John, Tiahuanacu and HPB
May 30, 2006 01:58 PM
by carlosaveline
Yes, thanks.
There is an immensity of sources/approaches on the Andean culture and I do not know the two references you give. But I can live with that. What we can get in terms of information will be always a very small sample of what there is to learn.
In 1999 I had the opportunity to be one of the speakers in an inter-american, theosophical traveling-seminar through the Andes.
If one would make a comparative study of Theosophy and the Andean Tradition -- well, that would be a very interesting and powerful thing to do.
I have taken just a few and small steps in that direction so far.
I have been to Tiahuanaco, and the energy there is impressive.
See below a short note on HPB and the Andes.
Best regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Dear Friends,
What is the significance of the Andean Mountain Range and its wisdom tradition, from the viewpoint of the esoteric philosophy?
In April 1884, H. P. Blavatsky wrote a letter to Mrs. Patience Sinnett mentioning some eastern Buddhist chelas (disciples) to Masters. She explained that their Masters were not the ones who had directly inspired the foundation of the Theosophical Movement in 1875.
The chelas of those specific Adept-Teachers were called by H.P.B. “pure blooded Mongolian Buddhists”. Their Masters, once can infer, were fourth race Adepts.
“Fourth race” is a rather complex theosophical concept. It refers to the abstract archetype of human beings during a previous moment in our evolution – and not only to their physical characteristics. Present-day remanents of the fourth race include the Far East peoples, Tibetans, Mongolians, as weell as all native peoples in South, Central and North America.
This broad unity in diversity explains why, after mentioning some cultural limitations she saw in those specific buddhists chelas, H.P.B. said:
“They are chelas [ disciples ] after all, and there is much of the mortal man in them yet. (...) They are great friends with the native Peruvian, Mexican and Red Indian Adepts and chelas.” (1)
Peru is one of the main Andean countries in South America, and we can be sure that H.P.B. knew what she was writing about. In 1852 she had made a long personal visit to the Andean Region, seeing many places and having contact with local sages there.
H.P.B. wrote rather extensively on Peru and the Andes in her text “A Land of Mystery” and in the book “Isis Unveiled” (2).
In “The Secret Doctrine”, she also refers to the inner link connecting esoteric schools in South America (Andean region) and other parts of the world:
“The members of several esoteric schools – the seat of which is beyond the Himalayas, and whose ramifications may be found in China, Japan, Tibet, and even in Syria, besides South America – claim to have in their possession the SUM TOTAL of sacred and philosophical works in MSS. and type: all the works, in fact, that have been ever written, in whatever language or characters (...). ” (3)
For a much more recent evidence of connection between H.P.B.’s work and the Andean tradition, see Sylvia Cranston’s book “H.P.B.” (4)
Best regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
(1) “The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett”, Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, California, 1973, 404 pp., see p. 85.
(2) “A Land of Mystery” can be seen in “Collected Writings”, H. P. Blavatsky, TPH, India/USA, volume II, pp. 301-343 and pp. 431-435. See also “Isis Unveiled”, H.P.B., 1988, Theosophical University Press, vol. I, pp. 590-599.
(3) “The Secret Doctrine”, H. P. Blavatsky, The Theosophy Company, Los Angeles, 1982, volume I, Introductory, p. XXIII.
(4) “H.P.B.”, Sylvia Cranston, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 648 pp., see pp. 510-511.
Data:Mon, 29 May 2006 16:55:35 EDT
Assunto:Re: Theos-World John & The Andean Tradition
> Carlos,
> Yes, as a result of my involvement in the Tiahuanaco Transformation I came
> to have Prof. Arthuro Posnansky's great work "Tiahuanaco - Cradle of American
> Man" and I also acquired all the works of Hans Schindler Bellamy which were a
> decipherment of the Tiahuanacan Glyphs. You might also have seen the
> Marcahausi Plateau and it's many archaic naturally formed figures, George Hunt
> Williamson made expedition there and wrote of it in his works with photographs of the
> Egyptian Figures there.
> The Experiencer material references:
> Tiahuanaco
> Titicaca Island of the sun
> Cuzco
> Toro Muerto
> Nasca
> Delphi
> Dodona
> Giza
> Stonehenge
> Weavers Needle-Superstition Mountains- Apache junction- Arizona USA
> A "Coin" that was materialized appeared to have at least five different
> cultural symbols on it:
> Greek
> Anatolian
> Hindu
> Phyrgian/Pythagorean
> Phoenician/lebanese
> I have always found it difficult to communicate the intensity of the energy
> we were in reception of backs then, it was very impressive to say the very
> least.
> John
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