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Jul 06, 2006 05:33 PM
by Cass Silva

Again Carlos,
You have twisted the facts.  No one stated that Hitler helped Germany, the statement was that hitler fooled everyone into believing that he intended to help germany.  Stretching the point, if he had won the war, he would have helped the germans as they would have been the ubermensch of the world's society.

Germany was rebuilt with the help of the allies.

GWB is also fooling people and under god's guidance!  His reasons are not for a safe and peaceful world, but for a world in which the american economy thrives at the expense of other world economies.  


carlosaveline <> wrote:                                  
 Hitler helped Germany?
 Let's face it. He caused the destruction of Germany -- and Europe.
 Both had to be rebuilt. 
 "Soviet Union" used to say that 20 million -- 20 million... -- Russians died in the Russian front of the war.  Against only six million Jews. 
 The black side of Atlantis is not very easy to get rid of.  Ask  Osama Bin Laden about that.  Their "priests" reincarnate in quick ways both in Christian and Muslim environments, as HPB revealed in texts I brought here, not  far ago,  with proper bibliographical references. 
 Ecologists and a few theosophists are eager to see the end of George Bush's second term in Office.  
 Republicans are getting beyond his "ideology" and opening their minds to a planetary view of things.  That will possibly lead Democrats further ahead. 
 Right now, July 5th, the USA is going away from direct confrontation with North Korea over the Missile Crisis which emerged in the last two days. 
 East-West, or Christian/Muslim military confrontation serves no democratic, religious  or humanistic purposes.  This smells like "the Atlantis danger again".
 Are we able to dismantle this trap in the near future? 
 Best regards,  Carlos Cardoso Aveline
 Data:Wed, 5 Jul 2006 23:06:23 EDT
 Assunto:Re: Theos-World ADYAR AND THE NAZIS
 > In a message dated 7/5/2006 8:49:33 PM Central Standard Time, 
 > writes:
 > Let's face it Hitler fooled everyone. 
 > That is my point. We see Hitler through the glow of crematoria and burning 
 > cities, but they saw him as someone who, in spite of everything else, was 
 > actually improving the lives of ordinary Germans, as long as they weren't Jews, 
 > or Rom, or a few others. 
 > You cannot judge people outside of their time and culture.
 > Chuck the Heretic
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