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Re: Theos-World T. Subba Row and H.P. Blavatsky

Apr 26, 2006 02:20 AM
by ramanujachary n.c.

can anyone cite a statement direct from T Subba Row to
the effect Masters have disowned her and her teaching
is no longer valid or authentic?
Dr Ramanujachary

--- danielhcaldwell <> wrote:

> In a letter dated Sept. 14, 1888, H.P. Blavatsky
> wrote
> the following to the American Theosophist John
> Ransom Bridge:
> "For the past 12 years I have been imparting, & 
> transmitting esoteric teachings without enacting 
> any pledge or imposing conditions to several — more 
> or less known individuals among others — a few
> Hindus. 
> Since the explosion of the infamous Hodgson &
> Coulomb 
> conspiracy against me some of my ex-pupils
> ill-grounded 
> in the theosophical spirit, have, for various
> reasons 
> deserted me, after posing for chelas. The latter
> attitude 
> they would not abandon, however. 
> "Hence since that time, they have been giving out 
> travestied versions of the esoteric philosophy,
> composed 
> of one part of truths, & three parts misconceptions
> & 
> conceit. Thus great confusion, & contradictory
> statements 
> have been made in print, all of which have been
> pitched 
> back upon my unfortunate head. 
> "Not only that, but with the idea of making
> themselves 
> more important they have pretended that my occult 
> knowledge had faded away during my illness; that
> even 
> Masters have turned away from me to them, & that I
> was 
> now the prey of Elementals & half-fledged chelas! 
> "Many, however, wish me to continue my instructions.
> But 
> I am not willing to do so, save under restrictions
> shown 
> by experience to be necessary. I am determined not
> to permit 
> any longer the Master's names to be desecrated &
> dragged 
> in the mire of idiotic criticism." 
> Quoted from:
> Concerning Mme. Blavatsky's above statement that
> reads:
> "...they have pretended that my occult knowledge had
> faded 
> away during my illness; that even Masters have
> turned away 
> from me to them, & that I was now the prey of
> Elementals & 
> half-fledged chelas! !"
> compare what Mahatma Koot Hoomi had written to
> Colonel
> Henry S. Olcott just three weeks BEFORE the above
> was
> penned:
> [August 22, 1888]
> "...we employ agents -- the best available. Of these
> for the past 
> thirty years the chief has been the personality
> known as H. P. B. to 
> the world (but otherwise to us). Imperfect and very
> troublesome, no 
> doubt, she proves to some, nevertheless, there is no
> likelihood of 
> our finding a better one for years to come -- and
> your theosophists 
> should be made to understand it....
> "...Her fidelity to our work being constant, and her
> sufferings 
> having come upon her thro' it, neither I nor either
> of my Brother 
> associates will desert or supplant her....
> "...this you must tell to all: -- With occult
> matters she has 
> everything to do. We have not abandoned her; she is
> not 'given over 
> to chelas.' She is our direct agent....
> "I have also noted, your thoughts about the 'Secret
> Doctrine.' Be 
> assured that what she has not annotated from
> scientific and other 
> works, we have given or suggested to her. Every
> mistake or erroneous 
> notion, corrected and explained by her from the
> works of other 
> theosophists was corrected by me, or under my
> instruction. . . . 
> K.H."
> Quoted from: Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom,
> First Series, 
> Letter 19, 5th edition. 
> Who were the persons claiming that the Masters had
> abandoned H.P. 
> Blavatsky and that she "was given over to chelas"?
> One person was probably A.P. Sinnett. But it would
> appear that T. 
> Subba Row was also making this claim.
> In a letter dated June 5, 1888 to W.Q. Judge, Madame
> Blavatsky wrote:
> "My dear Judge 
> ...Subba Row, Cooper-Oakley N. Cook have resigned
> from the T.S. & 
> left Adyar. . . . 
> You know that S.R. [Subba Row] claimed for the two
> past years to be 
> in communication with my Master....!!! ...[Subba
> Row] showed 
> Sanskrit letters from Him (no handwriting no
> indiscrete calligraphy
> — in Sanskrit!) to himself, & translated them to
> C.O. [Alfred
> Cooper-Oakley] The letters were to the effect that
> he S.R. had to 
> reform the Society, & hinted that I, HPB had been
> given up by the 
> Masters!! C.O. who has chosen S.R. for his guru, who
> worships him as 
> does N. Cook believes in him explicitly. 
> "What are the 'Muslin & bladder Mahatmas' of the
> Coulombs compared 
> to such doings!! Bus, bus — I must say nothing,
> however much I may
> be disgusted. But, as the ranks thin around us, &
> one after the 
> other our best intellectual Forces depart to turn
> bitter enemies
> — I say — Blessed are the pure hearted who have only
> intuition for intuition is better than
> intellect...."
> Quoted from:
> And in another letter dated July 12, 1888 to N.D.K.
> Khandalavala, 
> Madame Blavatsky gives more details:
> "Mrs. C.O. [Isabel Cooper-Oakley, wife of Alfred
> Cooper-Oakley] said 
> to the Countess [Wachtmeister] several times that
> her 'Alf' [Alfred 
> Cooper-Oakley] is constantly receiving through S.R.
> [Subba Row] 
> letters from the Master, my Master!! One of such
> letters (a copy) 
> she showed and read to the Countess, to prove to her
> that she and 
> S.R. and C.O. and Cook all believed in the Masters. 
> "Now I know that my Master (whom they called Mahatma
> Morya) has 
> never since I left Adyar written on single line to
> anyone at Adyar, 
> or Madras, or India, except a few words once to
> H.S.O. [Henry S. 
> Olcott]. I have Master's assurance to this effect. .
> . . surely 
> something must be rotten 'in the state of Denmark.'
> This is private 
> and confidential, and meant for you alone. You can
> ask Countess if 
> you like...."
> Even the Mahatma Koot Hoomi in his July 1888
> communication to H.P. 
> Blavatsky concerning Henry S. Olcott refers to
> Alfred Cooper-Oakley 
> and T. Subba Row and mentions the claim being
> circulated at that 
> time that the "'Masters' are in direct
> correspondence and 
> communication with C.O. [Alfred Cooper-Oakley] –
> their TRUE
> delegate BEING NOW at Madras – S.R [Subba Row]...."
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