Sun worship, dragon and serpent
Apr 17, 2006 11:34 PM
by Kathy
When one speaks of Luciferian worship, the very idea comes as both a
shock and an enigma for most people. Many people, especially
Christians, find it very hard to believe that someone would worship
Lucifer, the fallen angel, or Satan. Even non-religious people in our
culture find Luciferian worship hard to swallow. Their attitude is
primarily shaped by the fact that we live in a largely Judeo-Christian
culture where Lucifer is anathema or an abomination being directly
opposed to God.
Most students of the Bible and Christian ministers do not understand
the philosophy or the rationale for the worship of Lucifer because
they have a superficial understanding of ancient religious history and
a total lack of understanding of the purpose of Elohim.
What is the intent of this article?
To understand the worship of Lucifer today and the rationale behind
it, an investigation of the ancient pagan religions' worship of
serpents and dragons must be undertaken. This worship existed before
the formation of Israel. Obtaining knowledge of the pagan beliefs
gives an understanding of the Luciferian argument that Lucifer is not
evil and points out their lack of understanding of the purpose of
Elohim. From this investigation it will be shown that Elohim created
Israel to be the light for the Gentile nations because they were
walking in darkness spiritually.
Israel's purpose at first was to bring light to the pagans concerning
the one Elohim (or true God) and then finally, the Messiah would come
to bring light unto the world (Jn. 8:12). Thus, there are two
mysteries in operation, namely, the Mystery of Iniquity and the
Mystery of Righteousness both functioning through time, which began in
the realm of eternity (Rom. 16:25; 2 Thess. 2:7).
These are some of the questions that this article will address.
Did pagans have a notion of Lucifer?
How did the pagans perceive evil?
How was the pagan perception of evil different from that of the
Israelites, the Messiah, and the Apostles?
What meaning did the serpent, the dragon, and the sun have in pagan
This article will not look at the aspect of Lucifer being the "light
bearer" and/or "energy", due to space and the desire to remain focused
on the topic. However, this article will center on the ancient
culture's worship of the serpent, the dragon, and the sun and will
show that they were worshipped in ignorance. In fact, the spirits
deceived the pagans into this false worship. Those that worship
Lucifer today use the historical worship of Lucifer as a
rationalization for their worship, which shows their gross
misunderstanding of the matter.
Was Lucifer always personified?
Today worshippers of Lucifer feel that he has received a "bum rap"
from Christians and Jews who personify him as evil. One of the most
quoted authorities on the subject is H. P. Blavatsky, who was the
founder of the Theosophical Society. Quoting from her book Secret
Doctrine (Theosophical Press), she explains the various ancient
culture views and philosophy of evil. She writes: "Antiquity knew of
no isolated, thoroughly and absolute bad "god of evil." Pagan thought
represented good and evil as twin brothers born of the same
mother—Nature…In the beginning the symbols of Good and Evil were mere
abstraction Light and Darkness. This led to the primal [original]
twins, Osiris-Typhon, Ormazd-Ahriman, and finally Cain-Abel…(Vol. 1,
p. 412); …."
>From this statement Good and Evil are believed to be co-equal and
consider twins. She further states that ancient philosophy
"…recognizing neither Good or Evil as a fundamental or independent
power, but starting from the Absolute All (universal Perfection
eternally), …(Vol. 1; p.73)."
She goes on to say that to "…every people except the Christian
nations, the Devil is to this day no worse an entity than the
opposites aspect in the dual nature of the so-called Creator. One
cannot claim God as the synthesis of the whole universe, as
Omnipresent and Omniscient and Infinite, and then divorce him from
evil. As there is far more evil than good in the world, it follows on
logical grounds that either God must include evil, or stand as the
direct cause of it, or else surrender his claims to absoluteness. ……
Indeed evil is but the antagonizing blind force in nature; it is
reaction, oppositions and contrast —evil for some, good for others
(Vol. 1; p. 413)."
H. P. Blavatsky states the following about the Christian
interpretation of evil. "It was left with the early and ignorant
Christian fathers to degrade the philosophical and highly scientific
idea of this emblem (the Dragon) into absurd superstition called the
"Devil." They took if from the Zoroastrian [Persian], who saw the
devils or the Evil in the Hindu Devas, and the word Evil thus became
by double transmutation D'Evil in every tongue (Diabolos, Diable,
Diavolo, Teufeel)." From the above quotes one can began to understand
the basis of evil in the ancient cultures.
