Alleged Letter from H.P. Blavatsky to Emma Coulomb
Apr 30, 2006 11:30 PM
by danielhcaldwell
Should the following letter be published in a
or should it be totally excluded/removed from this future
My dear Mme. Coulomb,
Last night, Sunday, I wanted to show my friends a phenomenon and
sent a cigarette tied up with my hair to be placed opposite Watson's
hotel in the coat-of-arms (under the Prince of Wales' statue) under
the horn of the Unicorn. Captain Maitland had himself chosen the
town and named the place. He spent 13 Rs. for a telegram to Police-
Commissioner Grant, his brother-in-law. The latter went the moment
he received it and—found NOTHING. It is a dead failure but I do not
believe it, for I saw it there clearly at 3 in the morning. I am
sorry for it for Captain Maitland is a Theosophist and spent money
over it. They want to tear the cigarette paper in two and keep one
half. And I will choose the same places with the exception of the
Prince's statue for our enemies might watch and see the cigarette
fall and destroy it. I enclose an envelope with a cigarette paper in
it. I will drop another half of a cigarette behind the Queen's head
where I dropped my hair the same day or Saturday. Is the hair still
there? and a cigarette still under the cover? Oh Dio Dio! What a
pity . . . .
Your faithfully,
H. P. B.
(Note on the flyleaf) Make a half cigarette of this. Take care of
the edges.
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