Jun 20, 2006 02:29 PM
by krishtar
Dear Carlos
I don´t remember where I kept your email address but could you please answer this to me?
I have just purchased an old book named " A vida de H Blavatsky" A.P. Sinnet.printed for the last time in 1976.In Brazil.
There is no mention to the original tittle so I suspect that it is either a fragment collection or the entire "incidents in the life of Blavatsky". The translator is a certain M P Moreira Filho.
If you have any clue , will you tell me? Or any body here knows?
If I am right this must be that book that A P S produced to help increase HPB´s reputation during that turbulent period of SSPR but was not unfortutely well understood and was not received with HPB´s entire warmth..( her realtives did not like the apparent exposure of some facts if I am not mistaked...)
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