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RE: UlL.T. Day

Jun 26, 2006 07:21 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Monday, June 26, 2006


Many thanks RP.


Here are a few more thoughts:




                                                            U. L. T.


                                    PRINCIPLES  --  WORKING  --  CONTINUING





The UNITED LODGE OF THEOSOPHISTS was started in 1909 by a group of students
of Theosophy, of which, Mr. Robert Crosbie was the best-known. The desire
was to establish a vehicle for the spreading of pure Theosophy as recorded
in the original writings of two of the founders of the modern Theosophical
Movement:  H.P.Blavatsky, and  W.Q.Judge. 


It was also desired that the association so formed be free of any
organizational procedures or the "politics" of office.  All students of
Theosophy, whether they already belonged to an organization called
"Theosophical," or otherwise are welcomed.  


To become an "associate," the only requirement is for the prospective
associate to read and understand the "DECLARATION OF THE ULT."  When it is
grasped, the person, in complete freedom, may subscribe to it, thus
signifying a desire to be enrolled as an "associate."  It states that they
will always retain their own uninfluenced integrity in deciding their
participation in any of the ULT activities.  Everyone is placed on the same
footing of work and help in the ULT.  Each chooses his own duties.


The activities at any ULT consist, generally, of study classes, public
lectures, discussion and question and answer meetings, and the publishing of
those Theosophical texts which are accurate reproductions of the original
form in which modern Theosophical teachings have been made available.
Correspondence and answering of questions.  Defence of THEOSOPHY, HPB and


The attempt is made to put all students and inquirers into direct relation
with HPB and the Founders behind the scenes:  the Masters.


In brief:  all are welcome.  No fees or dues are asked for.  No duties are
assigned.  All are volunteers and students.


Mr. Judge wrote in an article entitled:  THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT in his
magazine  PATH for August 1891  ( WQJ ARTICLES, Vol. II, p. 125 ) 


            "But the real unity and prevalence, and the real
internationalism, do not consist in having a single organization.  They are
found in the similarity of aim, of aspiration, of purpose of teaching, of
ethics. "


These italicized words used in the ULT Declaration provide an unassailable
"basis for union." 


The fourth clause in the Declaration offers ideas similarly phrased by HPB
in THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY, where on page 230 she wrote: 


            "INQUIRER:    What do you consider as due to humanity at large ?


            THEOSOPHIST:         Full recognition of equal rights and
privileges for all, and without distinction  of race, color, social
position, or birth." 


The fifth clause speaks of the responsibilities that an associate may
assume. These were stated in an article HPB published in LUCIFER, Sept.
1888.  This includes the phrase "by study and otherwise to help and teach


The closing affirmation of the ULT Declaration will be found in an answer
that Mr. Judge gave to "Adelphi"--in  PATH, February 1888, p. 344,
(reprinted in WQJ ARTICLES, Vol. II, p. 462):  "We must bear in mind that
the true Theosophist belongs to no cult or sect, yet belongs to each and


In 1912 magazine THEOSOPHY was first issued.  It was intended to use this
monthly magazine to reprint all the articles by HPB and WQJ that had gone
out of print, for the benefit of modern students.




                        ULT "STRUCTURE," POLICY and PROGRAM



            ULT is as an "association" of volunteer students.  It exists to
provide a forum, where those who would collaborate independently, could do
joint work for study, promulgation, and the maintaining in print of the
original teachings.  It was anticipated that this effort would be sustained
and continued.  Its informal constitution was designed to preserve Theosophy
for the use of all sincere students.


            In all cases, associates were to determine for themselves, then
jointly, by consultation and consensus, what they would individually, or
cooperatively contribute in sustaining this effort.  The independence and
autonomy of the individual was assured as an essential factor for this work
to succeed.  The criteria for the evaluation of any proposal of work was to
be sought in the precedents established by HPB or WQJ, in common sense, and
in both individual work, and such voluntary collaboration as might widen a
useful proposal for Theosophical work. 


