Theosophists start with....
Apr 25, 2006 05:41 PM
by carlosaveline
I see a tendency to a creative synthesis in this and other recent emails.
Themes like meditation and direct change in consciousness can provide a
new climate around here.
Data:Tue, 25 Apr 2006 23:15:08 +0200
Assunto:Theos-World Theosophists start with this aspect when trying to clear up the confusion
> Hallo all,
> My views are:
> Thanks to Bruce on his friendly remarks on my latest email here at Theos-talk.
> The next stage is then to understand the following:
> The article "The Wisdom of Sufic Humor" is an interview of Idries Shah, and was divided into four emails.
> Part 1
> Part 2
> Part 3
> Part 4
> Especially the following is interesting to relate to some of the recent emails here at Theos-talk.
> At least I find it interesting.
> A few slightly rewritten excerpts:
> "Since most people's spiritual life is really their
> emotional-psychological-social life renamed, Theosophists (or Sufis) start with this aspect
> when trying to clear up the confusion that is the usual condition of most
> people's minds."
> "Instead of presenting a body of thought in which one must believe
> certain things and reject others, Theosophists (or Sufis) try to provoke the experience in a
> person. Why provoke or develop experience instead of teaching dogmatic
> principles or processes? The Theosophists (or Sufis) assert that knowledge comes before
> ritual. Rituals may become outworn, may not function as intended when
> practiced by communities for which they were not designed. If rituals and
> practices are, as Theosophists (or Sufis) believe them to be, specially developed psychological
> methods, only those who have the knowledge that lies behind them can confirm
> whether historically notable ones are still functional. Hence priority is
> given to knowledge and understanding over feeling or belief."
> A few comments on this:
> So too much value given to promoting the impression of western academic lectures to beginners
> as an important path, -a value which are so prevalent in various Theosophical groups and offshoots,
> - might prove to be problematic and not helpful. Provoking an experince in the Seeker, as the Sufis often do
> might be a better solution.
> And the same goes on meditation. Meditation has its stages. In the beginning it is very good, and
> calms the seeker. But one aught not to be addicted to it in a manner, which makes one useless to
> the Masters and ParaBrahman on the physical plane or other planes. Meditation and the amount of it aught
> to be adapted to time, place, people and circumstances. It aught not to be adapted to ritualistic schedule
> at all costs. Meditate not too much and not too little, not too deep and not too soft...etc...Life is like art, a living art!
> There has been written a lot of good stuff on meditation in the theosophical literature, but meditaiton will alone not make
> you into a Dhyan Chohan. More is required. Altrusim and service on all the seven planes have to be taken into
> account every moment in life. Service on the physical plane is really also important. Meditations at the computers keyboard
> is not the only theosophical activity on this planet, and aught not to be given too much importance.
> Well, just af few views.
> from
> M. Sufilight with peace and love...
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