Jul 11, 2006 08:48 PM
by plcoles1
Carlos it would seem to me that the `road is open to hierocracy' when
we merely look at the surface and dont going any deeper and stay
within our comfort zone.
Any person whether priest, religious devotee, or `ritualist' plays
that role according to their own depth of understanding and insight.
To use the example of Bede Griffiths who was all three Priest,
Christian and `ritualist' (to me at any rate) displayed a truly
theosophical mindset and example, another example that comes to mind
is Bishop John Shelby Spong, as someone once said to me they thought
he is more a theosophist than Bishop.
I am sure many other examples could be given.
I would agree however that the priesthood of the Catholic Church was
from its inception a means to disempower and suppress personal
freedom keeping the power with an elite few, that seems fairly clear
however we cannot and should not paint everyone who happens to work
within or be a member of such institutions with a broad brush.
The more people who can take a `theosophical' perspective into their
chosen tradition the better imo.
--- In, "carlosaveline"
<carlosaveline@...> wrote:
> Friends,
> Pedro poses an interesting question. How can the higher
principles be 'contaminated' by the lower ones?
> Because they have a living interaction all the time.
> No doubt, subtle and flexible matter initially and originally
belonging to Buddhi-Manas can be 'taken prisoner", so to say, by
lower and strong personal feelings of pride, love-for-power, orfear,
> Daniel Goleman, author of the bestseller "The Emotional
Intelligence", calls this "emotional kidnapping": a strong personal
emotion "takes away" the generous impulses and lead then to egoistic
> Ritualism and "Christian Faith" do something similar: the desire
to belong to a "prestigious club" or to get such and such degree, to
be a priest, and so on, "kidnaps", lets say, or "captures" the
independence of the individual, which is of the essence to the
development his Buddhi-Manas.
> Then the road is open to hypocrisy.
> That's why the Masters and HPB did not recommend dogmatic churches
or ritualism, and taught Esoteric Philosophy instead.
> Regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline
> Cópia:
> Data:Tue, 11 Jul 2006 04:45:39 -0000
> Assunto:Theos-World Paradoxes in Theosophy (I)
> > Assuming that the exploration of theosophical teachings is still
> > possible in theos-talk, I would like to draw attention to a
> > paradox contained in the following passage:
> >
> > "Self personality, vanity and conceit harboured in the higher
> > principles are enormously more dangerous than the same defects
> > inherent only in the lower physical nature of man. They are the
> > breakers against which the cause of chelaship, in its
> > stage, is sure to be dashed to pieces unless the would-be
> > carries with him the white shield of perfect confidence and trust
> > those he would seek out through mount and vale to guide him
> > toward the light of Knowledge." (Mahatma Letters, #134,
> > chronological sequence)
> >
> > The question which occurred to me is: how can the higher
> > [Atma, Buddhi, Manas] harbour such divisive qualities?
> >
> >
> > pedro
> >
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> >
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