            The collaboration and devotion thus evoked, has enabled the ULT
to continue growing with vigor, and in a sustained manner for now, nearly 96


Its principle objective:  the maintaining in print of the original writings
of HPB and WQJ has gradually been re-adopted by other Theosophical
organizations that have printing facilities.


Other ULT centers have been started, using the same basis, each being
autonomous, but fraternally affiliated with all the rest, and using as basis
the "Declaration of ULT." 







 An associate of the U.L.T. endeavors to pursue the three objects of the
age-old Theosophical Movement to the extent that he is able to understand
them, and sees that he can freely choose his area of work  


The fundamental concept is that he will always function as an independent
immortal SELF, while adjusting his integrity to that of others around him.
Each one has the innate responsibility of free choice.  


Brotherhood is considered the best description of an ideal personal life.
This concept is based on the Unity of the Universe in which we live.  The
laws of Nature operate everywhere, and are the same for all:  fair, just and
impartial.  Each is expected to do the best that he can, and avoid conflicts
of personality which may afflict his brothers' future and his own.  


He therefore strives to guide in patience, calm and harmony his thoughts,
feelings, and deeds.  He seeks to embody the wisdom he has acquired
practically, in his daily, self-examined life.  He perceives that his onward
progress and growth is the appreciation of the worth that each of the many
scattered fragments of the One SELF manifest in themselves.  And this is to
be done without in any way abridging their free will or rights.  


He gives his first attention to learning what Theosophy is, through study,
and in providing the same opportunity he has to as many as he may contact.
This implies keeping available the teachings of the great Messengers of
Theosophy, and distributing them by word of mouth or in printed form.  


To deepen his understanding and to widen his knowledge of Theosophy he makes
a point of attending such meetings of the ULT as are available, thus
providing those classes with the benefit of his preparation and study, his
presence and thought for the benefit of the whole group. 


 Since magazines and books are published he would endeavor to see that their
circulation is increased, that contributions in articles and questions or
answers are made, and that the text books of Theosophy are kept in print.  


A public library or libraries may be kept supplied by him with books of the
original Theosophy.  Many an inquirer has come the ULT after finding a copy
OF THEOSOPHY on the shelves of a public library.  The distribution of tracts
on Theosophy is important.  Valuable students have come to ULT on picking up
a program in a bus, or a waiting room.  Several of these "give-aways" are
available to those who want to distribute them.


All  commitments made by associates are made internally to their HIGHER SELF
( Atman ).  The "Associate Card" is specific on this.  This follows the law
of the evolution of consciousness.  We rise or fall according to the efforts
we put into our progress;  so too, in Theosophy.  


This is the root of moral strength, since it is not dependent on an external
code, creeds, appearance, or any belief or person.  It arises from each
one's Mind-Soul determination.  Each associate, as a personality,  faces his
own "HIGHER SELF" ( the ATMAN within ).  


Each student is set by Theosophy squarely upon his own feet, but he is also
assured of the friendly interest and companionship of those who have
determined to follow a similar course of work and discovery--of themselves,
and of Nature.  


No compulsion of any kind is in any way or at any time permitted or
contemplated.  Each one advances strictly according to his own choices.  


            Unity, Study and Work are the watch-words of ULT.







The first duty all that confronts all students is study.  We have to
acquire, or reawaken a memory of Theosophical ideas.  Much that we have
learned in this life should be reviewed in the light of Theosophical
doctrines.  We have to learn what Theosophy is.  Assistance in this is given
Wm. Q. Judge.  Statements made in these books should be mastered.



The basic ideas are:  first, the concept of Universal Unity.  A cause and
reason exists for all manifestation.  We can see that we are dependent for
our own present living (air, food, water, public services, etc.) on the
support and goodwill of many other beings.  Solidarity and brotherhood are
facts.  Every man is a unit in Nature.  


The law of the Universe is called Karma.  It works equally and universally,
and is sensitive to the actions and needs of all beings. It brings exact
effects back to those who generated causes for them.  Reincarnation of our
Spirit and Soul-Mind is the method of human progress and advancement using
successive bodies.