Have many cultures worshipped serpents and dragons?
Historically, Luciferians point to the fact that the great ancient
civilizations worshipped serpents and dragons for thousand of years,
along with the sun, before Moses and the prophets wrote the Old Testament.
Quoting the book Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky, it states that
worship of the dragon and the sun were universal on the earthplane.
"The tradition of the Dragon and the Sun is echoed in every part of
the world.…There was a time when the four parts of the world were
covered with the temples sacred to the Sun and the Dragon: but the
cult is now preserved mostly in China and the Buddhist countries (p.
378-9, V. II)." The dragon, however, is not the middle age concept of
a beast with wings breathing fire, but is, in reality, a snake.
The Gentiles at that time did not consider the beasts that they
worshipped evil, but were the symbols of wisdom, salvation and eternal
life. In essence, the worshipers of Lucifer feel that Christendom has
gotten the story backwards. The fallacy of this argument is that the
Gentile nations attributed all the qualities of Elohim to beasts.
Hence, to the ancient peoples the serpent became the embodiment of
wisdom and life, and through their cultural view was not inherently evil.
Do people worship Lucifer today?
Primarily many powerful secret societies, such as the Freemasons and
other organizations, continue the worship of Lucifer today in the
western Christian culture . In most cases Lucifer worship is hidden
from the public to avoid their adverse reaction. Here are a few quotes
from the writings of the Freemasons that illustrate their belief in a
"Light" or "Light-bearer", and that "Light" is Lucifer. However, this
mystery is revealed only to the masons of the 30th degree and above.
Albert Pike wrote in his classic book Morals and Dogma (The Supreme
Council of the Southern Jurisdictions, A. A. S. R., USA), which is
mandatory reading for all masons of certain degrees, the following.:
`LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the
spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the morning! Is It he who
bears the Light. ... ? Doubt it not (p. 321)!"
It should be noted that many of the world elitists that believe in the
New World Order are Luciferian. In fact most of the world leaders for
the last two thousand years believed in various forms of magic and the
occult. Christianity was just a front for these people, but you will
not find this fact in your history books or lessons taught in school.
The book The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard (Destiny Books ©1989)
said that "…many of the famous historical personalities of the last
2,000 years, including statesmen, politicians, religious leaders and
royalty, were actively involved in the occult, mysticism and magical
practices. In addition it will show that many of the major historical
events of the period have a hidden significance which can only be
explained in terms of an occult conspiracy. The revealing of this
conspiracy is integral to any true understanding of world history and
the development of Western civilization because of its wide-ranging
and far-reaching influence."
Did the devil trick the Gentiles?
The great Mystery is that the Gentile nations were seduced into
believing that they were intercoursing with Gods or righteous angels
(Spirits) of Elohim, but in reality they were communing with fallen
angels (or evil spirits). This occurred according to the purpose of
Elohim. Darkness was allowed to reign first, then afterward the light
was manifest to over throw it. This pattern ties in beautifully with
the account in Genesis that states there was darkness that covered the
face of the earth first, before Elohim brought about the light (Gn.
The worship of the Dragon, Serpents, and the Sun are as old as time
and can be traced throughout pagan history. It began at Babylon,
continued in Egypt, and was a part of many great nations, i.e.-
Persia, Egypt, Greece, and the Incas in the Americas, to name a few.
What is the Biblical perspective of Lucifer as the serpent and dragon?
One of the most important points that must be understood in the
beginning of this investigation is that there are events in history
that forever change the way one perceives and performs things. For
example, inventions such as the airplane, automobile, radio, TV,
printing press, and computer, forever changed travel and communication.
Likewise, the Law of Yahweh given to Moses, the Israelites led by
Yahweh, and the coming of Yahshua the Messiah and His Apostles led by
the Holy Spirit, forever changed the way mankind viewed their Heavenly
Father. These Elohim initiated changes brought an increase in
mankind's understanding of their creator.
Under the pagan system all types of idols were worshipped. The
predominant form of worship was toward the Sun, the serpent, and the
Dragon. All the attributes of Yahweh were attributed to these idols.
