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LMW's quotation

Apr 22, 2006 08:51 AM
by carlosaveline


I have all of the LMW in my computer, unfortunately in Portuguese language only.  In English, only in paper. 

Sorry. Let me know if you have any specificquestion to be answered. 



Data:Sat, 22 Apr 2006 16:27:24 +0200

Assunto:[Spam] Re: Theos-World T. Subba Row and H.P. Blavatsky

> Daniel Caldwell wrote:
> "Even the Mahatma Koot Hoomi in his July 1888 communication to H.P.
> Blavatsky concerning Henry S. Olcott refers to Alfred Cooper-Oakley
> and T. Subba Row and mentions the claim being circulated at that
> time that the "'Masters' are in direct correspondence and
> communication with C.O. [Alfred Cooper-Oakley] - their TRUE
> delegate BEING NOW at Madras - S.R [Subba Row]...."
> Quoted from: Letters from the Masters of Wisdom, First Series,
> Letter 47. Caps added."
> M. Sufilight:
> Since I and others never have read this letter and its content.
> Would anyone please to tell us where to read it online or provide a copy of 
> this letter???
> from
> M. Sufilight with peace and love...
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "danielhcaldwell" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 7:10 AM
> Subject: Theos-World T. Subba Row and H.P. Blavatsky
> In a letter dated Sept. 14, 1888, H.P. Blavatsky wrote
> the following to the American Theosophist John Ransom Bridge:
> "For the past 12 years I have been imparting, &
> transmitting esoteric teachings without enacting
> any pledge or imposing conditions to several - more
> or less known individuals among others - a few Hindus.
> Since the explosion of the infamous Hodgson & Coulomb
> conspiracy against me some of my ex-pupils ill-grounded
> in the theosophical spirit, have, for various reasons
> deserted me, after posing for chelas. The latter attitude
> they would not abandon, however.
> "Hence since that time, they have been giving out
> travestied versions of the esoteric philosophy, composed
> of one part of truths, & three parts misconceptions &
> conceit. Thus great confusion, & contradictory statements
> have been made in print, all of which have been pitched
> back upon my unfortunate head.
> "Not only that, but with the idea of making themselves
> more important they have pretended that my occult
> knowledge had faded away during my illness; that even
> Masters have turned away from me to them, & that I was
> now the prey of Elementals & half-fledged chelas!
> "Many, however, wish me to continue my instructions. But
> I am not willing to do so, save under restrictions shown
> by experience to be necessary. I am determined not to permit
> any longer the Master's names to be desecrated & dragged
> in the mire of idiotic criticism."
> Quoted from:
> Concerning Mme. Blavatsky's above statement that reads:
> "...they have pretended that my occult knowledge had faded
> away during my illness; that even Masters have turned away
> from me to them, & that I was now the prey of Elementals &
> half-fledged chelas! !"
> compare what Mahatma Koot Hoomi had written to Colonel
> Henry S. Olcott just three weeks BEFORE the above was
> penned:
> [August 22, 1888]
> "...we employ agents -- the best available. Of these for the past
> thirty years the chief has been the personality known as H. P. B. to
> the world (but otherwise to us). Imperfect and very troublesome, no
> doubt, she proves to some, nevertheless, there is no likelihood of
> our finding a better one for years to come -- and your theosophists
> should be made to understand it....
> "...Her fidelity to our work being constant, and her sufferings
> having come upon her thro' it, neither I nor either of my Brother
> associates will desert or supplant her....
> "...this you must tell to all: -- With occult matters she has
> everything to do. We have not abandoned her; she is not 'given over
> to chelas.' She is our direct agent....
> "I have also noted, your thoughts about the 'Secret Doctrine.' Be
> assured that what she has not annotated from scientific and other
> works, we have given or suggested to her. Every mistake or erroneous
> notion, corrected and explained by her from the works of other
> theosophists was corrected by me, or under my instruction. . . .
> K.H."
> Quoted from: Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, First Series,
> Letter 19, 5th edition.
> Who were the persons claiming that the Masters had abandoned H.P.
> Blavatsky and that she "was given over to chelas"?
> One person was probably A.P. Sinnett. But it would appear that T.
> Subba Row was also making this claim.
> In a letter dated June 5, 1888 to W.Q. Judge, Madame Blavatsky wrote:
> "My dear Judge
> ...Subba Row, Cooper-Oakley N. Cook have resigned from the T.S. &
> left Adyar. . . .
> You know that S.R. [Subba Row] claimed for the two past years to be
> in communication with my Master....!!! ...[Subba Row] showed
> Sanskrit letters from Him (no handwriting no indiscrete calligraphy
> - in Sanskrit!) to himself, & translated them to C.O. [Alfred
> Cooper-Oakley] The letters were to the effect that he S.R. had to
> reform the Society, & hinted that I, HPB had been given up by the
> Masters!! C.O. who has chosen S.R. for his guru, who worships him as
> does N. Cook believes in him explicitly.
> "What are the 'Muslin & bladder Mahatmas' of the Coulombs compared
> to such doings!! Bus, bus - I must say nothing, however much I may
> be disgusted. But, as the ranks thin around us, & one after the
> other our best intellectual Forces depart to turn bitter enemies
> - I say - Blessed are the pure hearted who have only
> intuition for intuition is better than intellect...."
> Quoted from:
> And in another letter dated July 12, 1888 to N.D.K. Khandalavala,
> Madame Blavatsky gives more details:
> "Mrs. C.O. [Isabel Cooper-Oakley, wife of Alfred Cooper-Oakley] said
> to the Countess [Wachtmeister] several times that her 'Alf' [Alfred
> Cooper-Oakley] is constantly receiving through S.R. [Subba Row]
> letters from the Master, my Master!! One of such letters (a copy)
> she showed and read to the Countess, to prove to her that she and
> S.R. and C.O. and Cook all believed in the Masters.
> "Now I know that my Master (whom they called Mahatma Morya) has
> never since I left Adyar written on single line to anyone at Adyar,
> or Madras, or India, except a few words once to H.S.O. [Henry S.
> Olcott]. I have Master's assurance to this effect. . . . surely
> something must be rotten 'in the state of Denmark.' This is private
> and confidential, and meant for you alone. You can ask Countess if
> you like...."
> Even the Mahatma Koot Hoomi in his July 1888 communication to H.P.
> Blavatsky concerning Henry S. Olcott refers to Alfred Cooper-Oakley
> and T. Subba Row and mentions the claim being circulated at that
> time that the "'Masters' are in direct correspondence and
> communication with C.O. [Alfred Cooper-Oakley] - their TRUE
> delegate BEING NOW at Madras - S.R [Subba Row]...."
> Quoted from: Letters from the Masters of Wisdom, First Series,
> Letter 47. Caps added.
> In light of all the above, one can start to understand why Mahatma
> Koot Hoomi wrote to Colonel Olcott the following:
> [August 22, 1888]
> "...we employ agents -- the best available. Of these for the past
> thirty years the chief has been the personality known as H. P. B. to
> the world (but otherwise to us). Imperfect and very troublesome, no
> doubt, she proves to some, nevertheless, there is no likelihood of
> our finding a better one for years to come -- and your theosophists
> should be made to understand it....
> ...Her fidelity to our work being constant, and her sufferings
> having come upon her thro' it, neither I nor either of my Brother
> associates will desert or supplant her....
> ...this you must tell to all: -- With occult matters she has
> everything to do. We have not abandoned her; she is not 'given over
> to chelas.' She is our direct agent....
> Daniel H. Caldwell
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