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Jul 07, 2006 05:23 PM
by Cass Silva

carlosaveline <> wrote:                                  Dear Friends, 
 An important connection to understand Nazism, Vatican  and their common policies and goals relates to the process  of scapegoating.   
 Both Nazism and the Vatican used Jews (and for  some time  Communists) as  scapegoats.  Jews were scapegoats to Vatican for some 15 centuries. 

Cass: I may be wrong, but  the Jewish Communities in Europe  and America enjoyed a very good life  and were certainly not scapegoated in the UK.  My mother worked for a "lovely old jewish man" and would put his bets on for him at the races.  He always shared his winnings with her.  He was respected as owner of the "News Theatre," in Newcastle, England.  


 Scott Peck writes:
 �Scapegoating works through a mechanism psychiatrists call projection.
Cass: And it is interesting that those that project on others cannot see it as a projection.

 In the 19th century, H. P. Blavatsky was also a scapegoat of collective ignorance structures.  Her �death� was emotional and political, though, before  being physical. 
Cass: Emotional and political death - naah you are way off the mark here. She could care less about the goats around her.

 In the 20 th century, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and other bloody dictators used Scapegoating as a social and political-military tool which also needed the persecution and killing of �weaker enemies�  to maintain its �efficiency�. 

Cass: What excuse did they use for  murdering  gypsies, poles, russians, etc.
 If for argument's sake, the germans had become the world superpower; the problem would have arisen of feeding the world, keeping them working, etc.  These people became expendable in that it was cheaper to kill them off than feed them.  Politically it was sounder as there would have been counter-revolutions, etc.  Hitler had no time for reform.

 But scapegoating is also a psychological and emotional device used by individuals and by smaller groups of individuals.  It is an unwillingness to fight one�s one faults and shortcomings. It is a spiritual failure. 

Cass: It is academic  arrogance which leads to spiritual failure.

 Higher self, higher manas, dissolves  this kind of dualistic and conflictive perception, and true martial arts also go beyond it. The book �The Art of War� is inspired by  Philosophical Taoism, and Bodhidharma is said to have invented  Kung-fu, the martial art. 

Cass:   Anyone who argues about anything is living in duality.  And yes, that includes me. 

 Higher manas develops where there are both contrast and synthesis. 

Cass: ???????  Still sounds like duality to me.

It grows where we can find  diversity in unity,  that is,  democracy,  or brotherhood. 

Cass: This is a cleche.  I believe it awakens with an understanding of human nature,  without judgement, and with compassion.   

 Hence the creation in 1875 of the theosophical movement. It has been conceived as a �sangha� which is open  to diversity and contrast, and not attached to uniformity, or to one single authority. It is an universal sangha, a universal community which shows and studies the unity underlying life�s diversity and conflict. 

Cass: The theosophical movement was founded to bring the ancient mysteries and truths back to humanity.  When we wander too far off the path, they come to point us back in the right direction.
 (1) �People of the Lie�, M. Scott Peck, M.D., Arrow Edition, 1990, London, 309 pp., see pp. 82-83. 
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