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Re: Dallas Tenbroeck's e-mails

Jun 05, 2006 07:26 AM
by carlosaveline


Excellent considerations,  thanks!

May we plant good karma to all beings, 

Carlos Cardoso Aveline


Data:Mon, 5 Jun 2006 07:07:04 -0700

Assunto:[Spam] Theos-World RE: Carlos Aveline´s e-mails

> 6/5/2006 7:06 AM
> Dear Carlos:
> May I offer for consideration:
> =======================
> All that we are is the result of what we have thought, founded on our
> thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain pursues him,
> as the wheel of the wagon follows the hoof of the ox that draws it. If a
> man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness pursues him like his
> shadow that never leaves him. -- Buddha: DHAMMAPADA, p. 1.
> -----------------------------------
> "Fate" or "Luck" ?
> Fate comes from fatum: an "oracle," in Latin. The principle, determining
> cause or will, by which things in general are supposed to come to be as they
> are or events happen as they do. The lot of man as decreed. Among the
> Greeks there were THREE FATES, Goddesses: Clotho - who spins the thread of
> life; Lachesis - who determines its length, and Atropos - who cuts it off;
> chance; fortune. 
> Karma - A Universal Law of Cause / Effect
> With these definitions we can see why it is said in Theosophy that Karma is
> the universal law of retributive justice, and its ultimate law. Unerringly,
> it adjusts effects to causes on the physical, mental and spiritual planes of
> being. Though itself unknowable, its action is perceivable. We do not know
> the ultimate Cause. Karma is one with that Unknowable, of which it is an
> agent. It cannot be considered an entity. 
> Its effects are absolute and unerring equity, wisdom and intelligence -- an
> unfailing redresser of human injustice, and of all the failures of nature;
> a stern adjuster of wrongs; a retributive law which rewards and punishes
> with equal impartiality. It is no respecter of persons. It can neither be
> propitiated nor turned aside by prayer.
> A stone falls into the water and creates disturbing waves, oscillating until
> at last they are brought to rest. Similarly all action, on every plane,
> produces disturbance in the balanced harmony of the Universe. Since each
> disturbance starts from some particular point, it is clear that equilibrium
> and harmony can only be restored by the reconverging to that same point of
> all the forces which were put into motion from it. The consequences of a
> man's deeds, thoughts, etc., must all react upon himself with the same force
> with which they were set in motion.
> To consider these two: fate, and karma, which some hold to be antagonists
> and others believe are co-workers in Nature we should perhaps start with
> their accepted meanings.
> Karma is a Sanskrit word, and physically it means "action." Metaphysically
> it is called the "Law of Retribution," or, "the Law of Cause and Effect,"
> or, "Ethical Causation." It has been likened to Nemesis only in the sense
> of "bad" karma. It is a power that controls all things, the resultant of
> moral action, or the moral effect of an act committed for the attainment of
> something which gratifies a personal desire. Karma neither punishes nor
> rewards. There is the karma of merit and of demerit. It is the one
> universal LAW which guides unerringly, and, so to say, blindly, all other
> laws along the grooves of their respective causations.
> Why is there a Universe?
> What, then, is the universe for? And for what final purpose is man the
> immortal thinker here in evolution ? It is all for the experience and
> emancipation of the soul (mind), for the purpose of raising the entire mass
> of manifested matter up to the stature, nature and dignity of conscious
> godhood. 
> The great aim is to reach self-consciousness [the man-stage]. Nothing is to
> be left out. The aim for present man is his initiation into complete
> knowledge. This is evolution carried to its highest power, and gives to
> every part of nature the possibility of being one day the same. Every atom
> is alive and has the germ of self-consciousness.
> Fatalism
> The ancients rejected fatalism, for fatalism implies a blind course of some
> still blinder power. They believed in destiny, which from birth to death
> every man is weaving thread by thread around himself. And this destiny is
> guided either by that Presence, termed by some the "guardian angel," or our
> more intimate astral inner man, who is but too often the evil genius of the
> man of flesh.
> "Good" and "harmony," and "evil" and "disharmony," are synonymous. All pain
> and all suffering are the results of want of harmony; and that the one
> terrible and only cause of the disturbance of harmony is selfishness in some
> form or another. Hence karma gives back to every man the actual
