The JUDGE CASE by Ernest E. Pelletier: Part Three
Apr 11, 2006 11:00 AM
by danielhcaldwell
For example in Chapter 17, Pelletier states:
"...NONE of the reports published at the
time depict Judge's involvement at any
functions, ceremonies, writing or signing
any documents at headquarters after Sept. 21st,
1884....To show that Judge was NOT present at
Adyar headquarters after September 21st, 1884,
it is important to note....." Part I, p. 385 caps added
Similar statements are repeated elsewhere but
Pelletier apparently is NOT aware of the following
statement by the Rev. George Patterson:
"This morning [Sept. 27th, 1884], by previous arrangement with Dr.
Hartmann, I went to the Head quarters of the Theosophical Society,
Adyar, to examine the letters from Mme. Blavatsky to General Morgan,
which that gentleman had, at my request, sent to Madras for my
inspection. I was accompanied by Mr. J.D.B. Gribble (late M.C.S.)
the Rev. J.E. Padfield (C.M.S.), Masulipatam, and the Rev. A.
Alexander, of Madras. Dr. Hartmann, Mr. W. Q. Judge, Barrister-at-
Law, Mr. Subba Rao, B.A., B.L., and others met us...."
Quoted from:
This reprint of the Patterson letter has been on my website
for the last 3 or 4 years.
Just this morning I found what appears to be an important
misstatement in Pelletier's book concerning the Exhibit A letter
which I will consider in a later posting.
Daniel H. Caldwell
Blavatsky Study Center
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