Elohim revealed to Israel that He was the only Creator and there was
no other God (Deu. 6:4; Isa 42:8). This revelation established
monotheism among mankind by demonstrating Elohim's power through His
people Israel, via the miraculous overthrowing of Egypt.
The death of Pharaoh, his son, and his city changed the dominant pagan
mindset of the period.
Did the pagans think serpents and dragons symbolized evil?
The pagans in the most advanced nations, like Egypt and Babylon, did
not perceive serpents and dragons as evil, especially as they were
portrayed in the Torah (First five books of the Old Testament by
Moses) and later in the prophets. Moses was the first person to
describe the Archangel Lucifer as the "serpent."
He wrote the book of Genesis as the result of a vision he had atop Mt.
Sinai, "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field,
which the LORD God had made. … (Gen. 3:1)" Clearly, Moses associated
the serpent with Lucifer or the Devil (a fallen angel), created by
Elohim ( the Word or Son), as was the rest of the angelic creation.
Isaiah, the prophet, first used the word "Lucifer" in describing the
King of Babylon. He wrote, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O
Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations (Isa. 14:12)!" [It should be noted that
the word "Lucifer" does not appear in most versions of the Bible, only
in the King James Version and the Living Bible. Other versions called
him Light bearer, morning star, etc.]
Now the word "dragon" was also associated with a man, for Ezekiel the
prophet wrote that Yahweh described the king of Egypt as a "dragon."
He wrote: "Speak, and say, Thus saith Yahweh Elohim; Behold, I am
against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in
the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I
have made it for myself (Ezek 29:3)." [ Note: The "dragon" of the
ancient world was a "serpent" as the book Secret Doctrine point out.]
Now in the book of Revelation from the King James Version of the
Bible, the Apostle John confirmed Moses' vision, for he associated an
angel with the dragon and the serpent, which was the result of the
vision he received on the Isle of Patmos in AD 96. He wrote: "And the
great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and
Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: …(Rev 12:9)."
The point being made here is that in the Hebrew scriptures Lucifer was
identified as the cause of the rebellion in heaven and the evil in the
earth plane. He is symbolically described as the dragon, the serpent,
and the Son of the Morning. This was contrary to the belief system of
this pagan era, because for them the Dragon and Serpent were
universally worshiped as signs of wisdom. This will be further drawn
out later in this article.
Did the Gentiles worship serpents and dragons?
Ancient idols throughout the world and the ancient writings of these
civilizations furnish irrefutable proof that they worshipped the
dragon, serpents, and the sun. These idols were universally worshipped
as symbols of wisdom.
In her book H. P. Blavatsky Isis Unveiled (Theosophical Press) she
writes the following concerning serpent worship of antiquity. "From
the remotest antiquity the serpent was held by every people in the
greatest veneration, as the embodiment of Divine wisdom and the symbol
of spirit, …" She goes on to say that the Egyptian god Thoth or Hermes
were the first to attribute a spiritual quality to serpents. "…Hermes
or Thoth who was the first to regard the serpent as "the most
spirit-like of all the reptiles"; … (Vol. II, p. 489)."
She goes on to say that in her research in antiquity it is unclear as
to why man worshiped the serpent. "The student of mythology knows that
certain ideas were associated by the peoples of antiquity with the
serpent, and that it was the favorite symbol of particular deities;
but why that animal rather than any other was chosen for the purpose
is yet uncertain (Vol. II, p. 489)."
The book The Two Babylons (Loizeaux Brothers) by Rev. Alexander Hislop
confirmed that the Egyptian deity Thoth was the source of serpent
worship and it was used in various sacred rites. He quotes an ancient
Phoenician writer who was alive during the time of Joshua. "Thoth
first attributed something of the divine nature to the serpent and the
serpent tribe, in which he was followed by the Phoenicians and
Egyptians. For this animal was esteemed by him to be the most
spiritual of all the reptiles, and of a FIERY nature, inasmuch as it
exhibits an incredible celerity, moving by its spirit, without either
hands or feet. Moreover, it is long-lived, and has the quality of
RENEWING ITS YOUTH as. Thoth has laid down in the sacred books; upon
which accounts this animal was introduced in the sacred rites and
Mysteries (p. 227)."
Did the symbol of the serpent represent the sun in paganism?
