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HPB's Conference in Ukraine

May 03, 2006 06:03 AM
by carlosaveline

Dear Konstantin, Dear Friends, 

Thanks a lot.

This is a very important work (see below). 

Let us know of any new developments.

I will try to get in touch although I can't go there  this year. 

Best regards,   Carlos.


Data:Tue, 02 May 2006 10:55:39 -0000

Assunto:[Spam] Theos-World Conference in Ukraine dedicated to HPB's 175th anniversary

> Ñharitable foundation «Centre of H.P.Blavatsky»
> Dear friends!
> We invite you to participate in the Forum devoted to
> 175th-anniversary of the birth of H.P. Blavatsky
> hold from September 7 to September 10, 2006 in Dniepropetrovsk 
> (Ukraine)
> In Dniepropetrovsk, at home of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, from 1991 
> the efforts are underway to create the Museum Center devoted to H.P. 
> Blavatsky and her family in Fadeyev's House located at Leningradskaya 
> Str. 11. The way for realization of the project turned out to be long 
> and difficult. It took 14 years of the work to obtain essential 
> result: in December 2004 the memorial house, where H.P. Blavatsky was 
> born and that for twenty years (from 1815 to 1834) belonged to the 
> family of her grandfather À.Ì.Faddeyev, was signed away to the 
> Historical Museum named after D.I. Yavornitskiy by resolution of 
> Cabinet Council of the Ukraine of Dniepropetrovsk regional Council 
> and regional state Administration. 
> The stage of legal implementation and scientific justification of the 
> project referred to the Museum Center of H.P. Blavatsky and her 
> family is completed. The time has come to give the status of 
> international project, to unite all interested persons and to promote 
> the activity of social council that presents various associations, 
> groups and movements. 
> We are looking for the friends, who are ready to confirm their will 
> to participate in project implementation. We consider the unification 
> of like-minded persons around the idea of Museum Center is the most 
> important problem now and in subsequent years. 
> Within the framework of the Forum we plan to discuss some subjects of 
> especial importance. 
> The first subject is in need of immediate decision and participation 
> of all interested persons. What is meant here is the Fadeyev's 
> House, were Blavatsky was born, and where the Museum Center of H.P. 
> Blavatsky and her family is creating; the fate of this Center is 
> under the threat now. 
> Conceptualization and discussion in wide circles of scientific 
> conception of the Museum Center in all aspects of the activity 
> (museum, scientific center, library) is the vital issue of the 
> Forum. 
> Conceptualization of the legacy of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in ÕÕ 
> and ÕÕI centuries is the task of especial importance. Works of H.P. 
> Blavatsky synthesize scientific, philosophical and religious 
> experiences and correspond to current state of integral world outlook 
> that integrates various spheres of spiritual culture of the mankind. 
> The study that has been presented to the world by our great 
> compatriot has determining value in formation of new worldview of the 
> mankind at the modern stage of evolutionary development. 
> Your participation in the Forum will enable to attract attention of 
> the world public to the problems of the Museum Center devoted to 
> H.P.Blavatsky and her family, to work out variable solutions of the 
> Museum Center creation, development of the concepts of the teachings 
> of Light Bringer and determination of their significance for 
> spiritual renewal of the humanity. 
> Participation in the work of the forum supposes:
> - Possibility to present report at the plenary meeting (up to 5 
> printed pages),
> - Participation in the course of round-table conference,
> - Possibility to speak with statements (1-2 pages),
> - Participation in cultural & educational program. 
> In accordance with results of the Forum we are going to publish the 
> thesis collection. 
> Requirements for execution of the materials of the Forum:
> size – up to 2 pages; format À 4; point size 12; line space – single; 
> type – Times New Poman in Word text editor (6.0 or newer); margins – 
> 30 mm. Surname and name of the author is in upper right corner; 
> below, in 2 line spacing, in center in capital letters is the name of 
> the report. Attributions and quotations should be in square brackets 
> (first figure is the number in the list of references, second one is 
> the page number: [1,77] ). List of references is in the end 
> (according to priority). 
> You are kindly required to submit applications and thesis for 
> participation in the Forum till 15.05.2006 at address of the Steering 
> committee in writing or in electronic format: 
> Ukraine, 49000, Dniepropetrovsk, 64, K.Marksa av., The Museum Center 
> of H.P.Blavatsky and her family; e-mail:
> Steering committee reserves the right of selection of report and 
> formation of the Program of the Forum. Participants of the Forum are 
> required to inform the Steering committee of necessity of hardware 
> provision for illustration of the speech. Participation in the Forum 
> is possible in capacity of the listener (without speeches and 
> reports).
> Registration fee for participation in the Forum makes 10 USD.
> Food and lodging is on account of the Participants of the Forum.
> Organizers render assistance to the Participants of the Forum in food 
> and lodging.
> Steering committee asks to buy the return tickets in advance. 
> Organizational committee of the Forum:
> Shabanova Julia – the head of the sub-faculty of philosophy; F.T.S.; 
> b.t. +380 562 470211, f.ò.+380 562 478050;
> Golovchenko Tatiana – chairman of The Union of theosophists «Sofiya»; 
> F.T.S.; tel.+380 562 463239, e-mail:
> Alivanceva Helena – chairman of CF «Centre of H.P.Blavatsky»; 
> tel.+380 56 7780100, 
> e-mail: 
> of the participant of International Forum,
> devoted to 175th-anniversary of the birth of H.P.Blavatsky
> Surname_____________________________________________________________
> Name_______________________________________________________________
> Patronymic name______________________________________________________
> Place of employment___________________________________________________
> Place of studies 
> _______________________________________________________
> Position_____________________________________________________________
> Scholastic degree and academic 
> rank______________________________________
> Social organization or religious society that you represent 
> _____________________
> Contact address 
> _______________________________________________________
> Contact telephone 
> _____________________________________________________
> e-mail ______________________________________________________________
> Subject of the talk 
> ____________________________________________________
> Form of participation in the Forum (to underline):
> Report at the plenary meeting
> Report in the course of round-table conference
> Participation as the listener 
> Need for accommodation:
> 1. No
> 2. Yes (to underline)
> in dormitory accommodation
> in hotel
> in private residence
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