Re: What does a disinformation artist do?
Apr 18, 2006 03:55 PM
by Vincent
Is there necessarily always a fine line between knowing that
something is true versus knowing that it is untrue? I believe that
it is extremely common for people to insert 'halftruths' into a
greater body of truth (99% truth and 1% falsity). In fact, I
generally expect this to happen whenever people open their mouths in
virtually any context. Oftentimes we make incorrect statements
(more frequently than we realize), and we only catch them, if
someone else ventures to scrutinize them. Even though we may have
formerly felt confident about the truth of an issue, we actually may
find ourselves a bit confused about it when challenged concerning
it's veracity.
In this context, I find that it is infinitely more constructive to
challenge the veracity of a particular statement made, versus
leveling indictments against a person's character, insofar as
leveling indictments is inherently devisive all on it's own. If
afterward they still assert that an item is true after it has been
proven false, then, and only then, will I call them a liar. But
beyond that specific scenario, I will just consider them to be
confused on an issue, making unverified statements, as we all do at
--- In, "robert_b_macd"
<robert.b.macdonald@...> wrote:
> It seems that this moral debate can be looked at in terms of the
> of disinformation. Correct me if I am wrong, but do not those
> in disinformation present as much of the truth as they can while at
> the same time slipping in misinformation because it is more likely
> be taken as truth when surrounded by other truths? If you want
> enemies to believe x, then take a body of truths Y and slip in your
> disinformation. This is simple and straight forward.
> What does it mean then when a member of your own team behaves in
> way? Certainly intent is important. If you introduce x into Y
> because you think it is true then that seems forgiveable. But what
> does it mean when you say that you believe x to be a lie and you
> introduce it anyway? What does that mean? How does this clarify
> It is not important to have everyone believe x, but if enough do
> you have, inadvertantly or not, sown the seeds of division among a
> group. It is not surprising that those interested in defending the
> group want to stop this type of behavior regardless of why it is
> conducted. It is also understandable why those who do not identify
> with the group find this behavior unproblematic. As individualists
> they will believe what they want. I only hope that the
> can bite their tongue and allow those moved by duty to defend the
> Movement.
> Sincerely,
> Bruce
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