In this study use is made of the seven-fold division of qualities and
functions that is seen both in nature and man.  The study of the origins and
development of the World and of mankind are considered.  Social situations
and ethical and moral issues are fully considered.  The facts of Science are
always considered, but its theories and hypotheses are questioned for
fundamental validity.


Keeping books and publications available for use by other follows.


Talking of Theosophical principles when asked or when in sympathetic company
is encouraged.


Participating at meetings and promulgating what one has learned is needed.


Letting others who may be interested in Theosophical principles and views is
important, know where they can be found.  This is important.


Volunteering to assist at ULT Lodge functions and work.


Assisting financially for the maintenance of the work of ULT is also needed.
This is purely voluntary.


If one refers to the last articles that have been published by ULT in Mr.
Judge's COLLECTED ARTICLES, Vol. 2, one will find many of these deal with
methods of Theosophical work employed by him and the student around him in
spreading Theosophy to others.  We can use and adopt these in the present,
or assist in those which are already being implemented.


It should be clear that the example of our lives and speech are the most
potent aspects of practical Theosophy which we can offer to others around











                        WHY teach THEOSOPHY to children ?


                        SCOPE of THEOSOPHY


                        TOOLS for Teachers,  Additional Aids















            THE ETERNAL VERITIES     Editors: ULT Students   1940

+ 295 pages




Editors: ULT Students   1941

+ 210 pages



            "BECAUSE--"  For Children Who ask Why

Editors: ULT Students

                                                                        v +
149 pages



            KEY TO THEOSOPHY          H. P. Blavatsky,           [ THEOSOPHY

                        Chapter XIII, p. 263    "Theosophy and Education"



            FORUM ANSWERS              W. Q. Judge                 [

                        Answers on pp.  38, 86



            LETTERS THAT HAVE HELPED ME           W. Q. Judge     [

                        Discussion on Child's Education            p. 173



            FRIENDLY PHILOSOPHER              R. Crosbie        [ THEOSOPHY

                        Discussion on Education                       pp.
135 174 321 395



            HPB ARTICLES         II p. 97



            PRACTICAL OCCULTISM                           W. Q. Judge     [

                        Letter of Mr. Judge on  p. 262



            COLLECTED WORKS OF BLAVATSKY    HPB                 [ T P H  -
Wheaton / Adyar ]

                        Nature of Consciousness in Children
Vol.  I p. 297-8



            ISIS UNVEILED                     HPB                 Vol. I  p.

                        Instinct, and Reason in Children




                        A. Besant answers on behalf of HPB (  N.Y. SUN Case




                                    MAGAZINE ARTICLES





                        "Theosophy School"     Vol. 14, (Series in each
monthly issue.)


                        "A Child's School"        R. Crosbie        .
Vol. 38             p. 559


                        "Moral Code for Schools"         .           .
Vol. 13             p    11


                        "ANCIENT LANDMARKS"               SERIES, VARIOUS


                        "GREAT THEOSOPHISTS"                - SAME -


                        "ANTIQUITY OF MAN"                    Vol.  13




            THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT           [ Bombay, India ]


                        "A Theosophical Education"
Vol. 10 p.  13


                        "Theosophy as Education"
11        p.         3


                        "Disciplining the Child"
14        p.  18


                        "Needs of the Young Child"
13        p. 123


                        "Children Allowed to Train Themselves for Murder"
Vol. 5  p.  104



            NEW CALIFORNIAN           San Francisco  (?)

                        Western Theosophist


                        Series of articles on the "Lotus Circles"


            THE PATH

                        "A Plea for the Children"           .           ..
Vol. 3   p. 222








Best wishes






-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 
Subject:  Ul.L.T. Day


Bangalore ULT will be considering the sayings of HPB, WQJ and R. Crosbie on
25th June as a reminder to ourselves the clear lines of work laid down by



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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