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HPB, Astrophysics & Fred Hoyle

May 07, 2006 07:51 AM
by carlosaveline

Dear Chan,

You quote:

"We propose a cosmological model in which the universe undergoes an 
 endless sequence of cosmic epochs that begin with a "bang" and end 
 in a "crunch."

Yes, this is pretty much present-day Astronomy, and totally "Secret Doctrine". 

I would add that Fred Hoyle, an important 20 th century Physicist  who did NOT accept the current "Big-Bang" theory, also wrote many things similar to those of HPB's "Secret Doctrine".  

Fred Hoyle quoted ancient Greeks and Hindus -- to say that the Universe is consciously directed 'from within outwards', etc. 

I should bring here something about that. 

Best regards,   

Carlos Cardoso Aveline.


Data:Sat, 06 May 2006 17:42:25 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World The "Cyclic Model of the Universe" and Blavatsky

> Dear friends, 
> "We propose a cosmological model in which the universe undergoes an 
> endless sequence of cosmic epochs that begin with a "bang" and end 
> in a "crunch." Temperature and density at the transition remain 
> finite. Instead of having an inflationary epoch, each cycle includes 
> a period of slow accelerated expansion (as recently observed) 
> followed by contraction that produces the homogeneity, flatness, and 
> energy needed to begin the next cycle". (1)
> "Manvantara implying here... a period of activity, as opposed to 
> Pralaya...".(2)
> "THE DAYS AND NIGHTS OF BRAHMA. THIS is the name given to the 
> Periods called MANVANTARA (Manuantara, or between the Manus) and 
> PRALAYA (Dissolution); one referring to the active periods of the 
> Universe, the other to its times of relative and complete rest—
> according to whether they occur at the end of a "Day," or an "Age" 
> (a life) of Brahmâ".(3)
> "Modern science is our best ally".(4)
> (1) Steinhardt PJ, Neil T. A Cyclic Model of the Universe. Science 
> 2006, 5572 (296), 1436-9. [Abstract]
> (2) Blavatsky HP. Mahâ Manyantara. Theosophical Glossary, 200p.
> (3) Blavatsky HP. Secret Doctrine. I, 2, VII, 368p.
> (4) The Mahatma Letters. Letter no. 65.
> Best regards,
> Chan, from Brazil.
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