632 
new, needed for mysteries II 795 
	occult science a I 341 
Rabbis lost II 537 
Ragon on the, to symbols I 363 
required for old theogony II 248 
	seven, must not be mixed II 517 
	seven, open past & future I 325 
	seven, taught in occultism I 155n; II 523 
seven, to man's genesis I 323 
	seven, to meaning of swastika II 99 
	seven, to universal symbology I xxxviii, 310-11, 363 
in Skinner's Source of Measures I 318 &n 
to theogonies & Secret Doctrine II 23, 767 
	three of seven, only given II 517 
	three or four used in Secret Doctrine II 797 
of wisdom found in nature II 797 
to Zohar & Bible II 536-45, 590-8


allegory within an II 94 
ark & seven rishis an II 139 
astronomical II 380 
based on reminiscence II 293 
Bible, now unveiled I 315 
bisexuality universal in II 125 
	esoteric teaching uses II 81 
Fohat key to many I 673 
foolishly called fables II 103 
Garuda origin of other II 564-5 
of initiation & adeptship II 380 
interpretation of I 310; II 94n, 384, 765 
of Noahs, Vaivasvatas, etc II 314 
Puranas are history & I 520; II 253, 323 
	record of real events II 235 
reject, based on creeds II 194 
	seven, 10, 21 
rishis, munis, etc II 259n 
of Soma & Tara II 498-9 
symbolism &, in Mysteries II 124 
	wisdom preserved in I 307, 466; II 235, 410 
years of patriarchs are II 426 
zodiacal, historical II 353


in chemistry I 218n; II 627 
	betw cosmos & man I 173, 177, 206, 227n, 606; II 29n 
fr cosmos to smallest globe II 66 
dhyani-chohans & II 700n 
false I 472 
guided ancient philosophers II 616 
	guide to occult teachings I 173 
images on various planes II 268 
	law in nature I 604; II 153, 699 
limitations of I 150 
logic of, & giants II 154n 
betw man & manvantara I 263n 
pralaya known by I 116n 
	principles, rounds, races II 254n, 257, 684-5 
scientific corroborations I 585-6n 
	seven rounds & seven-month embryo II 257 
	seven turns of key of I 150-1


adopted on this plane II 312n 
ages of man II 117, 312n 
in Anugita II 637-8 
Apollo patron of II 772n 
astral phenomena & II 627 
	became eight (ogdoad) II 358n 
Bible, prominent in I 387; II 4 
in Book of the Dead (Egy) I 674 
born fr upper triangle II 574 
bright Sravah or Amshaspends II 516 
	chemical elements governed by II 627-8 
in Christian dogmas I 310-11 
churches, Sodalian Mysteries II 633 
circles II 80 
classes of pitris II 77, 89, 91-2 
colors fr one ray II 492 
columns, rectores around tree II 293 
	creations I 21, 217, 445-60; II 53n, 612, 624 
cross, circle & oldest symbols II 582 
crucifixion, esoteric meanings of II 560-1 
dialects of Mystery language I 310 
dvipas & planetary chain II 320 
earths, heavens, seas I 447-8 
	elements, cosmic I 137, 140, 347, 460  II 596
elements of man (Gnostic) II 604-5, 632 
every scripture has, aspects II 496 
eyes of the Lord II 22, 626 
feminine number of generation II 581-2 
-fold division secret I xxxv 
	forces, powers, planets II 602 &n 
	forms, colors, sounds, taste & II 622 
forty-nine &, fires II 363 
forty-nine &, in Sanskrit texts II 611 
	found in all religions II 34-7 
	four lower, three higher II 92, 581-2, 598 
generative number w Hebrews I 114 
Gnostic vowels of St John II 565 
governors of dhyani-chohans I 601 
Greek, fr Hindus II 408 
-headed serpent of space I 342 
heart, skin plexuses & II 92 
heavens, dhyanis of II 273 
heavens, vowels (Gnostic) II 563 
Hebrew word for week II 624n 
hosts build world II 489 
initiators linked w II 529 
	keys I 310, 318, 325; II 291n, 335, 471, 538, 632-3 
	keys to meaning of swastika II 99 
	keys to symbol language II 471, 538, 584, 765 
kings, rishis I 376 
Laycock on cycles of II 622-3 &n 
letters of Jehovah's name I 335 
Logos, -voweled sign I 79 
magic number II 629-30 
manifested universe II 626 
master of the Moon II 601 
modes of interpretation I 374 
not confined to any nation II 603 
number of divine mysteries I 36 
number of present manvantara II 590 
occult virtues of, (Hippocrates) II 312n 
pass fr India to Christians II 612 
Philo on I 407 
	planes, keys, sciences II 335 
planetary spirits II 318n 
point, triangle, quaternary became II 612 
powers of, & cycles I 36 
powers of nature, angels of II 273 
powers of the Logos II 359 
primeval gods II 514 
	principles, states of matter II 29, 92, 491, 631-2 
	properties of nature (Boehme) II 595 
in Puranas, Esoteric Buddhism I 348 
Qabbalah (Myer) re various I 347-8 
races, continents II 1-12, 77, 91 
	real scale of natures I 656n 
regents of Pymander of elohim II 488 
	root nature-number present cycle I 460; II 621 
sacred in every nation I 114 
sacred islands II 326 
	senses & seven hotris (Anugita) I 87, 96 
sins, virtues, sacraments I 310-11 
-skinned, space called I 9 
son of seventh son II 213 
sons of Priyavrata II 320 
sound, color & II 627-9 
	spheres of action II 621n 
Spirits of the Presence I 312 
spring, summer & II 583 
	states of consciousness I 96 
three, four, ten & II 564 
	triad emanates the I 427 
truths, four only given in fourth round I 42 
various, -fold symbols II 529-30, 612-18, 637-41, 771-2n 
virgin men (kumara) II 281 
vowels & forty-nine powers I 410-11; II 564


