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Theosophy and Pseudo-Theosophy

Apr 17, 2006 08:06 AM
by carlosaveline


Everything that is authentic has its false counterparts, its lifeless shells, its cheap imitations.

Every important movement has its Trojan Horses, too.  (Judas, in the New Testament, is a nice metaphor for that ). 

The Theosophical Movement is far from being an exception, and I would not call C. W. Leadbeater's and Annie Besant's "esoteric" work by the name of "neotheosophy".  It is  only pseudo-theosophy.  Why is that? 

In a comparative view, we see that neopythagoreanism,  neostoicism, neoplatonism, etc., are all authentic movements and innerly consistent with the original teachings.  

As C. W. Leadbeater's ritualistic views and fancies about Masters are entirely false, even though they are presented as "Theosophy", they must be recognized as "pseudo-theosophical" and not as "neotheosophical".  

Everything which is not authentic goes into oblivion, sooner or later,  and CWL's books, once popular, are now being gradually abandoned, while H. P. Blavatsky's books are more and more widely read,  in more countries. 

But then -- we also have to deal with Trojan Horses inside the community of people who study H. P. B.  There is no problem with that. 

It is part of life. It's all too human. It is cyclic.  

Fortunately, Saturn in Leo is NOT a good time to false things or persons, and we have Saturn in Leo now.  In the next few years, we will se more authenticity.  

Best regards,  Carlos.


Data:Sun, 16 Apr 2006 16:04:18 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Is There Such A Thing as Pseudo-Theosophy?

> Is There Such A Thing as Pseudo-Theosophy?
> Since H.P. Blavatsky's death in 1891, numerous individuals have 
> claimed contact with her Masters, stating that they were 
> new "messengers" conveying further esoteric teachings. 
> The end result has been a confusing morass of claims, counterclaims 
> and various contradictory and conflicting teachings
> Read more about this subject:
> • The Fountain Source of Modern Theosophy
> • Various Theosophical Traditions & New Students of Theosophy 
> • Claims of Latter-Day Messengers of the Masters
> • On Pseudo-Theosophy & Pseudo-Adepts
> • Psychic versus Initiate Visions & Knowledge
> • Theosophical Claims After H.P.B.'s Death
> Daniel
> Blavatsky Study Center
> Yahoo! Groups Links
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