> consequences of his actions. He will be made to atone for all sufferings
> which he has caused, just as he will reap in joy and gladness the fruits of
> all the happiness and harmony he has helped to produce. 
> Choices have Consequences
> We have made ourselves what we are by former actions, and are building our
> future eternity by present actions. There is no salvation or condemnation
> except what we ourselves bring about, karma offers no shelter for culpable
> actions and necessitates a sterling manliness. It is karma, or our old
> acts, that draws us back into earthly life. 
> Our present lives and circumstances are the direct result of our own deeds
> and thoughts in lives that are past. But we, who are not seers or
> initiates, cannot know anything about the details of them.
> Moral content of the Universe and of Living
> Karma, thus, signifies the law of ethical causation ("Whatsoever a man
> soweth, that shall be also reap"), and, the balance or excess of merit or
> demerit in any individual determines also the main experiences of joy and
> sorrow in each incarnation. "Luck" is in reality "desert;" desert acquired
> in past experience. It is the force that will make men pursue in fact the
> ethics they have in theory.
> "Spiritual Man" is the "Real Man"
> The "Higher Triad" (or man's Spirit-Soul) are:-- Manas (soul, or mind),
> Buddhi (the accumulated wisdom of past experiences, discrimination,
> intuition, the "Voice of Conscience"), and, Atma (Spirit, the eternal,
> immovable "Witness," or "Perceiver") in every human being, they are the real
> man. They are the immortal part of us. This should be firmly grasped by
> the mind, for upon its clear understanding depends the comprehension of the
> entire doctrine. 
> "I am the Ego which is seated in the heart of all beings." - Krishna (
> GITA X, p. 73 )
> This was symbolized in the old Jewish teaching about the Heavenly Man, who
> stands with his head (Spirit-Soul) in 'heaven,' and his feet (body) in
> 'hell.' This is the real meaning of "the Word made flesh." And out of this
> comes the idea of 'crucifixion.' Manas (the thinker-soul) is thus crucified
> (in all humanity), for the purpose of "raising the thief to paradise" (the
> body made up of gross matter, which is to be purified). 
> Nature intends us to use the matter which comes into our body for the
> purpose, among others, of benefiting it by the impress it gets from
> association with the human ego (Soul-Mind).
> Free Will
> Will is not directly free elsewhere in nature; the law of karma adjusts the
> encroachments of matter on the flow of the will, which is the "power of
> Spirit." Only in the human kingdom, with the birth of intelligence, will
> becomes free; and, thus, at last, karma finds the aid of an agent
> independent of itself, instead of a passive instrument for its compensating
> operations. Thus, even the "Law of Laws" offers itself to become the
> servant of man.
> Karma, as strict impartial justice, can, therefore, have neither wrath not
> mercy, only absolute equity, which leaves every cause, great or small, to
> work out its inevitable effects. "With what measure you mete it shall be
> measured to you again," (Math. vii, 2) points to no hope of future mercy
> or salvation-by-proxy, no vicarious atonement, nor is there the possibility
> of the remission of the smallest sin by any "God." 
> Recognizing, in our philosophy, the justice of this statement, we strongly
> recommend mercy, charity, and forgiveness of mutual offenses, in view of the
> implacability of karmic law. For man to take the law into his own hands is
> a sacrilegious presumption: "use restrictive, not punitive measures." A
> man who revenges himself and refuses to forgive every injury, thereby
> rendering good for evil, is a criminal, and only hurts himself by seeking to
> inflict additional punishment on his enemy.
> National Fate and Free Will
> The aggregate of individual karma becomes that of the nation to which those
> individuals belong. The sum total of national karma is that of the World.
> It is upon this broad line that interdependence lies, that the law of karma
> finds its legitimate and equable issue. The interdependence of humanity is
> the cause of what is called "distributive karma."
> We know that the guiding mind and real character of each are not the result
> of a body and brain, but are peculiar to the Ego (soul-mind) in its
> essential life as an immortal being.
> Why Suffering?
> As suffering comes to nearly all, it is objected to that reincarnation is
> unjust, because we suffer for the wrong done by some other person in another
> life, which, is based on the false notion that the person in the other life
> was someone else ! When we come again, we do not take up the body of
> someone else, nor another's deeds, but are like an actor who plays many
> parts--for the great life of the soul is a drama--all through it we are the
