Re: Blavatsky vs. Nazi Aryans
Jul 09, 2006 04:11 PM
by Mark Jaqua
Re: Blavatsky Aryans vs Hitler Aryans
I attached below my (Angus Carter) "Who
Are Blavatsky's Aryans" from Fohat.
I'm flabbergasted by Frank's long article
in theos-talk Digest 2561. I won't include
it at the end of the article, because I
personally get irritated at all the wasted
space of reposts - but I recommend reading
it to get a picture of this type of viewpoint,
and also for many astute but decidedly TWISTED
angle on things. I had no idea! A real, honest
to gods Nazi! I also am not capable along that
line of his special research to do philosophic
battle, although don't doubt I could pick some
of it apart.
I'm about 90% German myself, grandmother
was even a "Hahn", of the millions. There are
high cultures and low cultures Within each
minor race. I think you are twisting HPB and
even "Morris" to support yourself. I generally
like Jews, the ones I've met. The impression I
got from HPB and personal conclusions that they
are a sub-race of high abilities, but decidedly
materialistic, even bringing their esotericism
down to physical symbolism.
No single race is especially important except
temporarily, and certainly not the Germans. I
think a new sub-race is being formed here in the
US over thousands of years, but a mixture of all
the races. About 90% of the persons in the area
I live are German, and I have never, never, ever
heard a "high" esoteric-sounding Idea from any of
them in 40 year part of my life I've lived hear.
All pigs, steers, money, and getting the crops
in and fundamental religion.
Poor Sven Hedin, he must have gotten
hypnotized somehow. His "My Life as an
Explorer" is the best adventure book I've
ever read.
Hitler was a Demon-puppet, a basically
coarse and stupid person, perhaps used as a
mediumistic tool for all the negative forces
involved in our Maya - a Mamo-mediator.
I think you should decide if you wish to
regard HPB as a higher source or your ideas of
Racial predominance. I'll re-read your article,
but don't wish to argue about it, as it is
just too far out for me and makes me a little
sick. (By the way - in nearby Toledo, there
was a riot caused by a Neo-Nazi march last fall,
rocks smashing police cars, and an ambulance,
over-truned cars,
- jake jaqua
Who Are Blavatsky's Aryans?
- Angus Carter
The term "Aryan" in popular
usage is almost universally connected
with the secondary and perverse meaning
tagged on it to refer to Caucasians and
ideas of racial supremacy, as in its usage
in Hitler's Germany and today in various
cult pseudo-philosophies. While Blavatsky
may have been one of the first popularizers
of this term, what the term Aryan meant in
her philosophy is unknown except among
Theosophists and a small number or bibliophiles.
Recently in the right-wing New American Magazine,
just in example, she is again given the "rap" for
being the motivator behind racial-superiority
philosophies. [1] For being the founder of a
Society that promulgated the Brotherhood of
humanity irrespective of differences of race,
creed or gender - this is surely a bad rap,
and more specifically shown so in her
writings. [2]
While Blavatsky occasionally uses
Aryan in the narrow and popular sense of
"white European," she uses the term Aryan
primarily and in the largest sense to refer
to a basic racial stock that originated some
one million years ago, and includes a large
portion and all colors of humanity. It is
the youngest or newest of the primary or
"root-races," but not necessarily superior
to earlier and older race-stocks. The
Fifth or Aryan root-race in its present
state is generally superior in physical
intellectuality, but inferior in its level
of innate spirituality to some earlier races,
such as the American Indians, Chinese, or
Tibetans. If we were to falsely equate
youngest or newest race with superior,
those of the Nazi period would be at complete
odds with Blavatsky in reference to the
Jewish people, as she says that they are
members of and the very youngest in the
Aryan race. “The Aryan Hindu belongs to
the oldest races now on earth; the Semite
Hebrew to the latest. One is nearly one
million years old; the other is a small
sub-race some 8,000 years old and no more.” [3]
In calling the “Aryan Hindu” the “oldest now
on earth” she is referring to Fifth-Race people,
as Fourth and Third Race peoples have earlier
In reference to "white-supremacy"
bigotry, those who think their doctrine
somehow originates with Blavatsky would be
also surprised to know that she infers at
least a large portion of the Black humanity
as Aryans. “The Aryan races, for instance,
now varying from dark brown, almost black,
red-brown-yellow, down to the whitest creamy
colour, are yet all of one and the same stock
- the Fifth Root-Race..." [4] Blavatsky
makes no direct statement that I can find
that Negroes are in her Aryan or Fifth-Root
Race, but the great elucidator of her teachings
G. de Purucker held that Afro-Americans are
generally a very young race and therefore
Aryan or Fifth Root-Race (and thus in the
"newer is better" philosophy, would be
regarded as superior to Caucasians, or
perhaps another micro-step in Nature's
long complicated process of evolving new types. [5] )
As in all races, Afro-Americans
can be seen in Theosophical teachings
to be divided. Some are a branch of
Aryan descent, some of Fourth-Race Atlantean
(as Africa was held to be a refuge from
sinking Atlantis.) The Black Australian
Aborigines, actually a separate race in
themselves, are held to be of even earlier
origin, or Lemurian Third-Race. And to
this has to be added Afro-Americans' large
part in the predicted creation of a new race
in America, the world's melting pot. Races
are not substantial and concrete entities in
long time periods, they come and go and become
something different.
