Did Soloviof Get Payed?
May 08, 2006 07:40 AM
by carlosaveline
Thanks for your question.
I have commented on Soloviof being a "source" of historical documents...
On the other hand, you did not defend his "authenticity" yet.
One more thing -- do you think Soloviof got payed by the Vatican, or he just worked as a generous volunteer?
What do your sources say?
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Mon, 08 May 2006 14:27:04 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World So Carlos, did H.P.B. write this letter to Solovyoff or is it a forgery?
> So Carlos,
> In your opinion, did H.P.B. write this letter to Solovyoff or
> is it a forgery??
> See letter at:
> http://blavatskyarchives.com/blavatskymyconfession.htm
> Daniel
> http://hpb.cc
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