Apr 23, 2006 07:31 AM
by carlosaveline
Dear Eldon,
Thanks for sharing that with us.
Healthy guidelines.
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Sat, 22 Apr 2006 11:22:21 -0700
> Friends,
> Following is the message that goes to new subscribers of theos-talk when
> they first join the list. The message has changed over the years, so some of
> the long-term subscribers may not be familiar with the current version. It's
> important for participants in the list to read and be familiar with it since
> it sets the ground rules for participation in theos-talk.
> -- Eldon Tucker
> ---- copy of message follows ----
> You are now a subscriber to the theos-talk theosophical mailing
> list.
> Initially, your membership to the mailing list is moderated. You
> can lurk and read messages as long as you want.
> When you are first ready to participate, we would like you to
> write an introductory message about yourself to the list.
> Shortly after that message and your first few regular postings to
> the list, you will likely be removed from moderation and free to
> post directly to the list.
> (The purpose of the initial moderation is to make sure that new
> subscribers wanting to post messages on the list introduce
> themselves and that their initial postings show they have some
> interest in theosophical discussions and are not solely
> interested in totally unrelated materials. We also want to
> insure that new participants are not solely out to rhetorically
> beat up everyone in sight because they hate the subject of
> Theosophy and want to lash out at anyone caring to explore it.)
> This is not intended to be a role playing site. It is expected
> that people posting to the list sign their emails or use the same
> penname consistently, regardless of the email address used in the
> posting. Pretending to be multiple different people is not
> allowed and cause for removal.
> Participants are expected to treat each other respectfully, even
> when strongly disagreeing on important ideas and issues.
> Materials posted should have some connection to the theosophical
> philosophy, or otherwise be of general interest to others on the
> list. Large volumes of materials that should really belong on
> lists dedicated to other topics should not be dumped on the list.
> There is no right answer to any particular question. But there
> is a right way to ask the question and other ways that can be so
> objectionable that uproar created upstages the discussion and
> only harm is caused.
> If you have any question about how things are running, or
> complaints to make about other list members, do so directly to
> the list owner: Don't post the
> complaints directly unless you are very sure that the other
> person will not be offended.
> Theosophy is a grand subject and it is a privilege to share a
> place with friends and other fellow students of its philosophy.
> Please help make sure this place is a welcome home for sincere
> and deep inquiry by everyone from all different backgrounds.
> Finally, note that any decision make by the listowner is final,
> and not subject to further debate. If a decision is made, for
> instance, that a particular tread of discussion has gone far
> enough and should end, you should move on to talking about other
> things.
> Thanks again for joining us and happy philosophizing!
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