In Theosophical doctrines, racial
color is not solely or simply an innate
characteristic but to a degree also subject
to geography over long periods of time. Many
negroes are lighter than, for instance, than
"Aryan" Hindus. Additionally, all Caucasians
are not Theosophically classified as Aryan or
Fifth Race - the Basques of Spain, for instance,
which Blavatsky calls Atlantean descendants or
Fourth Race. [6]
Blavatsky writes: "The unity of the
human species... in the sense of their essential
and original homogeneity and their origin from
one and the same source... all originated in the
same way and from the same ancestors....
differentiated, because belonging to seven planes
which differed in degree though not in kind. That
original physical difference was but little more
accentuated by that of geographical and climatic
conditions..." [7] Blavatsky even indicates that
the first Western Europeans and European Caucasian's
ancestors were Blacks from Asia. "...we the
'superior' white races have to accept among other
unpleasant things the disagreeable truth that our
ancestors were as black and far blacker, perchance,
than any of those we now look upon as the races to
us inferior, for - they were the ASIATIC ETHIOPIANS!
...Such are the facts drawn from the recent achievements
of philology and ethnology." [8] One has to take in
consideration here Blavatsky's 19th century European
audience who were of one mind on their own
all-encompassing superiority. In a genuine
scheme of values a Siberian shaman may be far
the spiritual superior to an American driving a
"beamer" and toting a cell-phone, although the
former may only bathe once a season and live
in a deerskin hut. The American Aryan's
superiority is in his coarse mid-race
development in materialism, an inferior
development within a genuine and Theosophical
value-system to that of spirituality. A Spiritual
value system is one in which one’s life
satisfactions and progress are gotten through
contact with the inner self. A materialistic
value system seeks fulfilment primarily in the
outer world, outer achievements and physical
acquirements. Different races incline naturally
to one pole or the other.
Theosophical Doctrines hold
that man is vastly older than is held by present
anthropology. The "Rounds," "Root-Races," and
"Globes" no doubt cause confusion in many, but
basically the scheme is descriptive of Mankind's
evolution through various cycles and according
to law and predictable pattern. It is not a
direct evolution of the more lowly to the more
advanced, but passes through immense periods of
time and is full of ebb and flow, or progress
and relative degeneration within a much larger
scheme. The Theosophical idea of Evolution is
that it is a Spiritual process as well as just
a physical one as in the Darwinian scheme. We
are souls or monads undergoing a long evolutionary
pilgrimage and embodying in progressively
developing and changing vehicles or physical
races. The Theosophical teaching is that we
have been self-conscious or actively embodying
our mind-principle or manas for some 18 million
years. A multitude of civilizations - probably
many equal to our own - have risen and fallen
in this time.
One might consider this an absurd
assertion and ask for evidence of these
ancient advanced former civilizations -
perhaps of millions of years ago. Upon
consideration, however, one might ask just
what evidence our present civilization would
leave a geologically-short hundred thousand
years from now, or a few million. We would
leave almost nothing. Concrete will disintegrate
in a few thousand at best, steel in a few hundred.
If cremation was universally and normally practiced
in former times, as Blavatsky asserts, then we have
a minimum of skeletons to find - and few humans are
left by their peers to fossilize in mud banks. Glass
may survive for great lengths of time, but perhaps
it may be a discovery unique to us (and probably
regarded as modern wherever found...). Considering
the rising and falling of land masses, possible axis
shifts, and that only a small area of the planet is
truly of advanced civilization at any particular
time - evidence of former very ancient civilizations
may be extremely scarce, and likely to be
catalogued as anomalous if ever discovered.
The more advanced a society, the more impermanent
its productions, it seems. Stone age cultures
always co-exist with advanced ones - as they do
now (and as Blavatsky remarks somewhere) - and
future ages may classify our age such when they
fail to find our lounge chairs and TVs, but do
find stone axes in Borneo.
According to the Theosophical scheme,
the first two human races of eons ago were
unself-conscious and not active in the aspect
of Mind that makes humanity different from the
animals. In the latter part of the Third or
Lemurian Root-Race, our latent self-reflective
mental abilities were awaken by the Manasaputras,
or the beings, formerly human, ahead of us in
evolution. This event is symbolized in many
of the world's myths and religious literatures,
a part of our subconscious or archetypal knowledge.
