Jul 06, 2006 12:43 PM
by carlosaveline
It is most clear that HPB and her idea of universal brotherhood could only be attacked -- even if under cover -- by Nazis and Fascists.
Mass murders, Gestapo, S.S., and a systematic hatred against the Jewish people (or Muslim nations) have nothing to do with Theosophy or Divine Wisdom. .
All of the hatred against the Jewish people was, to my mind, directly or indirectly created by the Vatican.
Hopefully, German people now does not identify itself with mass murderers like Adolf Hitler. The WW II was not useless after all.
The "Federation of Nations" proposed by I. Kant in 1795 in his text "The Perpetual Peace" -- and later announced by Alfred Tennyson (a lay chela) in one of his last poems -- is already a reality; even if only a seedling yet.
If we ignore the "League of Nations" attempt, the "World Federation" came to light in 1945 as a result of the victory of Democracy over Nazi-Fascim, and precisely 70 years after the foundation of the theosophical movement.
The Federation is based in the very same city of the theosophical creation -- New York.
Neonazism has no real future. Theosophy is emerging nearly everywhere by now, even if under different names and rather away from the conventional media. Real democracy leads to Theosophy.
Probation passes by, aspiration remains.
Best regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Data:Thu, 6 Jul 2006 14:04:35 +0200
Assunto:Re: Theos-World ADYAR AND THE NAZIS
> the Jews drum daily in German newspapers that the biological, cultural and soul extermination of the German people is a luck for them and that the persecution and murder of thousands of Germans each year on their own land counts for nothing as multiculturalism is a gain and not a loss.
> Here is an article in which Jews condem muticulturalism --- in Israel!!
> We face here the same double standard and doublespeak as with masonry, which in England and USA is building up, while in Germany (& Europe), Russia, Tibet is taking down.
> What role plays Theosophy in this death struggle of the Aryan race?
> And what role play the real-existent organizations which claim to follow HPB?
> The general point from my humble point of view to multiculturalism is that HPB would have not accept it, even when multicultural would really be a gain, and not a loss (for both sides).
> Only a third party gains from it. They conspire from behind the curtain.
> HPB probably would have said: "Even if multiculturalism would be a gain, we cannot accept it from the moral and karmic standpoint, as the poor turks, Asiats and Africans are forced by violence (economical, ecological), to leave their homelands, and the inhabitants of Germany are forced by violence to leave their land - and any actions which begins with a bad motive will in the final analysis also end with bad results. The brotherhood I had in mind was to make the nations stronger, more spiritual - and not equalizing them on the lowest level of the lower self."
> Frank
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