Attacking and defending HPB
Jul 09, 2006 08:01 AM
by Bill Meredith
One might construe an attack upon HPB as an attack upon the external
organization she championed, however attacking or defending HPB is not
the same as attacking or defending theosophy itself. HPB is not
theosophy. To attack theosophy, one just as well plan an attack upon the
universe itself. Theosophy is impervious to attack and so it needs no
defense. It is the timeless wisdom inherent within each of us. It can
be discovered within each of us and experienced without intermediary.
HPB is but a single historical example of a human being who experienced
her own inner divinity directly. Her example inspires us as does the
example of many other noble souls from all walks of life.
Sadly, It is our intellect that wishes to treat theosophy as something
external and under attack. This "attack" requires an aggressive defense
which gives the intellect a reason to exist and the power to sustain
itself as the seat of authority of the ego-complex. Once the intellect
is firmly seated it seeks to expand its control from self to other selfs
as well. This leads to the "who said what, when" bickering we so often
see here on theos-talk. As a result of this "much ado about nothing,"
the intellect is magnified while the intuition is ignored causing only
further delay in the inevitable development of the sixth and seventh senses.
The word theosophy and the name HPB could be stricken from the
phenomenological world with little or no impact upon divine wisdom.
Many is the poet, philosopher, artist, visionary, and dreamer who has
directly experienced the wisdom of the ages without the benefit of HPB
or her modern lexicon. The important *theosophical movement* is
internal as we move ourselves into harmony with the rhythms of the
ineffable wisdom that arises spontaneously from the consciousness center
of all being.
Attack or defend HPB all you wish. It is an intellectual exercise
largely unrelated to theosophy.
peace within,
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