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Re: The Meaning of "Da Vinci Code"

May 15, 2006 02:25 AM
by christinaleestemaker

By this mail;I send urls again and text,pictures to be seen on url's
The first message is not published , so I send again with text for 
the ones who like to know and see ,in case of not to be known.
greetings Christina.


Sacred geometry is geometry that is sacred to the observer or 
discoverer. This meaning is sometimes described as being the 
language of the God of the religion of the people who discovered or 
used it. Sacred geometry can be described as attributing a religious 
or cultural value to the graphical representation of the 
mathematical relationships and the design of the man-made objects 
that symbolize or represent these mathematical relationships. The 
golden ratio was often used in the design of Greek and Roman 
architecture. A contemporary usage of the term describes a supposed 
re-discovered mathematical order to the intrinsic nature of the 
Universe that is represented in crop circles and in ancient 
architecture such as the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge. References 

Fibonnaci Number Golden Ratio - Phi - Consciousness


Blocks - Grids 

The golden ratio, also known as the god ratio, golden proportion, 
golden mean, golden section, golden number, divine proportion or 
sectio divina, is an irrational number, approximately 1.618 033 988 
749 894 848, that possesses many interesting properties. Shapes 
proportioned according to the golden ratio have long been considered 
aesthetically pleasing in Western cultures, and the golden ratio is 
still used frequently in art and design, suggesting a natural 
balance between symmetry and asymmetry. The ancient Pythagoreans, 
who defined numbers as expressions of ratios (and not as units as is 
common today), believed that reality is numerical and that the 
golden ratio expressed an underlying truth about existence. 


Sacred Geometry - The Da Vince Code


12 Around 1

The universe is created by thought consciousness which manifests in 
physical reality through a geometric blueprint that we call Sacred 
Geometry. It repeats in cycles giving the illusion of linear time so 
we can experience emotions. The term "sacred geometry" is used by 
archaeologists, anthropologists, and geometricians to encompass the 
religious, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs that have sprung up 
around geometry in various cultures during the course of human 
history. It is a catch-all term covering Pythagorean geometry and 
neo-Platonic geometry, as well as the perceived relationships 
between organic and logarithmic curves. 

12 Around 1 - Creational Geometry 

Spiraling movement of consciousness from frequency to frequencies
12=1+2=3=-manifestation in third dimension, the physical realms
12 spiraling cones around 1 source = 13 = 4=4th dimension = time
Sacred Geometry = SG = StarGate - Wheel of Karma - Alchemy Wheel - 
Clock - Time
Electromagnetic energy grid programs of experience - polarity - 
duality - emotions 
Alchemy Wheel of Consciousness based on the spiraling patterns from 
center - heart - Eye. 

Perpetual rhythmic motion [dance] of sound, light, and color 
that creates endless grids in which we consciously experience.
It's all a virtaul exerience laced with myth, mth and metaphors.
Pay attention. Consciousness is about to evolve in the alchemy of 


Sacred Geometry Art - Architecture - Great Pyramid

M.C. Escher Gallery
Escher's World - Tesselations 
Charles Gilchrist: Sacred Geometry and the Architecture of the 
Sacred Geometry and Crop Circles
The Prehistoric Alignment of World Wonders 
Sacred Geometry and Stones 


The Great Pyramid, The Golden Ratio and The Royal Cubit 
Geometry of the Great Pyramid Great Pyramid Sacred Geometry 


Article by Ralph Miller
Since I wrote the first article about the DaVinci Code, I have 
received emails from readers who have suggested that there is more 
information contained within Leonardo DaVinci's drawing "Proportions 
of the Human Figure". I have continued researching the subject 
myself as well. In order to give some more of the information, I 
decided to write this second installment. I would also like to thank 
those who have sent me these ideas.

There seems to be a connection between all things. In other words, 
the nature of reality itself, or at least what we would consider 
consensual reality or 3D, seems to be holographic in nature. Each 
part of nature contains clues that unlock the puzzle of all the rest 
of reality, or to the whole of creation. DaVinci's drawing contains 
incredible information that shows the connection between humans and 
all of reality. There is a geometry hidden within the human body 
that reflects the geometry in everything else.

During an Ayahuasca journey, many people experience a perception of 
everything as part of an extraordinary mathematical equation. They 
see themselves in mathematical form. From nature around them to even 
their thoughts and emotions, everything is somehow represented as 
part of a beautiful mathematical geometry. Ayahuasca unlocks or 
awakens the visionary brain. The visionary brain completes the human 
ability to perceive. It unlocks the capacity of a greater seat of 
understanding that is located in the heart.