> self-same person. In no other manner could justice be preserved. 
> Good and Evil
> The whole mass of detail of life is preserved in the inner nature to be one
> day fully brought back to the conscious memory in some other life when we
> are perfected. But all now are subject to the limitations imposed upon the
> Ego (Soul) by the new brain in each life. By living according to the
> dictates of the Soul, the brain may at last be made porous to the Soul's
> recollections. If the contrary sort of life is led, then more and more will
> clouds obscure that reminiscence. We should be very miserable if the deeds
> and scenes of our former lives were not hidden from our view until, by
> discipline, we become able to bear a knowledge of them.
> Heredity and Character
> While heredity has something to do with the differences in character as to
> force or morale, swaying the soul and mind a little, and, furnishing the
> appropriate place of receiving reward and punishment, it is not the cause
> for the essential nature shown by everyone. One short human life gives no
> ground for the production of its inner nature. 
> It is needful that each Soul have all possible experience and one life
> cannot give this even under the best conditions. So the Soul has to be
> reborn until it has ceased to set in motion the causes of rebirth, after
> having developed character up to its highest possible limit. When every
> experience has been passed through, and not until all of truth that can be
> known has been acquired will this process come to an end, man having
> acquired 'perfection,' (inasmuch as this world provides).
> Reincarnation a Cyclic Fact
> We come back to earth because on it, and with the beings upon it, our deeds
> were performed. Because it is the only proper place where punishment and
> reward cane be justly meted out. It is the only natural spot in which to
> continue the struggle towards perfection, the development of the faculties
> we have, and the destruction of the wickedness in us. Justice to ourselves
> and to all other beings demands it, for we cannot live for ourselves, and it
> would be unjust to permit some of us to escape.
> Belief in karma is the highest reason for reconcilement to one's lot in this
> life, and the very strongest incentive towards effort to better the
> succeeding rebirth. Both of these would be destroyed it we supposed that
> our lot was the result of anything but strict law, or that destiny was in
> any other hands than our own. 
> We do not administer the law, it administers itself. In the light of karma
> and reincarnation, evolution becomes the logic of what must be: the
> synthesis of occult science as wisdom and as an art.
> =================== 
> Note: These ideas for the article have been drawn from the writings of H.
> P. Blavatsky and W. Q. Judge. 
> Some of the sources include:
> The Theosophical Glossary, p. 173; The Key to Theosophy, pp. 198 201 205
> 206 206-7 209 215 216-7; Isis Unveiled, II 593; The Ocean of Theosophy,
> pp. 60-1 65 68 70 73 76 80-82 84; An Epitome of Theosophy, pp. 23-4; The
> Synthesis of Occult Science; Studies in "The Secret Doctrine" p. 129.
> ==================
> Best wishes
> Dallas
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carlos Paterson, 
> Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 4:08 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Carlos Aveline´s e-mails
> Dear Carlos Aveline,
> The three e-mails send to you ("THOMAS TAYLOR DRINKS WATER"(a),
> "H.P.B. ON FORESTS"(b) and "OUR RESPONSIBILITY"(c)) are, in my
> modest point of view, related to the FATE of civilization in our
> Earth Planet, particularly with our relationship with this FATE.
> To initialize a healthy debate about this theme (Our relationship
> with the civilizationZs fate), it would be of great help trying
> define what do you intend to say with the denomination "DIRECT
> KNOWLEDGE"? (your e-mail:(a))
> Again, in your e-mail (b), you seem to be strongly inclined to
> contemplate this not defined knowledge, when you relate the fact
> that there is a supposed "actual knowledge" in opposition to a
> mere hearsay information. This "actual knowledge" has any
> similarity with you have called "DIRECT KNOWLEDGE"? Are they the
> same thing? What are they?
> And, once again, in your e-mail (c) (forgive me the insistence),
> you emphasize something called "sacred wisdom"... Is it another
> completely different thing or not? What do you want to say with
> it?
> It is clear that a series of affirmations and conclusions were
> inferred from theses not yet defined terms or phrases, so it is
> of vital importance the understanding of them.
> Finally, valued friend:
> What do you understand by the word "FATE"? If possible, define it
> better.
> Thank your for all.
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