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Jul 06, 2006 02:49 PM
by carlosaveline

 Have you been reading Sidgwick's book on "The Methods of Ethics"? 

 Or is it instinctive? 
 Regards, Carlos. 
 Data:Thu, 06 Jul 2006 21:01:34 -0000
 Assunto:[Spam] Theos-World In the Public Market Place of Ideas
 > In the public market place of ideas,
 > which can be seen, for example, on the
 > WWW, on television, in books, etc., there
 > are many, many competing and contradictory
 > ideas, teachings, supposed "truths", etc.
 > For example, there are persons who tell you
 > that you have only one life to live and after
 > that, you go either to heaven or hell, to enjoy 
 > heavenly delights for all eternity or
 > to suffer forever in hell.
 > There are those who tell you that you
 > have only one life to live and after that,
 > you will enter either the kingdom of God which will
 > be this physical world reborn or you will
 > be (as a soul) utterly destroyed and annihilated
 > in Gehenna.
 > There are those who tell you that science
 > shows that there is no life after death.
 > Once our physical body is dead, our psychological
 > life also ceases. We are merely material physical
 > entities and the concept of a soul is sheer nonsense.
 > There are those who tell you that this is
 > the first life of many "lives", but that our
> future lives with all be in higher non-physical realms.
 > There are those who tell you that we live
 > many lives besides this life, but that many
> of these lives are actually on other planets
 > in our solar system or even on other star systems.
 > There are those who tell you that there is
 > a ceaseless round of births, deaths and rebirths
 > for each of us but that we will be trapped
 > in these lower worlds UNTIL we find a true
 > physical guru who can help us to escape this suffering
 > round of births and deaths.
 > There are those who tell you that we don't
 > need to reincarnate after death in another
 > physical body in this world, but that we
 > can choose any kind of life we want. We need
 > only to believe it's true and it is!
 > There are those who tell you that we belong
 > to different group souls and that we will not
 > necessarily exist after the death of our physical
 > body as a separate entity but will be absorbed
 > back into a certain group soul. The essence
 > of our being will merge with the group soul.
 > And the list goes on.
 > Even in Theosophical teachings, there are many
 > conflicting and contradictory ideas depending on
 > the Theosophical book you happen to read.
 > Where lies the "truth" in this morass of beliefs, claims
 > and counterclaims?
 > Daniel
 > Yahoo! Groups Links

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