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Carlos "Not Guilty"

Apr 28, 2006 09:46 AM
by carlosaveline

Dear Friends,

Do I use thoughts and words similar to those of Leadbeater?

Well, if Leadbeater uses some words and ideas similar to those of the Esoteric Philosophy, that's no my fault. 

I plead "Not Guilty", then, to the acusations below. 

Best regards,  Carlos.


Data:Fri, 28 Apr 2006 00:35:41 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Carlos uses the Same kind of argument as defenders of Leadbeater, etc.??

> Carlos uses the Same kind of argument as defenders of Leadbeater, 
> etc.?? 
> In previous years in discussing
> historical events and various teachings
> with students/defenders of Besant, Leadbeater,
> Bailey, Prophet, etc., I have noticed a
> recurring "theme" or "tactic" used by these individuals.
> When you cite various historical records
> that conflict with their assertions, or you
> cite certain teachings given by HPB that
> conflict with the individuals
> listed above, invariably the "defenders" will bring
> forth in one way or the other arguments quite
> similar if not identical to those used by Carlos.
> Defenders of Besant, Leadbeater, Bailey
> and Prophet caution us not to depend or
> rely too much (or at all!) on outer historical records, they
> say not to depend on the "intellect" and
> the "dead letter" of HPB's words but rather on the "intuition"
> (the "heart"), the meaning beyond the words.
> In other words, when either historical records concerning
> early Theosophical history and HPB
> or actual teachings of HPB conflict with their
> versions of reality, they try to deemphasize
> the actual history, the actual teachings by
> "going vague". If you can make the historical events or
> teachings vague enough or "fuzzy" enough or of no
> consequence then there are really no contradictions,
> no conflicting claims, no differing teachings.
> I find it most interesting that Carlos employs the
> same kind of argument and tactic.
> Quite interesting.
> Daniel
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