(One might recall the power of the scene in 2001:
A Space Odyssey where the cave-men under the
influence of the extra-terrestrial black obelisk
first get the idea of using a tool.)
So at least a portion of humanity has
been as modern humanity in capacity since this
event about 18 million years ago in the Third
or Lemurian Race. The Lemurian raced gradually
disappeared and melted into the Fourth or
Atlantean Root-Race, portions of which still
are the largest mass of humanity, the Chinese,
Tibetans and many others. (Lemurian and
Atlantean are just names of convenience.)
New Root-Races first begin in about the mid-point
of the previous Root-Race and our own Fifth
Root-Race first began appearing as distinctly
separate about a million years ago according
to Blavatsky. Each Root-Race is sub-divided
further and goes through the development of
sub-races through time. Kenneth Morris in
his The Crest-Wave of Evolution gives a good
overview of the figures and divisions:
"You all know the teaching of The
Secret Doctrine about the Root-Races of
Humanity, of which this present one,
generally called the Aryan, is the fifth;
and how each is divided into seven sub-races;
each sub-race into seven family-races; and
each family-race into innumerable nations
and tribes. According to that work, this
Fifth Root-Race has existed a million years.
The period of a sub-race is said to be about
210,000 years; and that of a family-race,
about 30,000. So then, four sub-races would
have occupied the first 840,000 years of the
Fifth Race's history; and our present fifth
sub-race would have been in being during the
last 160,000 years; in which time five
family-races would have flourished and passed;
and this present sixth family-race would be
about ten millenniums old." [9]
It ought to be stated again
that just because a race is younger or in
more recent development on the wave of evolution,
it does not mean it is "superior" in any
particular aspect. At the beginning and
end of any race the spiritual qualities
predominate, while in the middle periods
of a race's development the physical and
practical intellectual faculties predominate.
Relatively speaking, different periods of
race development are superior in different
faculties. A Fourth Root-Race, seventh
subrace would be superior in spiritual
inclination to our most "advanced" Fifth
Root-Race, fifth sub-racer, who himself is
more likely to be "superior" in physical
and baser intellectual abilities (in other
words - a materialist.)
So "Who is an Aryan?" In the
Americas - virtually everyone is an Aryan
in Blavatsky's classification, with the
exception of the Native Indians, our spiritual
superiors as originating in the spiritual
cycles of a former Root-Race.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[1] “The Nazi interest in Aryan supremacy
was a direct outgrowth of the inclusion of
that doctrine in Blavatsky’s and Besant’s
occult theology.” - From “New Age Roots”
by Steve Bonta in “New American Magazine,”
March 1, 1999
[2] Writing in the 19th century, Blavatsky's
almost exclusive effort was in esoteric philosophy,
but she exhibited her abhorrence of racial
inequalities, hypocrisy and bigotry in several
places. In reference to supposed terrible
Russian prisons: "...the hapless and ever-kicked
Negroes of the United States, the Red Indians
dying of exposure and starvation in their
frozen wilderness, and even some Chinamen
who seek hospitality on the Pacific coast,
may yet to come to envy the lot of the
'political prisoners of Siberia'...."
(Blavatsky Collected Writings, XII, p. 281)
In sarcasm of supposed "Christian Brotherhood"
she writes: "Look at the brotherly feeling
shown by American Christians to the Red
Indian and the Negroe, whose citizenship
is the farce of the age." (Ibid., Vol.
XIII, p. 188) On slavery she wrote
that "...slavery is proved to have been
the cause of the natural decay of every
country; and even proud Rome fell because
'the majority in the ancient world were
slaves'..." (Ibid., VII, p. 21)
[3] Secret Doctrine, II, 470-71
[4] Secret Doctrine, II, 249
[5] "...the Negro... instead of being
a degenerate of once mighty sires, is
'primitive' as meaning a human stock
still in its infancy.... [in the
future] the Negroe will no longer be
a Negroe, for he will have mixed with
many and different racial strains..."
The Esoteric Tradition, I, p. 404.
In Studies in Occult Philosophy
(pp. 44-45) Purucker states that blacks
(generally and not individually...) are
behind whites in physical and intellectual
development (but not Capacity), but they
are not behind whites in Spirituality (if
not superior?) The Theosophical teaching
is that a new race is gradually being born
in America, chiefly, and in the future none
of our present races will exist in America
as such.
[6] Secret Doctrine II, p. 792
[7] Secret Doctrine, II, p. 607
[8] Blavatsky Collected Writings,
Vol. XIII, p. 331
[9] "The Crest-Wave of Evolution," Chapter 7,
Theosophical Path, October, 1919, pp. 332-3
<See Frank's Article in Theos-Digest 2561.>
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