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To Marie: Thanks for you concern; my mother is passing away

Mar 30, 2006 07:38 AM
by Vincent

You wrote:

"Yes, many people live there. In order to reside at Olcott, you 
first of all have to be a vegetarian. You have to be willing to work 
for less than fair market value if you do live and work there. And 
you have to be a dedicated worker for dedicated that 
you are willing to give up your life  for the work. They would like 
you to be Damodar really."

Hhmm, sounds interesting.  I'm mostly vegetarian myself.  
Unfortunately, it's hard for me to fully dedicate my energies to an 
organization right now.  So I go casually.

I have normally practiced living alone, but I recently had to move 
out of my own place to take care of my mother.  The doctors say she 
has only a few months left, but I'm trying to keep her alive as long 
as I can.  She is less knowledgeable on health matters than I, and 
needs monitoring.

"As to the other questions you asked, I am not willing to go into 
my  concerns for you any further. The mother in me came out AGAIN. 
Do as you wish, practice as you wish. And forgive my intrusive 
concerns for your welfare.  Good luck with your goals."

I appreciate your concerns.  That's very compassionate and noble on 
your part.  I just find myself in a reverse position right now with 
my own mother, wherein I'm taking care of her.  She would have 
passed away in just a month or two ago, if I hadn't moved in with 
her again.  After she is gone, I will just remain living at her 



--- In, MarieMAJ41@... wrote:
> Vince, you asked:
> "When you reference that you were saved from yourself just in 
> do  you mean that you had a bad experience there somehow?  You 
> considered  living there for a time, but didn't.  Are there people 
> that actually  live there?  It seems like a big mansion."
> Yes, many people live there. In order to reside at Olcott, you 
first of all  
> have to be a vegetarian. You have to be willing to work for less 
than fair  
> market value if you do live and work there. And you have to be a 
> worker for dedicated that you are willing to give 
up your life  for 
> the work. They would like you to be Damodar really.
> As to the other questions you asked, I am not willing to go into 
my  concerns 
> for you any further. The mother in me came out AGAIN. Do as you 
> practice as you wish. And forgive my intrusive concerns for your  
welfare.  Good 
> luck with your goals.
> Marie
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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