To Daniel & Dennis on "Idiotic Heads"
May 11, 2006 07:24 AM
by carlosaveline
Daniel, Dennis, Friends,
H.P.B. says, about the minds of those to stick to the Coulmbs material:
“For the Russian spy theory, if it still finds credit in some idiotic heads, has long ago disappeared, at any rate from the official brains of the Anglo-Indians.”
Let’s take a look now at the broader context of her words:
“As for myself, who can charge me with having acted like an impostor? with having, for instance, taken one single pie from any living soul? With having ever asked for money, or even with having accepted it, notwithstanding that I was repeatedly offered large sums! Those who, in spite of this, haven chosen to think otherwise, will have to explain what even my traducers of even the Padri class and the Psychical Research Society have been unable to explain to this day, viz., the motive for such a fraud. They will have to explain why, instead of taking and making money, I gave away to the Society every penny I earned by writing for the papers, why at the same time I nearly killed myself with overwork and incessant labour year after year, until my health gave way, so that but for my Master’s repeated help, I should have died long ago from the effects of such voluntary hard labour. For the Russian spy theory, if it still finds credit in some idiotic heads, has long ago disappeared, at any rate from the official brains of the Anglo-Indians.” (1)
Best regards, Carlos Cardoso Aveline
(1) “Why I Do Not Return To India”, H.P. Blavatsky, published in “Collected Writings”, TPH, volume XII, 1980, pp. 161-162. Also “Theosophy”, a monthly magazine, Los Angeles, USA, May 1947, pp. 295-296. .
Data:Wed, 10 May 2006 16:09:39 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Delvers after Truth & "Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky"
> Delvers after Truth & "Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky"
> -----------------------------------------------
> ". . . . none but the logician, the investigator, the dauntless
> explorer should meddle with books like this. Such delvers
> after truth have the courage of their opinions." H.P. Blavatsky,
> -----------------------------------------------
> In regards to Carlos Aveline's comments about the accounts by
> Coulomb and Hodgson in my book, "The Esoteric World of Madame
> Blavatsky," I firmly believe that readers should see what the
> charges against HPB actually were, ESPECIALLY since many of the
> other accounts by "friendly" witnesses in my book refer to these
> charges, and even make comments about the charges, etc.
> I saw no good reason to hide the "negative" accounts from readers.
> One might conclude from his various comments that Mr. Aveline
> doesn't want readers to read these accounts for themselves and come
> to their own conclusions.
> Also by giving these accounts in my book, the reader can start to
> UNDERSTAND THE RELEVANCE of what the other witnesses say in their
> accounts. How can one understand the comments and the relevance of
> the comments of the "friendly" witnesses if one does not know what
> the "unfriendly" charges are?
> Furthermore, I was motivated to include them in light of what Madame
> Blavatsky once wrote:
> "...Contrast alone can enable us to appreciate things at their
> right value; and unless a judge compares notes and hears both sides
> he can hardly come to a correct decision." (H.P. Blavatsky, The
> Theoso-phist, July, 1881, p. 218.)
> I wanted the reader to be able to compare notes and hear both sides.
> What is wrong with that?
> Doesn't Mr. Aveline want readers to do their own comparing of notes,
> etc.?
> And the editorial notes in my book do call the reader's attention to
> the conflicting testimony and even to the falsity of the charges
> against HPB.
> Here are some of the editorial notes to the readers:
> p. 185: "Her phenomena and the reality of her teachers were both
> controversial matters, eliciting both believing acceptance
> (sometimes with independent confirmation) and skeptical rejection,
> as the following selections will illustrate."
> p. 205 "Emma Coulomb later claimed that she collaborated with HPB at
> Adyar, as she had earlier in Bombay, in producing false phenomena,
> however her descriptions of what she did are not consistent with the
> observations of others, who witnessed the phenomena, both Indian and
> Westerners, as some of the following selections demonstrate."
> p. 263: "Meanwhile, a vicious attack on Blavatsky by two of her
> staff members at Adyar, Alexis and Emma Coulomb, was rapidly
> building up. . . . She wished to sue the couple, already dismissed
> from Adyar for their gross libel concerning her supposedly
> fraudulent production of psychic phenomena. . . . "
> p. 264: "The Coulomb attack, as was later evident, had no solid
> foundation whatsoever. It was based on forged and partially forged
> letters, purporting to have been written by H. P. Blavatsky, with
> instructions to arrange fraudulent psychic phenomena of various
> kinds."
> p. 264: "In 1963, Adlai Watermam refuted Hodgson's contentions
> against Madame Blavatsky. . . .Another refutation of some of
> Hodgson's charges against HPB is Vernon Harrison's
> article, "J'Accuse: An Examination of the Hodgson Report of 1885,"
> published in The Journal of the Society for Psychical Research,
> London, April 1986, pp. 286-310. . . .)
> p. 406: "In May 1884, the Coulomb couple were expelled from the
> Theosophical Society for theft, attempted extortion and
> slander. . . . "
> Furthermore, I specifically selected the material by Coulomb and
> Hodgson to put in JUXTAPOSITION with other accounts which show that
> what they (Coulomb and Hodgson) say about, for example, the
> appearances of the Masters, must surely be off the mark, to say the
> least or as I believe. . . wrong . . . false.
> If anything, the accounts by the above "enemies" of HPB found next
> to other accounts will make the reader . . . THINK . . . about the
> charges and their validity.
> And if they are perceptive at all, readers should (at the very
> least) conclude that the Coulomb/Hodgson charges should not be taken
> at face value WITHOUT carefully considering other material which is
> ALSO found in the book or what can be found in greater detail in the
> Waterman and Harrison books.
> Some of the thoughtful readers of my book may actually dig deeper
> and try to determine for themselves what really happened....Maybe
> one of those readers may one day write a comprehensive and
> definitive biography of HPB.
> Let me end this posting with the same quote I gave at the
> beginning. This quote is certainly one of my favorites quotes from
> H.P. Blavatsky:
> ". . . . none but the logician, the investigator, the dauntless
> explorer should meddle with books like this. Such delvers after
> truth have the courage of their opinions." ISIS UNVEILED, VOLUME II,
> Preface.
> For more about my book, see:
> Daniel
> Blavatsky Study Center
> Yahoo! Groups Links
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