The book The Two Babylons stated that the worship of the serpent was
always universally associated with the sun. Quoting Rev. A. Hislop:
"Along with the sun, as the great fire-god, and, in due time,
identified with him, was the serpent worshipped. … In the mythology of
the primitive world… the serpent is universally the symbol of the sun.
"In Egypt, one of the commonest symbols of the sun, or sun-god, is a
disc with a serpent around it (p. 227)."
Rev. A. Hislop goes on to show how the ancients associated the snake
with the sun. "The original reason of that identification seems just
to have been that, as the sun was the great enlightener of the
physical world, so the serpent was held to have been the great
enlightener of the spiritual, by giving mankind the "knowledge of good
and evil." (p. 227)"
Were the original inhabitants of the Americas serpent worshippers?
The earth is full of monuments built to serpents. For example, most
Americans are startled to discover that the indigenous inhabitants of
the New World, the American Indians, were serpent worshippers. There
are numerous serpent mounds and carved stones of snakes throughout the
Bill Still in his book New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret
Societies shows that America was called initially "The Land of the
Plumed Serpents" by the Indians of Peru. James Pyrse researched an
article written in the Theosophical Society magazine entitled Lucifer,
which gave insight into the word "America."
James Pyrse says that the chief god of the Mayan Indians in Central
America was Quettzalcoatl. In Peru this god was called Amaru and the
territory known as Amaruca. Now he states: "Amaruca is literally
translated "Land of the Plumed Serpents (p. 45)." He claims that the
name of America was derived from Amaruca, instead of after the
explorer Amerigo Vespucci. This further proves that serpent worship
was common throughout all cultures.
Other famous worshippers of sacred snakes were the Druids, and in
India, the hooded cobra snake was worshipped.
Are there other meanings and usage for the serpent?
In the Gentile cultures there were many other symbolic meanings and
purposes for the serpent. Here are some examples:
In Egypt both the priests and the Pharaoh wore the Uraeus, which were
coiled serpents upon their forehead (See Diagram). Also sacred
serpents were preserved in the temples of Egypt.
The serpent was used to describe creation. In Isis Unveiled, H.P.
Blavatsky makes this significant statement concerning the origin of
serpent worship: Before our globe [earth] became egg-shaped or round
it was a long tail of cosmic dusts or fire-mist, moving and writhing
like a serpent. This, say the explanation, was the Spirit of God
moving on the chaos until its breath had incubated cosmic matter and
make it assume the annular [forming a ring or circle] shape of a
serpent with its tail in its mouth-emblem of eternity in its spiritual
and of our world in its physical sense (Vol. 1; p. 74)." Note: the
bracket was added for clarification but are not apart of the quote.
A serpent is wound around the staff of Hermes - the emblem of the
medical profession
Serpents were used to symbolize salvation.
Electricity is symbolized as a serpent because of its serpentine
motion when passing between two negative and positive poles.
Serpents were used to denote reincarnation.
Did Israel worship serpents?
Israel was not immune from serpent worship although the first
commandment forbade them from worshipping idols. After Israel came out
of Egypt and began their journey in the Wilderness, they began to
complain and murmur against Moses and Yahweh.
As the result of this behavior Yahweh sent fiery serpents to bite
Israel for their transgressions and many died (Num. 21:8-9). Yahweh
sent these serpents to bite His people to show them that it was the
invisible presence of evil spirits that were causing their rebellious
Yahweh told Moses to make a brazen serpent and place it on a pole.
Yahweh further instructed those who had received the serpents' bites
to look upon the serpent on the pole and thereby be healed. Later,
instead of learning that Satan, symbolized as the serpent, initially
caused strife, Israel made this brazen serpent on the pole (2 Kgs.
18:4) an object of worship. Israel was always mimicking the Gentile
form of worship.
The Messiah explained the symbolism of this brazen serpent and
revealed that it had nothing to do with the Gentile's views of the
serpent. Yahshua said: "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the
wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life (Jn. 3:14-15)."
The Messiah correlated the brazen serpent that was lifted up in the
Wilderness, which healed those that were bitten, with Him (the
Messiah) being lifted up after His death and Resurrection, which
healed those that believed on Him.
What were the Messiah's views toward the serpent?
Now Yahshua the Messiah in His ministry acknowledged that the serpent
symbolically represents wisdom, which confirms the Gentiles' belief.
