Theosophy Beyond Phenomena
Apr 17, 2006 10:34 AM
by carlosaveline
Dear Friends,
Theosophy is much more than phenomena.
Trying to put the Coulombs in the center of the theosophical scenario by publicizing their slanders and then discussing them in a "maybe-yes, maybe-not" position does not help Theosophy.
The Coulombs, as Vsevolod Soloviof, are no acceptable sources of historical information, as no forgers (or internet trollers) can be.
Best regards, Carlos.
Data:Mon, 17 Apr 2006 16:32:45 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World The Testimony of Coulomb & Hodgson Concerning the Appearances of the Mahatmas
> The Testimony of Emma Coulomb & Richard Hodgson
> Concerning the Appearances of the Mahatmas
> Here is this testimony firsthand:
> and below is a link to an article I wrote about
> those testimonies:
> Paranormal Features of Some of the Appearances of the Mahatmas
> Daniel
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