This expanded perception of reality cannot be simply 
intellectualized. We are used to conceptualizing ideas with 
our 'thinking' minds, and this is far too elaborate and complicated 
to grasp at that level. There is however, an expanded state of 
consciousness that elicits a 'knowing'. Knowing is quite different 
from 'understanding.' This knowing relies on a perception and trust 
that comes from the heart. It is very strange, because as soon as 
you trust … is as quick as you know. 

Somehow 'knowing' is the feminine counterpart of 
masculine 'understanding'. We have had generations of conditioning 
around understanding, to the point where much of the art of knowing 
has gone dormant. This is all changing now. We are moving through a 
transition as humans. We are moving back to remembering our feminine 

The first DaVinci Code article showed step-by-step how a perfect six-
pointed star could be constructed within the human figure. Some 
suggest that the six-pointed star also represents two three-
dimensional tetrahedrons. A tetrahedron is a four-sided solid, where 
each side is an equilateral triangle. The two interlocking 
tetrahedrons together form a solid called a star tetrahedron. 

   DaVinci Code II  
 -  2D 'Star of David' 
-  3D star tetrahedron 

2D View: This is the Star of David, which is a perfect six-pointed 
star, or two interlocking equilateral triangles. See the first 
article entitled The DaVinci Code in order to understand how this 
six-pointed star was constructed. 

The star tetrahedron also represents what some believe to be the 
human energy field, also called the Merkaba. I don't think any of us 
can be certain that the human energy field looks like this, but 
there are some very synchronistic relationships that are revealed.

If you place a star tetrahedron inside of a sphere, with one of the 
apexes of the tetrahedron at the 'North' pole and one at the 'South' 
pole of the sphere, then the other six apexes of the star will touch 
or intersect the sphere at 19.47° above and below the "equator" of 
the sphere.

Consider the fact that the earth is a thin solid crust that is 
rotating at great speed around what is basically a liquid magma 
center. The result is an upwelling of great force that occurs at 
19.47° North and South, that seemingly comes from nowhere. In any 
case the result is that a large amount of volcanic activity occurs 
at those latitudes. It is theorized that these forces are hyper-
dimensional in nature and cascade into three-dimensional reality 
resulting in volcanoes.

Mauna Loa Hawaii 19°, 28' N of equator 
Mauna Kea Hawaii 19°, 36' N of equator 
Mexico City Mexico 19°, 23' N of equator 
Dzibalchen Mexico 19°, 28' N of equator 
Georgetown Grand Cayman 19°, 18' N of equator 
Mount Emi Koussi Chad 19°, 47' N of equator 
Mount Kalsubai India 19°, 33' N of equator 
Xiangkhoang Laos 19°, 17' N of equator 
Potosi Bolivia 19°, 13' S of equator 
Yasur, Tanna Island Vanuatu 19°, 31' S of equator 
Mount Samuel  Australia 19°, 13' S of equator 
Gweru Zimbabwe 19°, 31' S of equator 

Many of the sacred sites of ancient civilizations are also located 
at or very near to 19.47° North or South of the earth's equator 
including the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, Mexico (19°, 36' N 
of equator).

Further, volcanic activity is pronounced at 19.47° on other bodies 
in our solar system, including:

The Sun
    Sunspot activity and the region of peak temperatures is limited 
to 19.5° North and South. 
    The presumably active major volcano complexes Alpha and Beta 
Regio are near 19.5°. 
The vast Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5°.  
Jupiter The red spot is at 19.5°.  
Neptune In 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5°. 

Another synchronicity that occurs in DaVinci's drawing is that you 
can take the two-dimensional six-pointed 'Star of David' and if you 
interpret it as a view of a three-dimensional object it is a perfect 
dipyramid. The pyramids that were constructed by the Egyptians were 
not 3-sided tetrahedrons but were 4-sided pyramids, because they had 
a square base, plus four triangular sides. A dipyramid is simply two 
pyramids stuck together at their base.

If you rotate the dipyramid represented by the Star of David in 
DaVinci's drawing, by an amount equal to 36.26° (90° minus 19.47° 
divided by 2) the dipyramid will move into a perfect right-angle, 
two-dimensional view. The pyramids of Egypt were not quite perfect 
pyramids, as they were constructed slightly squatty. But even so, 
there is definitely a connection. Remember they are located at 19.5° 
North latitude!

   DaVinci Code II  
 -  Diagram 01 
-  Diagram 02 
-  Diagram 03 
-  Diagram 04 
-  Diagram 05 
-  Diagram 06 
-  Diagram 07 
-  Diagram 08 
-  Diagram 09 

Back • Next

Diagram 01: This is the Star of David, which is a perfect six-
pointed star, or two interlocking equilateral triangles. See the 
first article entitled The DaVinci Code in order to understand how 
this six-pointed star was constructed.