He said: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves.
Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Mt. 10:16)." In
this context Yahshua is referring to the fallen angels or evil spirits.
Nowhere in His ministry did the Messiah tell His disciples or Israel
to adorn themselves with snakes as the Gentiles did. In fact, the
Messiah confirmed Moses and the rest of the prophets by stating that
serpents symbolized, in reality, the fallen angels. The Messiah sent
out the seventy disciples with the power of the Holy Spirit to
minister unto Israel and preach the gospel. They returned with a
testimony saying "… Master (Lord), even the devils are subject unto us
through thy name Lk 10:17)."
Now the Messiah replied unto them saying: "I beheld Satan as lightning
fall from heaven (Lk 10:18)." He said to the 70 disciples: "Behold, I
give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all
the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Lk
In another context the Messiah used the word "serpent" to refer to men
that were possessed by them (serpents-evil spirits), and under their
influence. He called the religious heads of Israel "serpents." He
said: "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers,… (Mt 23:33)." These men
were under the influence of evil spirits for they opposed everything
that He did.
Before His ascension into heaven He told His disciples that they would
be able to take up deadly serpents and not be harmed by them. This was
an allegory that meant they would be able to handle men (not physical
snakes) that were seduced by these evil spirits, teaching their
poisonous doctrine (Mk. 16:17-18).
Never during His ministry did the Messiah tell the disciples or Israel
to worship the serpents. Yahshua, being the light of the world, knew
in reality that the Gentiles did not know what they worshipped.
What is the Book of Revelation's view of serpents?
In the book of Revelation, which was written by the Apostle John, in
A.D. 96, which was after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, all
references to serpents are placed in the context of evil. The serpent
was used in John's vision to symbolize Lucifer, Satan and the fallen
Here are the following verses
So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the
Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the
earth, and his angels were cast out with him (Rev. 12:9 NKJV).
But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might
fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a
time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent (Rev.
12:14. NKJV).
So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the
woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood (Rev
12:15. NKJV).
He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and
Satan, and bound him for a thousand years (Rev. 20:2; NKJV).
For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails
are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm (Rev. 9:19
The reader should understand that serpent worship was established
thousands of years before the formation of Israel as a nation, and
before the writing of the Book of Genesis. The people of this era did
not know what they worshipped, for the fallen angels deceived men into
worshipping creatures as if they were the Elohim of the creation.
Most of mankind was polytheistic. They worshipped many gods, such as
the serpent, the dragon, and the sun, before Yahweh-Elohim gave the
law to Moses and Israel, which began the period of monotheism, the
belief in one God. In ignorance the people worshipped these idols and
attributed to them all the spiritual qualities, such as Wisdom,
Eternal Life, Savior, etc., which in reality belong to Yahweh and His
Son. For this reason, Yahweh told Israel that He would not give His
glory to graven idols (Isa. 42:8).
The Apostle Paul said the following about this Gentile form of
worship. "Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the
glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible
man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. Therefore
God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to
dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God
for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the
Creator, who is blessed forever (Rom. 1:22-26)."
Finally, this article shows that those who are worshipping Lucifer
today are more deceived than the original serpent worshippers. The
ancient cultures were ignorant and did not have the scriptures of
Israel nor was the Holy Spirit poured out in the hearts and minds of
men. With the death of the Messiah and the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit there is no excuse for being deceived for all one has to do is
ask the Holy Spirit to reveal this mystery (Rom.16:28).
One must remember that there were angels that worshipped Lucifer in
heaven and refused to repent. Likewise, in the earthplane there are
humans that worship Lucifer and refuse to repent. This was Elohim's
purpose so that the Mystery of Iniquity may be manifested. The Apostle
Paul described the situation as follows: "For the mystery of iniquity
doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken
out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord
shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the
brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working
of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders (2 Thess 2:7-9),"
Blavatsky, H.P., Secret Doctrine (Theosophical Press)
Blavatsky, H.P., Isis Unveiled (Theosophical Press)
Hislop, Rev. Alexander, The Two Babylons (Loizeaux Brothers)
King James Version of the Bible
Howard, Michael, The Occult Conspiracy (Destiny Books © 1989)
Still, William, New World Order (Huntington House Inc. © 1990)
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