Jun 04, 2006 10:56 AM
by carlosaveline
Daniel, Friends,
It is not easy for people who have scarce or no knowledge of discipleship to judge certain events of the hisotory of the movement.
Therefore we should be really careful about evaluating chelas' failures. Who but the Master can see, for instance, in what levels of consciousness did failure occur?
Take, for instance, the case of Subba Row. Most likely, a lower-self failure only, which led him to die at the age of 34. But it would take a Master to evaluate that clearly. Twenty first century aspirtans to lay discipleship should consider that Subba Row was in great part misled by the massive attack made against the theosophical movement in the 1880s.
Or take the case of Mohini. Or the lay chelaship process of Allan O. Hume.
Often, after chelaship or lay chelaship ceases, the "pledge fever" goes down and
common sense come back in t he same life. That seems to have been the case with Mr. Hume. That seems to have been the case with Ms. Laura Holloway, too.
That is why Laura's interview with Henry Olcott, before Olcott's death, deserved credit and was included by Sven Eek in his excellent, crucial book on DAMODAR.
The book, which contains Olcott's severe self-criticism with regard to his persecution against William Judge, has been published by the Adyar Theosophical Society with a preface by by N. Sri Ram, then international president of Adyar TS and the father of Radha Burnier.
The Adyar TS would have political reasons not to give credit to that testimony, or to veto its publication, but it implicitly recognized its authenticity.
Since Annie Besant also admitted that she and Olcott were unfair to W. Q. Judge, Olcott's self-criticism is not an isolated fact.
If Adyar leaders re-examine the "Judge Case", they will probably make peace with the facts and declare Mr. Judge innocent, just as the SPR (informally but effectively) declared H.P.B. innocent in 1986.
Leslie Price is among the researchers who support our initiative to yearly ask Adyar TS to re-examine the "JUDGE CASE" and either show proofs of his guilt or openly declare him innocent.
Ernest Pelletier's 2004 book "THE JUDGE CASE" (published by the Edmonton Theosophical Society) demonstrates Judge's authenticity and also his key importance to the theosophical movement.
Regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Data:Sun, 04 Jun 2006 17:15:39 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World The first bomb-shell from the Dugpa world came from America......
> In 1886, H.P. Blavatsky gives the following estimation of Mrs.
> Holloway in a letter to A.P. Sinnett:
> "...The first bomb-shell from the Dugpa world came from America; you
> welcomed and warmed it in your own breast. . . . The Dugpa element
> triumphed fully at one time -- why? because you believed in one
> [Laura Holloway] who was sent by the opposing powers for the
> destruction of the [Theosophical] Society and permitted to act as
> she and others did by the 'higher powers,' as you call them, whose
> duty it was not to interfere in the great probation save at the last
> moment. To this day you are unable to say what was true, what
> false...." The Mahatma Letters, No. 141.
> But it should also be noted that Mr. Judge also fell
> into this trap:
> That is, of believing in Mrs. Holloway.
> One might even say that Judge also welcomed and warmed it in
> his breast.....
> All that was suggested in the previous post is that Judge's
> association with Mrs. Holloway may have created a bad situation for
> Judge.
> Pay special attention to what the Master writes about
> Mrs. Holloway's condition:
> "Whether you sit for friends in America or London, or elsewhere as
> medium ? though you now hate the word ? or seeress, or
> revelator, since you have scarcely learned the elements of self-
> control, in psychism, you must suffer bad consequences. You draw to
> yourself the nearest and strongest influences ? often evil ? and
> absorb them, and are psychically stifled or narcotised by them. The
> airs become peopled with resuscitated phantoms...."
> "She labors under the very kind but erroneous & injurious notion
> that since she has done it (consoling the elementaries) ALL HER
> LIFE ? she cannot be doing wrong in continuing to do so. Fatal
> error! She has, she does wrong, a most serious one to herself: for
> she has thereby been for years systematically destroying her health.
> This relationship during the course of which the unclean shells have
> been constantly absorbing a part of her vitality brought her to
> become the highly nervous & sickly sensitive. The more they are
> encouraged the more serious it comes for her, & they may even kill
> her if she heeds us not."
> Could this have lead to Mr. Judge's condition which he
> described as follows:
> "?For several days, until yesterday, I have had the most awful
> blues that ever were. So bad indeed that H. P. B. was very much
> worried. It seemed impossible to stave them off, and as they were
> accompanied with an uncontrollable desire to weep, I was in a bad
> way.
> "She said I had got into my past current, and also that in going
> All of this may have led Mr. Judge to doubt HPB as can be seen
> in his letters to Hartmann and HPB which I have quoted previously.
> Now none of the above is suggesting that he became a "failed
> Chela".
> But all of the above does give us a glimpse into some of the
> difficulties that he had to work against and overcome.
> Daniel
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