Jul 05, 2006 12:03 PM
by carlosaveline
Daniel, Friends,
G. Tillett has just admitted here that he scarcely remembers Cranston's biography on HPB. This was honest of him.
But I agree with Tillett that J. Algeo, D. Caldwell and their "committee" (Tillett said "puppett commiteee") are somehow in need of more Ethics.
Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Data:Tue, 04 Jul 2006 21:14:00 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Does Aveline agree with Tillett that Cranston's bio is a "shoddy hagiography"?
> Gregory Tillett wrote not many months ago on Theos-Talk:
> ==========================================================
> I think that a serious, scholarly biography of Blavatsky (and I
> don't think Meade accomplished that, but she's worthy of a Nobel
> Prize compared with the shoddy hagiography produced by Cranston) or
> an equally scholarly study of her foundation of the Theosophical
> Society (and I don't think Johnson accomplished that, but compared
> to his in-house competitors his name must be engraved on an Oscar)
> would make for absolutely remarkable reading....
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/30788
> ===========================================================
> Notice what Tillett writes about Cranston's biography
> of H.P. Blavatsky:
> "the shoddy hagiography"
> Does Aveline agree with Tillett that Cranston's biography is
> a "shoddy hagiography"? If not, why not?
> It would also be most informative (possibly to some readers on Theos-
> Talk) to know why Tillett characterizes Cranston's work in such
> terms. If Tillett is still reading posts from this forum, maybe he
> will be so kind as to share his thinking on this topic.
> Daniel
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