ancient, adopted by Christians I 402-3 
ancient use of I 466 
Church Fathers disfigured II 98, 481-2 
Confucian, & esoteric I 440-1 
	cosmic, astrological, religious I 229, 241 
of cosmogenesis I 4-5 
cruciform, of Dii Termini II 542 
	emblems &, compared I 305-6 
	esoteric meanings of I 443-5 
exoteric, & creeds II 194 
Fohat key to many I 673 
heirloom fr Atlantis II 431 
Hindu & Chaldean II 383 
	history contained in I 267;  II 437 
initiates' knowledge of II 439 
Jews killed spirituality of II 459n 
levels of I 407 
many-faceted diamond I 305 
	many meanings to every II 359 
Massey on importance of I 303-5 
most, archaic I 320-1 
occult II 335 
Ophidian II 355 
origin of, older than Egypt II 630 &n 
phallicism reigns supreme in II 273 
Pythagorean I 618-19 
rationale of II 81 
	religion & esoteric hist in I 272-3, 307 
Renan ignorant of pagan II 457 
revelation of the godlike, (Carlyle) I 303 
serpent a divine, not evil II 505 
	seven meanings to every I 363; II 22n, 335, 357, 538, 547, 584, 765 
sources of error in I 119 
of symbols II 547n 
Talmudic Jews profaned II 471 
of third race,of forth race II 30 
	universal language II 469 
years of Patriarchs are II 426


Bible, Indian, Chaldean, Egyptian I 320-5 
Christian fr Hebrew, Hebrew fr Chaldean II 354 
discussed I 303-9 
fourth stage of, & generation I 36 
Hebrew-Egyptian I 308-9, 364n 
Hindu I 667 
	history of world found in II 438 
interpretation of II 335 
kabbalistic II 457 
of marriage ceremony I 614-15n 
of Meru & Patala II 357 
Mosaic, became crude under Ezra I 319 
	Mystery language or I 309; II 124 
& origin of evil II 274 
of Pentateuch & New Testament I 115n 
	power of occult I 272 
representing abstractions I 615 
	seven departments of I 305 
	seven keys to universal I xxxviii, 310-11, 363; II 335 
spirit & value of II 469 
of temple curtain I 125




-----Original Message-----
From: Gordon Wood  
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 3:16 PM
Subject:  RE: 			BELIEFS

A new question since I sense we have beaten up the origin of evil enough...

It appears the purpose of life is about progressing through the content of
consciousness towards the ultimate state of pure consciousness. One could
say a state of pure consciousness is a state of total awareness without
attachment and therefore void of beliefs. The unfortunate thing is that we
occasionally or maybe it is always get stuck because we find a certain
collection of consciousness content to be pleasing or supportive of our
belief systems. When this happens we become judgmental in that we believe
certain content to be supportive and reinforcing while other content is
believed to be threatening and non supportive.  The fact seems to be all so
called perceptions of reality originate from the same one and only total
content of consciousness. Therefore it seems one perception of reality is
just as valid as any other, or should we say just as invalid. A specific
perception seems to be merely an indicator of awareness of the total content
of consciousness. This seems to suggest that every person has a different
perspective or belief about reality even if it is only at a micro level. I
would suggest this is true of Theosophists as much as it is with
Religionists except that Theosophists seem to have logical beliefs rather
than blind faith belief of Religionists.


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