The ayahuasca journeys unfold reality into an extraordinary fractal 
mathematical representation. There is such a vast amount of 
information that is encoded into us already; it is simply a matter 
of unlocking the brain in order to perceive it. Somehow there is a 
connection between the dimensions of the human body to the earth; to 
the location of volcanoes; to the location of sacred sites; and to 
even to the pyramids themselves.

Incredible! To review, you have a perfect six-pointed Star of David 
in DaVinci's drawing, which can be extended into a three-dimensional 
star tetrahedron, unfolding a story about unknown hyper-dimensional 
physical forces occurring at 19.47° North and South. The two-
dimensional Star of David can also be represented as a three-
dimensional dipyramid, that when rotated by 35.26° which happens to 
be a mathematical factor of 19.47°, will return back to a two-
dimensional representation of a dipyramid. Half of the dipyramid is 
a perfect equilateral pyramid. 

The divine nature of man is hidden inside of reality itself, and the 
true nature of reality is hidden within humans. In our modern world 
we have developed myopia to such a degree, that we have collectively 
distorted our perception of where we really are and who we really 
are. But, many are making the journey back. A journey of 

© Ralph Miller 2004 

-- In, "carlosaveline" 
<carlosaveline@...> wrote:
> Dear Mark,
> Thanks for the interesting suggestion. 
> Yes, there is a strong effort being made against the 'phenomenon' 
> Da Vinci Code. 
> The films on Harry Potter provoked a similar reaction, but much 
weaker, in Latin American Roman Catholics.
> This book/movie, though, seems to come directly to challenge some 
central dogmas of Roman "Churchianity" (to use HPB's word), and both 
its strength and the conservative reaction it triggers seem to be 
greater than the one Harry Potter's books have caused. 
> I haven't read the book yet. Judging by what I heard and read 
about it, 
> a central part of its merit may be  -- to popularize a COURAGE to 
question the "authorized version" Christian myth. 
> Best regards,  Carlos. 
> Cópia:
> Data:Sat, 13 May 2006 20:34:16 -0300
> Assunto:Re: Theos-World Daniel Against Da Vinci?
> > I submit a site for your consideration,
> >
> > 
> > I have not read the book, so I am just providing this as-is.
> > 
> > -Mark H.
> > 
> > On Sat, 13 May 2006 15:06:54 -0300, carlosaveline 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Daniel,
> > >
> > >
> > > I wonder why you do not answer to this message fom Sufilight. 
See below.
> > >
> > >
> > > Carlos.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Cópia:
> > >
> > > Data:Fri, 12 May 2006 22:37:08 +0200
> > >
> > > Assunto:Re: Theos-World Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci 
Code: A 
> > > Historian Reveals What We Really Know
> > >
> > >> Hallo all,
> > >>
> > >> My views are:
> > >>
> > >> Who bribe the scholars?
> > >> Are the "Jesuits" on the loose again at
> > >> ?
> > >>
> > >> Nobody says, that the scholars understand to provoke the 
> > >> experience in people.
> > >> They often provoke the rest of wisdom and spread a nightmare 
> > >> intellectual
> > >> narrowmindeness.
> > >>
> > >> What is important is the fact, that the book by Dan Brown is 
putting its
> > >> fingers
> > >> at the fake and ugly truth about the "Jesuits" and the 
Vatican. Using 
> > >> Opus
> > >> Dei as a tool
> > >> is of secondary importance.
> > >> The fact that the book contains faults when viewed from a 
> > >> and
> > >> non-scholary
> > >> point of view has of course to be taken into account.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> from
> > >> M. Sufilight with peace and love...
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> ----- Original Message -----
> > >> From: "danielhcaldwell"
> > >> To:
> > >> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 10:11 PM
> > >> Subject: Theos-World Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code: 
A Historian
> > >> Reveals What We Really Know
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> > Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code:
> > >> > A Historian Reveals What We Really Know
> > >> > about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Constantine
> > >> > by Bart D. Ehrman
> > >> >
> > >> > See:
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > Daniel
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> E-mail classificado pelo Identificador de Spam Inteligente 
> > >> Para alterar a categoria classificada, visite
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo E-mail Protegido Terra.
> > >> Scan engine: McAfee VirusScan / Atualizado em 12/05/2006 / 
> > >> 4.4.00/4761
> > >> Proteja o seu e-mail Terra:
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Mark S. Hamilton Jr.
> > waking.adept@...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > E-mail classificado pelo Identificador de Spam Inteligente Terra.
> > Para alterar a categoria classificada, visite
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> > 
> > Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo E-mail Protegido Terra.
> > Scan engine: McAfee VirusScan / Atualizado em 12/05/2006 / 
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